
This might be the dumbest question ever......

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Ok I am about to put in the order for my new gear and I have read so much about how sun and heat and so on takes life away from the gear. Dont leave it in the car, on the floor near a window and so on. Ok now because I think way to much about things I was wondering....what would you do in this instance.

You go and make a few jumps and leave the DZ. You are going to dinner with some friends right from jumping and you have your gear in your car. What do you do? Leave it for 2+ hours in there? Take it in with you and hide it in the booth with you. Drive home drop it off and be late.

LOL yes I know this is rediculous but I was wondering what would you do?

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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I would just leave it in the car. Gear will not self destruct if it gets a little hot now and then. Prolonged exposure is the killer not a few hours here and there. I bring my rig to work once in a while and leave it in the car so I can make sunset loads. Just dont leave it in the sun and you will be fine.

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Leave it for 2+ hours in there?

That's what I do. Everything in a gear bag to protect it from dirt and direct sunlight, then into the trunk or back seat. I've heard from several people who I trust that a few hours in the car isn't a big deal, it's days or weeks that can cause problems.

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Cool...got ya.....I wonder what state law for window tint is.:P

I just have a tendancy to think to much....perfect example is this post....or you can ask Diablopilot or KellyF.....they can vouge for it...lol

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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I take my rig with me. I don't have tinted windows and I don't want someone busting my $150 window to steal my rig.

But it's a freakish thing to do. Friends take a while to get used to seeing you standing in the checkout line at Safeway with your rig on, or sitting next to your rig in the booth at the restaurant.

Still, I'd rather be a freak than have no wings.


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The sunlight, heat etc, all relevant but I would definitely stick it in the boot (trunk for you US types!)... why? If it is on display, it is more likely to get stolen!! :S

I dont know about in the US, but UK car insurance will not cover the cost of replacement... need special rig insurance for that! Nobody gets a chance to take my baby!!!>:(>:(

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Ok KellyF.....I know there is no excuse to leave when there is light left but what if a friend was having this very special dinner for you. It involves $500 a plate meals, FREE all you can drink beer, and strippers galore all wearing rigs.....

would you leave the DZ early?:P

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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If my gear has to stay in my car while I'm at dinner with the gang or something then I trust my car alarm to help with that, but it's not a guarantee.

Mine is a 2-way system with 1/4 mile range. Besides my rig, my stereo would take about $3K to replace so I make sure it's well protected.

Go nuts. I have two external sirens, two pain-generators inside the car, and my trunk can only be opened by the remote now unless the key is in the ignition.

Viper Responder

At $299 installed for the basic non-remote start model it's a nice deterrent that could save you thousands if you plan to leave your gear in the car. :)
Most thieves are looking for the easy score anyway and that bright flahing LED keeps most people honest.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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