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cool, i can't sleep either... because of work xD

ditto, it's been months since a good... all night sleep[:/]

I slept like a LOG ... whoops sorry (Hope you get your property issue sorted really soon)

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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That graphic reminds me of those tests for color blindness. But I fail to see how the ability to discern the message in those dots has any relationship to sleep disorders. I get plenty of sleep and I can still read it just fine. So if this is supposed to be some kind of test to identify people who have insufficient sleep, then I think it fails.

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I slept like a LOG ... whoops sorry (Hope you get your property issue sorted really soon)
Glad you did ;)...

Property issue...bad, bad, bad !

We went up today to see just how bad.

It was worse then we could've imagined.

The dumb a$$, a$$ hole actually took out more than 1/2 the entire 2 acres, completely cleared. >:(

Fortunately the re-survey w/ postings throughout, was done this a.m, before we got there & gave clear evidence of the wrongdoing !

We had the County Sheriff's Dept. come out & take a look.

They were there 3 hours gathering photos,
videotaped both properties & measured & counted trunks & limb girths & dimensions...

one deputy saying it was the worst case like this, seen in his 17 years on the department.

It is estimated well over 200 fully grown & healthy trees ranging 20' -50' high were taken down :(

Also, too many new growth stubs, to even count.

They are recommending multiple felony charges due to guess'itmated costs of just the property damage & loss' alone .

The US. Forestry Dept. & DNR will also be involved because some of the trees 'harvested' were downed & fell across State ATV trails & natural wild life habitat...& just left :S

We're just sick about it !!!

It made for a very long & exhausting 1000+ mile round trip drive, today ...

as far as getting it worked out real soon...not thinking so :|

I do appreciate your thoughtful comment, though!

I hope you have another good night's sleep...rather not use the phrase: " like a log" ...
given our logging trauma :P;)

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That graphic reminds me of those tests for color blindness. But I fail to see how the ability to discern the message in those dots has any relationship to sleep disorders. I get plenty of sleep and I can still read it just fine. So if this is supposed to be some kind of test to identify people who have insufficient sleep, then I think it fails.

I think it is only for those who are up in the middle of the night, bored and willing to take (waste, use up, etc...) the 1/2 hour or longer to actually see the words. :P Obviously, whoever made this up was awake in the middle of the night. [:/]
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