
Calling in sick

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Last time I jumped was Sunday, I'm feeling a little ill from lack of adrenaline... Who else has called in sick to jump? Plus I think the Golden Knights are still practicing at my DZ, didn't get any pics last time :)
Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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My work ethics prevent me from doing that ... I'm a crazy, yet responsible individual.

I did skip work early one Friday afternoon (the day before I got injured) - although I didn't get to the DZ until 2:30pm, I had five awesome jumps that afternoon ... one of my best skydiving days ever :)

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My work ethics prevent me from doing that ... I'm a crazy, yet responsible individual.

I did skip work early one Friday afternoon (the day before I got injured) - although I didn't get to the DZ until 2:30pm, I had five awesome jumps that afternoon ... one of my best skydiving days ever :)

after-work jumps are some of the bestest ever!
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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after-work jumps are some of the bestest ever!

+ 1 B|

It is sooooooo nice to drive to the DZ after work and end the day with a nice sunset load jump with your friends. :)

and the BEERS! dont you forget the BEERS!! BEERS are important!!!
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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we recently had a boogie at our dz (cessna dz, brought in an otter) and there was a guy who called in sick, then ended up with his pic on the front page of the local paper, bailing out of the otter.:D

"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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we recently had a boogie at our dz (cessna dz, brought in an otter) and there was a guy who called in sick, then ended up with his pic on the front page of the local paper, bailing out of the otter.:D


“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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we recently had a boogie at our dz (cessna dz, brought in an otter) and there was a guy who called in sick, then ended up with his pic on the front page of the local paper, bailing out of the otter.:D

Now thats some shit luck isnt it - haha

personally i have never called in sick since my father is the other half of the business owner besides me... I guess i could take off a day, but it would be my dumb luck that, that would be the day i get hurt... Ill keep it to cuttin out early on fridays and the weekends for now
"The Greatest Accomplishment in life is actually Living it"

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I haven't called in sick, but I have strategically made sales calls around the DZ so that I could hit the DZ after them and avoid rush hour traffic to get home.

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
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I'm afraid that the day I call in sick to go to the DZ all day is the day I would get hurt. How the hell would I explain that?? [:/]

My opinion about "calling in sick:" you shouldn't have to be sick, or PRETEND to be sick, to call in. We work damn hard for whoever it is we work for. The company has and administers a system that limits the amount of truancy a particular employee has. It varies from company to company but simply put: miss too much time and you're out. If I decide to take a "day off" I shouldn't have to degrade myself and whoever it is I'm talking to by pretending I'm sick; as long as I keep from missing too much time. I just call, and I say "hey, I'm not going to be coming in today."

And, for the record, this is ALSO the attitude I held when I was a department manager with thirty people reporting to me. The company gave me a system to use to track and control my team's absenteeism. I simply administered the system, never took it personally. Won't be in today? No problem, thanks for the call. But hey, call in too many times and, just as impersonally, your ass is on the street.

NOW, if FMLA or short- or long-term disability was involved, then there needed to be a genuine need with the requisite paperwork to prove it. But otherwise, for just a day here or there, just call and say you won't be in, don't give me an earache with all the fake coughing on the line.

Elvisio "them's the facts" Rodriguez

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Well, as luck would have it, I woke up in the morning with a sinus infection so no jumping :(

Now I have to wait until next weekend, unless I can skip out early one day next week.

Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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I'm self employed, so I don't call in, but I have to be careful that everything is running smoothly before I can bug out. Got a jump in Tuesday afternoon, as a matter of fact.B| Very nice when no one is there but me, one of our instructors, and the DZO.

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