
What to spend money on?

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Ok, I know it's been discussed, but I'm too damned lazy to search:). I'm starting AFF soon and am wondering what I should buy first. Suit, goggles, alti? Some input to an exicited newbie please.

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In order - logbook, goggles, gloves, altimeter, helmet, jumpsuit, rig.

Logbook, goggles and gloves you could buy before you jump; they're all pretty cheap. I also highly recommend buying either Parachuting the Skydivers Handbook (Poynter/Turoff) or Jump! Skydiving made fun and easy (Buchanan) now; reading and rereading either one will give you a good head start on your student training.

Get an altimeter after you've done a few jumps and are sure you're going to keep at it. Get a helmet once you're done with AFF. Order a jumpsuit at any point after you're sure you're going to keep jumping. Start thinking about a rig about the same time, but don't buy until you know for sure what size and type canopies you want (which you won't know for sure until you've had a chance to jump a few different ones).

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Thanks for the advice so far. A little more info: I am doing tandem progession and did my 2 tandems today. Lots of fun. I bought a logbook today.

In order for evil to flourish, all a good man has to do is nothing.

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In order - logbook, goggles, gloves, altimeter, helmet, jumpsuit, rig.

I agree except for gloves, I think they're optional unless it's cold.

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Thanks for the good poop. I'm looking forward to getting into this sport. I have learned one thing already: It costs $$$$$! I've already started selling my SCUBA gear to pay for things. Any water divers out there need gear? I've got lots.

In order for evil to flourish, all a good man has to do is nothing.

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I've already started selling my SCUBA gear to pay for things.

Lol! That's what I did. As an instructor for the last 10 years and diving for about 17 years imagine how much gear I had. I sold enough gear to pay for my entire training plus some. Err, if I would of used it for just training. I had to buy some more go fast parts for my jet ski! ;)

Put your stuff on Ebay. People seem to love dive gear there. Some of my stuff sold for more than I paid for it new. Seems odd but there are bidding junkies out there that can't stand to be beat. Good luck and welcom to the sport. I know I can't wait to get back in the air.

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What makes the biggest impact in your skydiving ability?

Your jumpsuit!

Get a jumpsuit, goggles and an alti before a rig, since you can generally borrow or rent gear where ever you go.
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