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For those of you who've been following....I -finally- picked up a deterrent to my neighbor's cats. They keep shitting on my front lawn! (she has 20 cats, and now a dog...so the cat's don't poop in their own backyard anymore). B|

She's really a nice neighbor, but this cat problem just HAD to go.

So, broke down and bought the Scarecrow! Put it up just last evening.

It seems to be working, so far. However, I just got a laugh out of my -other- neighbor's reaction. Seems that he left for work, early this morning, and got the begeezus scared outta him when he went to get in his car! (he parks in front of my house) The sprinkler went off and he jumped almost across the street! He couldn't figure out what had happened, until he set it off again, this time with him looking. :D

Seems that it might keep other trespassers away, too. :ph34r:

Just thought I'd share....:)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Curious whether anyone has used any of the sprays out there (or concocted your own).

I just moved into a house with a few other people. The owner has a couple outside cats that roam the property, but are fed and aren't going anywhere. Sadly my section of the house has no windows that open, only a set of french doors. I would love to open up the doors and let some air in but if I take my eyes off the door for a minute I find a freakin cat inside. This wouldn't be the end of the world except that I'm absurdly allergic. Cat spends a minute lying on my couch and I have to get out the vacuum and furniture cleaner or I'll be puffing on my inhaler within the hour.

I would love to spray something at the entry way that would hopefully deter the cats from entering. I'm don't want to harm them, just make entering the house be a very unattractive option. I've seen commercial sprays and I've heard of people using an ammonia mixture.

What have you used? What worked? What didn't?

Unfortunately the path past my door is a main walkway used by everyone, so none of the motion activated stuff is suitable.
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Sorry to hear you're subjected to something so miserable. :^(

Here's my suggestions: (and not in any particular ranking)

1) Wash the cat! He'll be scared of you after that and stay FAR away from you (and he'll be clean, and less allergy producing for awhile).

2) Put in a kitty gate in front of your door (or do they only make those for dogs and children?).

3) Move?

4) Electronic sensor that makes an unpleasant sound to the cat's ears (but inaudible to you and the other guests of the house).

5) The solution that I really use is a mixture of vinegar and water to spray in areas I want to ward off my neighbor's cats. One of her tom cats used to pee on my new front door. It was disgusting! Nothing worked (including talking to my neighbor about it). Then I did a google search and found this solution. So far it's worked great! Have to clean up the area first, to get rid of the cat odor, but then on the clean area spray the solution every day. 2 years later, my front door is still dry. And no more vinegar spray needed anymore. (or did the tom cat die?) :D

As an aside: A book I'm reading about allergies suggests this: Alot of pets who spend time outdoors get into plants that have alot of pollen on them. The pet carries this indoors. The owner is allergic to the pollen . . . walla, they *think* they're allergic to the CAT! (might want to try washing the cat, 'eh?)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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