
Sometimes We Forget How Cool This Really Is

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I've had a challenging spring.

A couple personal issues, very few jumps due to weather and scheduling (when I can jump the weather sucks, when the weather is nice I have to work), a little bit of conflict at the DZ (I'm the rigger and "good enough" isn't a substitute for "fixed correctly", especially with student gear).

So last night we did the first weekday evening of the season:)
Sitting in the plane, my jump partner looked at me and said "Sometimes I forget how cool this really is".

And I had to think:

A very nice evening - not too hot, and just a touch of breeze.
2 S/L students came back and did their second jumps. Their enthusiasm was really fun.
My mom came out with us and was enjoying both the pleasant evening and watching us jump.
We had the longer shadows for takeoff, so we had a good view of the "shadow plane"
There was a hot air balloon about 10 miles away, and I saw it right after takeoff while it was higher than us, so it was in the sky, lit up by the sun, not hiding against the ground.
We had a S/L student on board doing his first delay-fall jump. Again the enthusiasm (mixed with the fear) was really fun. There were 4 on board, the student and the instructor got out at 6, we went all the way up and did a 2way.

And I looked at my jump partner, who is also a very good friend, and thanked him for reminding me.:)
It was a very good evening. I got 2 jumps in that went very well, but more importantly I remembered why I do this.B|
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Great post! B|

Last year I was doing a big demo...we were taxiing out and a long time friend and I sat hanging 1/2 out the door of a DC-3...waving at the crowd.

The day was extraordinary beautiful, there were some WWII fighters following us and intermittently going 'smoke on' during the taxi, they would soon be circling our canopies.

The airshow crowd of spectators was just electric, waving at us with hands, hats & little flags.

The sights, the sounds, the smells...the whole thing just lit me up inside!

I looked to my demo jumping buddy of over 30 years, said, "This is REALLY fuckin' cool!"

He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder quietly acknowledging, "We're some lucky sumbitches huh!"

We do forget how cool some of the things we do really are...

~Sometimes the grind of life gets in the way, and we have to 'consciously' think about it, to remind ourselves.

~Sometimes the realization just engulfs all ya on it's own! B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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For me, being in the plane with Students always brought back the rush of those early years, and made it more fun!

Then there is the rush of Demo's, high tension, but complete relaxsation, knowing you can handle it!

Then the Rush of nationals or any compitions, looking at all the skill surrounding you, and relaising they picked you, to capture it!

Or the simple quiet of a solo..

Our world rocks on many levels!

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Sometimes when I'm under canopy I'll look down at the boats on the lakes below and think, "Those people think they're having fun."

They most probably are:)
Different stokes for different folks, that what makes skydiving special for a lot of us.

I occassionally dump out at about 6-8K on sunset loads and just chill with the view, Breath it all in and say yea this is pretty specialB|:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Sometimes when I'm under canopy I'll look down at the boats on the lakes below and think, "Those people think they're having fun."

in your case - can the people in the boats look up and say "look at that arse?"
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Sometimes when I'm under canopy I'll look down at the boats on the lakes below and think, "Those people think they're having fun."

in your case - can the people in the boats look up and say "look at that arse?"


Back of t-shirt... Most fun you can have with your cloths on!!

Front of t-shirt...
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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Sometimes when I'm under canopy I'll look down at the boats on the lakes below and think, "Those people think they're having fun."

in your case - can the people in the boats look up and say "look at that arse?"

Actually they're looking up wondering what that lever is for;)
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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Thanks for the reminder :)Having a tough week at work and just got on here to lurk for a minute....Seeing this thread and the replys so far reminded me of what is really important and how lucky I am to have found this sport.

You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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