Dear Abby (NOT Abbie, so don’t even bother replying, fatboy…)

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Dear Abby (NOT Abbie, so don’t even bother replying, fatb:oy…)

I have a friend (not me!) who might have a basejumping addiction.

It seems these days people are telling him that he has a jumping problem and it may be affecting his everyday life.

He doesn’t think it’s a problem, in fact, I think he’s trying to figure out how to jump even more than he does now.

How do I know if my friend has a jumping problem?

Is there some kind of support group our counseling available for persons with jumping addictions?

I have heard of a 12 step program and mentioned it to him, but he said he is currently on a 1 step program and that it is working pretty good for him.



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Dear Friend-of-busy-jumper,

Buy your friend some microwavable salisbury steak dinners, a big bag of doritos, a gallon of ice cream and a nice TV. Sit him on the couch for 5 hours a night and watch him get fat. After he gets addicted to a good sit com and a prime time drama and after he adds a few inches to his waist line all of a sudden really living life will seem like a long forgotten dream.


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ive got a pretty good idea who "he" is... is he from the maryland crew? those guys never stop...

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We'll get you back to a safe altitude..before it's too late.


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(540) 604-9740
Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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i hope your not talking about me. after driving by all them crackheads this week hittin b's i started thinkin were worse then them there out beggin for money and were out stealin every bit of altitude we can find.... neither of us get any sleep. if those silly crackers only knew the high we got they might change thier addiction.
Your first one's free the rest will just suck all the sleep out of your lives hahaha
damn guy you packed yet i gots me a hankerin to toss some nylon

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can't read the instructions, eh?

I think you mean: (613) 445 1887

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Hey now

That one crackhead wasn’t begging for money – she was earning it for sure!

Packed – only two rigs, but mostly that’s enough.

This thread about you? Almost, but not quite yet. Sticking around for a CPC debrief and awards when you could be out doing some real jumping is a real sign of still having fairly normal priorities…:P

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ya i suppose hell i only got second it's the fame i live for dammit

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Dear Friend-of-busy-jumper,

Buy your friend some microwavable salisbury steak dinners, a big bag of doritos, a gallon of ice cream and a nice TV. Sit him on the couch for 5 hours a night and watch him get fat. After he gets addicted to a good sit com and a prime time drama and after he adds a few inches to his waist line all of a sudden really living life will seem like a long forgotten dream.


Doesn't work. All that made me do was have to get a bigger canopy! :)

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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Ditch that reserve son, we'll be jumping low.

It's Ok Abbie, I got that joke. [Obscure reference to Band of Brothers]

As for you Sam, you have many issues but jumping ain't one of them:S Keep up the good work.

Be Safe

Fear is the thief of dreams...

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