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Our new WebMistress has been very busy, and now the Basic Research website is UP TO DATE! We have information on the new Vertex 2 and Prism 2 rigs along with orderforms, and the new and used gear sections are updated as well. If you've been looking for any of these things, well here you go!

Basic Research
23 Sept. 2004

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But where are the pictures... I see descrptions of the stuff but there is not pictures...oh well

Blue Skies
"A Subitánea et Improvísa Morte, Líbera nos, Domine."

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Why would you want the L-bar risers instead of the 3-ring integrity risers? I'm guessing the L-bar risers are stronger but has there been problems with the large 3-rings (integrity) that would make the L-bar necessary? The 3-ring integrity risers sure seem nice for easily changing from one canopy to another.

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There was an incident several years ago in which someone had an accidental 3 ring disconnect. To my knowledge, nothing was ever found to be wrong with the gear, and no cause was ever found. There's a thread on BLiNC somewhere about it. At any rate, in the wake of that, a number of people ordered rigs with non-3 ring risers. I think BR always had that option, though.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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L bar has been an option with several rig manufactureres for many years. Most will also make a non-removable riser that is a part of the harness, similar to a reserve canopy riser.

Its a great idea until you need to cut away. (water, trees, clining to a cliff with heli rotors spinning).

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>>I'm guessing the L-bar risers are stronger but has there been problems with the large 3-rings (integrity) that would make the L-bar necessary?<<

Staying ahead of death instead of chasing after it . . .

Nick :)BASE 194

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Why L-Bars? Great question!

Actually many of our European customers order the L-Bar riser system because they don't jump anywhere near water, and want the added security of a system that cannot release unless you take a screwdriver and hammer to the connection. Most of our French and Swiss customers jumping in the Alps choose this option.

It is not recommended if you're going to use your gear anywhere near water. As for trees, if you land there with L-Bars, well, I guess you can just go hang. :)

Incidentally, the accidental 3-ring release had nothing to do with the offering of L-Bars. We have always offered L-Bars.

Additionally, we are working on photos for the Prism 2 and Vertex 2. There is a small photo on the order form for each, if you care to open that to have a peek.


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