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Well, I just need to vent! TGIF!! If it wasn't Friday I think I might go into terminal bitchosity. (yeah that is a real medical term, just ask all the whuffos who I have dealt with today!!) :o

I have had a just awful week. Here at work, the shelter has been packed to the brim with screaming children and abused women, and the crisis hotline has been ringing off the wall. At home, my whuffo roommate has been trying to convince me that skydiving is the root of all my problems (ROFLMAO!!!! hahahaha) and that I should lay off until "you get your shit together." I didn't know I lost my shit, but hey, I would rather SHE find my shit than me, 'cause that's gross! I was beginning to think all hope had faded for this low-time jumper whose weather forecast all week was for RAIN RAIN RAIN all weekend! Yikes! (again? damn its going to be green in a month or so) Anyway, then my good old buddy Bwilling sends me an instant message, saying, "You know your obsession? No, the OTHER one..." (I am thinking, which one? skydiving, sex or the weather?) I thought, must be the weather! So I checked it...and this is what I saw:

Sherman (Dallas) TX:
Sat 3-3-01 Partly Cloudy, wind 4 mph, high 62
Sun 3-4-01 Partly Cloudy, wind 8 mph, high 67
SIXTY SEVEN FREAKIN' DEGREES??!!! wooohoo!!!! low winds?? :D :)

So...guess what your freaksister is going to do this weekend???? Tell my rooomate to kiss my ass...and partake in the best stress-relieving activity I know of! hehe!! SKYDIVE!!!!!
The Sistah

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You go, Girl! I'm with ya on the TGIF thing... the whole family has been sick all week. Today was the first day the kids have been to school in a week... I'm at the station now, but I'm getting into the brewski the moment we are off the air!!!

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Hey Lisa, YOU BET! I would luvvvvv to do a sunset load for ya! If the weather stays as nice as they say, that should be the prettiest sunset load we "Yankee Texan Jumpers" (jumpers who live in the "northern" part of Texas where its cold and shitty all winter) have seen since September! LOL
I just have to get to the DZ safely and all will be well! Thanks guys! Have a great weekend everyone. Luv ya.
Blue Ones,

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you all should migrate to australia for a while 365 day a yr jumping cheap jumps (cause of our crap dollar hell cheap everything cause of our crap dollar yet all the luxeries u r used to oh yer and great drinks
oh yer and the wether is great :-p

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maybe we can slide a few in in the late afternoon, after the wind gusts hopefully.(sunday) I'm goin to the dz today anyhow though/. but I dont live 100 miles away-LOL- more like 10

Oh, just rub it in why don't you. :)If I just have time to squeeze in a couple of jumps I'll head up to Rome (45 miles). I feel tainted for living only 30 miles from the evil DZ. I think the cloud of dishonesty extends all the way out this far from that place. Rome's not a bad place, and they have some good skydivers up there. Main reason I don't go there more is that their facilities are a bit lacking, and they don't have much of an indoor packing area. I wouldn't care so much about this if it would just get a little warmer.

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Well see what I get for speaking too soon? The weathermen must have been on siesta Friday or else they just don't make 'em like they used to. We got totally poked by the weather today. It was supposed to be sunny but it rained ALL day. [sad] The forecast still looks good for tomorrow though, and the clouds are clearing up. It will be muddy so we will have to go to a smaller DZ nearby that has a paved runway but any jumps are good jumps, no matter whether they come from a C-182 or an Otter! So...I will keep my fingers crossed for the rest of you and for us too! Sunday Sunday Sunday....

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