
ethical question

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so...you and your crew are off to the local...en route you spot another solo jumpers car parked nearby well before sunset...you then find out that said jumper knew you were headed that way and told another of your party that he would jump elsewhere only to find him already at the top of the object you were planning to jump...is it me or does that really suck...based on the fact that hes not a local,he could have given us prior warning etc etc etc....thoughts please

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As someone who's trying to go by the book, I would have thought a simple phone call and/or maybe staying in the car
until you arrived might have been considered more courteous in someone else's manor.

Was there any unique circumstances that prevented that from happening to your knowledge ?

Sorry for replying without any experience myself, but I'm as interested as you to see co-operation & communication being the first port of call.

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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Hey Sean,

IMHO having 2 groups going off an object is generally not at all cool (especially for the 2nd group) and it's normally pretty easy to avoid. If this guy changed his mind he really should have given you a heads up.


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What could have been worse, and totally possible, is for one crew to jump an object and be seen by pedestrians or even authorities.

The second crew comes along after attention was called to an object but since the second crew knew nothing about the first load, the police are either waiting or very closeby.

It doesn't matter if you're caught, you only need to be seen.

There's a super nice object very close to me (10 minute drive from my apartment) that gets jumped pretty regularly. Whenever Kmonster and I are going to jump it, we call the locals (even though the object was opened by us) to invite others on the load and get the latest information about the heat factor there.

It always bothers me a little to hear locals were there jumping it and never bothered to give us a heads up.

It's not that they need to ask my permission, the whole BASE community can come jump this thing if they wish, it just shows a lack of communication.

This communication only takes a few minutes and it can keep someone out of jail.

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Ditto to what DexterBase said.

The dude will just bring heat that the next load has to deal with.

We have a fairly busy bridge nearby that everyone jumps but nobody really claims it to be in their back yard - so it's sometimes the case that you'll arrive just after someone else has gone off. That's just the nature sometimes of a busy site and sometimes you just have to play it that way.

But in your case - he knew another load was on it's way. He also deceived you as to where he was intending to go. He didn't wait. He didn't call. He didn't care. Sounds like he was suffering from "World's Most Important BASE Jumper Syndrome"

"Altitude is birthright to any individual who seeks it"


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Why would someone even be interested in jumping alone, rather than going up there with a couple of homeys...?!? He must have had a very important meeting to attend that evening :S



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Changing Times . . .

Todd, his brother Troy, Ralph, and I arrived at a semi-local building at two AM one morning and in the process of approaching the fence a canopy cracked open over our heads, then another, and another. While we are always ready for guards, police, and homeless people, we never expected to run into any other BASE jumpers.

We called out to them and they all ran figuring we were trying to bust them. It turned out they were a Japanese fellow and two guys from Europe touring the States. We went up and made our own jumps and then both groups shared some beer. The year was 1987 and as we drove home, no one specifically mentioned it, but we all realized BASE jumping as we knew it, was over . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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again a mishap fromthe UK sene... hope it went all good

Anyway,you never told me if you ruined your clothes after your last jump,let me know:P

start speaking to each other.silly ukérs:ph34r:

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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