
See, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

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40 years ago, I lived on the 4th floor of a dorm at Georgia Tech, overlooking tennis courts. My neighbor used to make those hydrogen balloons. He would tape pennies to them until they were about neutral, light the taper, and send them out across the tennis courts. Aluminum foil, lye, and water in a 2 liter soda bottle, with the ballon on the spout until it inflated -- no electricity needed. Really loud when he set off one in the hallway.

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Oxyacetelyne mix in a garbage bag does a good job too, I've heard. ;)

yeah we used to fill 2 liter bottles with oxy/acetelene , cut the end off an extension cord ans stick the 2 wires through the cap on the bottle. We could launch a 55 gallon drum about 10 feet in the air B|
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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Oxyacetelyne mix in a garbage bag does a good job too, I've heard. ;)

“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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