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That movie sucked balls.

It was visually great, but the plot, especially the ending, made absolutely no sense.

This movie, as with most sci fi, requires a certain suspension of disbelief. The premise for the attack of the Scavs was flawed from the start: They were trying to grab water from Earth. If water was what a space-faring alien race needs, our Oort Cloud has so much water it is ridiculous. It is literally a sphere made up of floating balls of ice that sits at about a light year out from the sun. The water there could easily make what little water our planet has seem completely worthless as a resource, and highly inefficient to gather.
The movie was well paced. There were some pretty cool twists and red-herrings. And for once it did not have a Hollywood ending. Morgan Freeman was his usual serene, sardonic self. Tom Cruise's character was out of control Which looks good on him: I am so tired of his cocky, I can do anything type of character, such as Top Gun and the Missions Impossible.
The ending had the same sort of quality to it that was imparted by Space Odyssey and Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Except there was a bomb, and the big bad really was a big bad, not just some all powerful, slightly apathetic being.
I enjoyed it.
Though I will say (and I know this will immediately draw the ire of some purists here) I enjoyed Into Darkness more. In the vein of this year's crop of sci fi block busters.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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I enjoyed Into Darkness more.


I've (almost) come to the conclusion this is a purely generational issue though. If a person grew up during the Star Trek TOS time period, they more than likely hated Into Darkness. If they were born after say, 1982 or thereabouts, they probably think Into Darkness is just fine.

Essentially it has to do with whether or not a person believes JJ is "raping their childhood" or really has no exposure to classic Star Trek to begin with.

This is roughly analogous to the situation with Star Wars episodes 1, 2 and 3. Kids who weren't born during the initial runs of 4, 5 and 6, believe 1, 2 and 3 are acceptable. Hell, some even like Jar-Jar. Figure that out.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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***I enjoyed Into Darkness more.


I've (almost) come to the conclusion this is a purely generational issue though. If a person grew up during the Star Trek TOS time period, they more than likely hated Into Darkness. If they were born after say, 1982 or thereabouts, they probably think Into Darkness is just fine.

Essentially it has to do with whether or not a person believes JJ is "raping their childhood" or really has no exposure to classic Star Trek to begin with.

This is roughly analogous to the situation with Star Wars episodes 1, 2 and 3. Kids who weren't born during the initial runs of 4, 5 and 6, believe 1, 2 and 3 are acceptable. Hell, some even like Jar-Jar. Figure that out.
I was born 1969. I wont say liked JJ Abrams interpretation more or less. Classic Trek will always be number one. But that doesn't mean I can't like JJ Abrams vision. I do. I don't think he raped it, destroyed it, or what have you. I just think he had a different vision. But I still think he is a Trekkie. I think his intentions were true.
I have debated the merits and flaws of his Trek til I am blue in the face, so I wont do it here. All I will say is that there is no real answer to the question "which is better?" because it is apples and oranges. It is all a matter of taste.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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But I still think he is a Trekkie.

Well, that's where you're wrong. He has categorically denied watching the series and has positively stated he does not feel compelled to maintain canon.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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But I still think he is a Trekkie.

Well, that's where you're wrong. He has categorically denied watching the series and has positively stated he does not feel compelled to maintain canon.

OK :)
Back to Oblivion. Argued this one way too much to continue.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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Back to Oblivion.

Regardless of the one or two holes in the story, I thought it was good. There was exactly ONE line of dialogue I questioned in it and it had noting to do with story or plot, but rather tone. It's him cursing as a last act of defiance against, well . . . whatever the name that thing was.

I'm not a prude by any means. I proudly swear like a sailor in the appropriate setting.

What I found odd was the entire film went without it, then, there is this ONE line. It made no sense in context because it was completely out of tone with the rest of the film.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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******One of the very rare times I enjoyed Tom Cruise's performance.

How about Top Gun?

Tarantino probably said it best.

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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******One of the very rare times I enjoyed Tom Cruise's performance.

How about Top Gun?

Tarantino probably said it best.
lol omg I had to look that up. That was awesome.

The gays are beating the Russians.

Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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***One of the very rare times I enjoyed Tom Cruise's performance.

How about Top Gun?
Nope. One of the times I hated him. I liked him in Magnolia, where he played a misogynistic asshole. A natural role for him. I liked him in Legend. Cheesy flick, but he was good as Jack. Still new enough to work for his meal ticket. He was decent as Lestat, too.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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Les Grossman is probably his greatest role for his amazingly accurate portrayal of a typical producer. When watching Tropic Thunder I honestly didn't recognize Cruise as much as I recognized a dozen other weasels.

BTW, something I don't talk about much, I actually am a judge of professional acting. I even have a card that says so.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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******One of the very rare times I enjoyed Tom Cruise's performance.

How about Top Gun?
Nope. One of the times I hated him. I liked him in Magnolia, where he played a misogynistic asshole. A natural role for him. I liked him in Legend. Cheesy flick, but he was good as Jack. Still new enough to work for his meal ticket. He was decent as Lestat, too.

Contrary to popular belief im no homo..but I always wanted to either be Iceman or Jester.

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He was decent as Lestat, too.

OMFG you're kidding:o

He was NOTHING like Lestat. worst casting EVER>:(
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Maybe you need to watch it again.

Um, no thanks.


The whole method of invasion made no sense. Why go through the trouble? The only way the species can attack a planet is make clones of whoever they send up, and then fool them into thinking they're fighting for the good guys? Please. And more importantly, why let him onto the mothership at the end? You've got technology capable of all the shit that the aliens can do, but you can't tell that there's a bomb on the ship (that you made)?

It seemed like about 3/4 of the way through filming they sat down and said, "Okay, how are we going to end this thing?"

- Dan G

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