
Power Track Suit- would RWbooties help?

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I have a TS Tracking Suit which pretty much has RW booties. In fact the idea was you could use the pants for RW if you wanted. It didn't inflate anywhere near how the new power suits are going.

I don't track enough to know if it would make a difference but some of these guys I watch can outfly a crappy WS pilot.
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These suits are pretty universal when it comes to sizing. It's a pretty basic Small, Medium, and Large setup.
Pheonix-Fly TS's were designed with B.A.S.E. in mind(Hence why their TS's have a hidden hoodie inside the collar.) A lot of these jumpers wear different shoes (hiking boots for BASE, sneakers for Skydiving) which are different sizes and the shoelace clip design is just a more flexible setup. Also, a lot B.A.S.E. jumpers like running starts. Running in booties isn't very ideal when your life is on the line.

Though, the point of Tracking is flying your body. If trackers wanted to cheat they'd wear those parachutes without strings you see these people flying around with ;p

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I have the first Gen Intrudair Tracking Suite which has booties.


I don't like wearing them since it's feels like my pants are coming off in flight.

Intrudiar's new Ultimate Tracking Suite doe Not have the booties from what I can tell.


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The extra surface area of a bootie might help, but it is negligible when you can cinch your tracking pants down to the lowest lace on your shoes. This way, you can still walk without having material to trip on under your feet.. a major advantage of the pure tracksuit in my opinion.

All the tracksuits.. Presurized, Phoenix Fly, S-Fly, Intrudair, are all morphing towards the same design. It's really time for some innovation here... soon the 2.0:1 glide ratio will be broken in a tracksuit.

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soon the 2.0:1 glide ratio will be broken in a tracksuit.

With enough wind...maybe yea...
I think for both wingsuits and trackingsuits, people have a bit of a skewed view of GPS scores in competitions and actual glide-ratios and how big the influence of a preceding dive and flare is combined with wind.

For sure both tracksuits and wingsuits fly far. But not always in the extremes some people are quoting.
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soon the 2.0:1 glide ratio will be broken in a tracksuit.

With enough wind...maybe yea...
I think for both wingsuits and trackingsuits, people have a bit of a skewed view of GPS scores in competitions and actual glide-ratios and how big the influence of a preceding dive and flare is combined with wind.

For sure both tracksuits and wingsuits fly far. But not always in the extremes some people are quoting.

Hey Jarno, I agree. But they are getting pretty good, compared to the 1st generation Phoenix Fly pants, the latest generation is really a step up don't you think? I believe 1.7:1 steady-state has been achieved. To quote an experienced base-jumper, "if you fly first you will always fly farther" - in the long run, diving doesn't help?

I see flylikebrick in your signature and I wish wingsuitnews was back ;) PS did you really lift off that platform and tethered fly in the tunnel?

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I think its probably closer to 1.5 in the real world.
The best scores set at the various tracking competitions (with a lot of wind, and speed built up before the plane-out) are around 1.7 to 1.8

Seeing wingsuit scores also edge towards glide ratios of around 4, where the true glide ratio is probably closer to 3 without all the above influences, Id say a 20 to 25% margin in terms of what the 'real' performance is, is probably a realistic one.

As to wingsuit news, sadly the amount (often un-edited) of videos people put online went above what's humanly possible to weed through to find the real gems worth promoting. Facebook sharing also took over a lot of that 'work' over the years.
Though I do a lot of stuff for the love of the sport, spending 1 up to 3 hours daily going through tons of youtube and vimeo to keep wingsuit news up and running was starting to become a fulltime job.

At the moment there is a lot of personal flying, coaching, editing (and a ws writing project) that have all benefited loads from the extra free time that the coma of wingsuit news gave me.
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As for the PTS, I like the design, but it could use some changes. The vents for one...they are easily collapsible. Too easy. When testing on the ground I had to open the vents with my fingers cause my airgun was blowing them shut and not letting air in. And the angle they are on don't promote good inflation from air coming from the front of you(your head) The Tube3 has much better inlet designs in my opinion. The way it curves around allows air to flow from the bottom(the belly) as well as the front(the head).
I'd like to see some reinforced inlets like on the new Squirrel suits to promote faster inflation and no chance of blown shut vent.
Another thing is the zipper down at the bottom really cuts into your ankle. I guess it was designed to go around hike boots that would extent above your ankles. Some sort of protection/padding would be nice for us sneaker guys...High socks it is!

The Cruise:
The backfly inlets I don't really care for as it's just an extra vent for air to leak and ruin pressurization. Though, air-lock inlets do help a lot. Wonder if we'll see people doing backfly proximity soon with these! lol
The jacket seems to inflate largely so I'm going to assume it has a natural flat-glide unlike the steep Tube3 with the giant pants and little jacket.

As for glide ratios, If you look at the data from the tracking speed record, the dude hit like a 2.6 glide when he flared out. And a quote from Karr, "At least i felt it safe, flying 1.75 when my constant result was 1.35"
So there, 1.35 avg is a realistic glide ratio achieved with a PTS.

My goal is for a 2 minute flight. As of now I can get about 84 seconds in my freefly suit from 13,500 with an avg fall rate of about 79-83mph.

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