
What's The attraction....

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On the really low stuff - say anything below 200ft? I haven't BASE'd yet and i'm not sure i quite get this bit!!

Is it: Because thats all the objects you have in your area
Because its another discipline to master
Is it more/ less scary that any other kind of jump...
is it "I wonder how low i can go and still live"
All of the above

Just curious............
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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All of the above

Plus, for me, it combines the "committed" feel just off the exit and the "deployment" feeling, which are two very important parts of the jump. I wrote an essay about the attraction of ultra low freefall for me a while back. If you search around you might find it.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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I do the low stuff to see if it can be done but I am not exactly fond of them. I do those jumps usually once. Especially since there are some many other high jumps to make around the area I live in.
I like the scared "sh...less" feeling they give me. It's way more intense for me to be standing on a balcony at night, going handheld, 200 ft above the ground, with a crapy landing...than throwing a triple gainer on a 10 sec jump from a wall where the landing area is like a football field. And that's having done both.

So to me really the kick in the low jumps is the "fear" and the intense relief you feel when your canopy bangs open 50ft above the ground... Then after I land I have this "Dam I am ALIVE!!!" feeling that is way more intense than on the high stuff.
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My question is: if you have a 300 ft antenna...why jump it @ 180 feet? I'm referring to (Faber's?)

My A is 900ft read 900ft and i have jumped 180 ft from it serval more times than i have jumped the top(only 2 times actualy).

Why i jump the low once?
Bascily becourse i like slider off jumps more than i like the slider ups i have tryed.
Becourse as i hear the word BASE the first thing that comes to my mind is a person jumping off handheld from a fixed object,which usaly means sub 400ft(hand held it is).
Becourse i get such a great ground rush from looking at the ground as i leap off and as long as i dare before i need to pitch.

Am i Lazy? gennerally no,first off i do most of my jumps solo,climbing 900ft aint a thing that motivates me,specialy not as i have 2 rigs.
second after i broke my leg i havnt mannegede to keep up the heat while climbing or hiking,im simply still in pain in my leg and i dont see it as nice if i need to have pain to get a jump.

Then add that as i have only 1 900ft i can jump the rest is sub 300ft and mostly sub 200ft.
I also think that short delay slider ups is a danger area and im scared that ill end my life the way Nic did.

Thouse are just some of my reassons to stay low.
Basicly i feel more pleassure jumping in the low area than in the slider up area,and as its a personal sport ill just keep doing the things i like most,who knows one day i might only want to do slider ups:D:ph34r: but i dont think so...

Others might have their reassons

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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... if you have a 300 ft antenna...why jump it @ 180 feet?

I think the words you are reaching for are;

"Whuffo you wanna jump from that low for?"


In all seriousness, I'll try to paraphrase a saying of Dwain's that I was quite fond of:


Ground Whuffo: Whuffo you jump out of them planes for?
Skydiving Whuffo: Whuffo you jump off them cliffs for?
BASE Whuffo: Whuffo you jump that low stuff/fly them wingsuit thingies/do them flippy-do's for?

The only real answer to these questions is simply "because I want to."
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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"I wonder how low i can go and still live"

Spence is my IdolB| even as he nearly got me arested once,but then again.. i were tolde we destroyed their WC and scared the cat so i cant blame him:ph34r: i like miss Spence food alot i has to say,next time ill just hold on to my clothes so she anit washing all nite

You guys rockB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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The only real answer to these questions is simply "because I want to."

That easy:PB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I went through some rather intense personal training and found I constantly had this question about myself; "Am I doing this right?" In retrospect it was easy to see the way my life has gone with this question constantly on my mind, professionally and recreationally.

BASE jumping definately answers that question each and every time!

One of the other reasons I like to jump is for the personal challenge, experience, and the extreme sense of success. So in regards to the low jumps, it's about knowing I can do it and then doing it.

The week after my FJC where I did six progressive jumps from the bridge, which thanks to Tom's training method were not nearly as frightening as they could be, I came back to SoCal and jumped a 170' cliff over hard ground. It absolutely scared the @#$% out of me. It took me 20 minutes to get off that rock and the feeling when that canopy opened was complete relief.

I had another rig packed and decided to do it again thinking it would be a lot easier the next time. But there something about knowing one step and a few seconds are all that seperate you from the end of your life that has you examine yourself in a different way. It took me 20 minutes to get off the second attempt also.

I was going SL, but one of the guys with me was going HH! Maybe we should find out why he was doing it also.

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I think it's a bit cheap to reduce this to a whuffo discussion. This is the BASE zone is it not. Specially since we already had two people give a different answer than "because"

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I think you took Tom´s Answer too hard;)

Its kind of like asking a BASE jumper why do you BASE? we all have our own reassons to why we do what.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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What's The attraction....

I think it's called gravity but I tend to be wrong 9/10 times.
Memento Audere Semper


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I think it's a bit cheap to reduce this to a whuffo discussion

Reduce it to a whuffo discussion? Surely you cant reduce a whuffo question anymore than it is?

If loads of non-skydivers started posting to your forum questions of why? why? why? why? why? how many sensible responses do you think you will get?

I think its one of the big reasons BASE jumpers do not want to be known they BASE at DZ's, they are sick of the: tell me, why, teach me, what is, I have always wanted to, I will do, blah blah fucking blah that goes on..

oh, I forgot to mention rl....

bugger I cant see another way to mention you! ;)

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