
Darwin Strikes Again

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What an IDIOT! I'm sorry, but if you going to be dumb enough to dress up like big foot you gotta expect the possibility to be killed. Either by an excited hunter hoping to get the kill of the millennium, or in this guys case, being stupid enough to dress in camouflage and walk along the side of the road.

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What an IDIOT! I'm sorry, but if you going to be dumb enough to dress up like big foot you gotta expect the possibility to be killed. Either by an excited hunter hoping to get the kill of the millennium, or in this guys case, being stupid enough to dress in camouflage and walk along the side of the road.

The article I read said he "was standing in the right hand lane" of the highway. If there is a Bigfoot, and he's managed to stay undetected all these years, he is a hell of a lot smarter than this guy.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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Standing in the middle of a highway at night in a camouflage suit is asking to get hit by a car. The guy was obviously not a deep thinker. :|

My condolences to love ones left behind. [:/]

Includeing the 2 tean girls that ea ran over the dude. :(

Ask around at next yr's LP boogie, someone will probably know them from H.S.

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Standing in the middle of a highway at night in a camouflage suit is asking to get hit by a car.

But wouldn't you be like "hey there's a tree in my lane"?

Other than that, standing in the middle of the highway is almost always the idiot thing to do.

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I feel bad for the girls who hit him.

But man what a dumb ass!
Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely.

DPH# "-13"
TSK# "-13"

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I made a quick 911 call a few years ago travelling from kennewick to yakima, it was late at night and there was a guy sitting on the white line on the side of the road, I missed him by a foot or so, there were no cars and it was very dark plus I was overdriving my headlights a tad bit... wonder if they were related....

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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