
No, THIS is the REAL truth about women!

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We have boobies and a vagina

PROVE IT!!!! dont be chicken!

If you need me to prove that women have boobies and a vagina then what the hell have you been doing the last...er...ten years of your dating life?


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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How is it that slightly more than half of the worlds Population has an Unlimited supply of something, Yet they manage it in such a way that it is the most sought after commodity by the other half.
Men will do just about anything for it. Spend Ridiculous amounts of money to get it, Jump through just about any hoop, and say and do the most stupid things. All just so they can a little bit.

Absolutely Brilliant!!
Maybe I should have a Woman run my company.

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Frenchy is my husband still in one piece??? Julien didn't take advantage of him this morning did he???

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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Julien didn't take advantage of him this morning did he???

Made him squeal like a pig, then used your fanny floss on him.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Oh no my man has been used and abused...

Dirty fanny floss is just icky!!! :P

Did you at least keep my sperm in a jar sealed???

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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Did you at least keep my sperm in a jar sealed???

I had a quick sip before leaving this morning, so I could have that nice fresh morning breath.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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