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Everything posted by kansasskydiver

  1. Really? Well I'll have to get you a pink dolphin skydiving one for you then!
  2. hahah you just made my day on an otherwise gloomy one
  3. Sweet! Now that's the new style lol.
  4. That shirts reminds me of the saying in the 60's "turn on, tune in, drop out" Maybe I've been watching too much history channel lately haha.
  5. Is it due to their brand or their brand image? Is there a particular reason? Just curious as to the impact of brands
  6. If there were more designer like skydiving stuff avilable would it be an interest? Like instead of just white shirt with funny slogan on it be a specific cut or quality fabric etc?
  7. Thank you for your response! To address what you said and help me understand see if I'm right here: You like your swearshirt because the logo, being Elsinore, reminds you of good times. When you wear that shirt you are associating that logo with those times had. For that piece it's not so much the logo itself but more the memory and experience As for the slogan - "you'll be ok" - for sake of arguement, if it was not a Go Fast shirt would you have still bought it? As for marketing and the little cute outfits, this is more through association to the sport rather than either brand or design as well correct? It's a really intersting marketing design and I feel our community is one of the more unusual and unique ones. Because we don't follow the outsite trends rather just our own personal feelings to the item. I'm sure this quesiton would be different if the question was more related to what you wear when you go out to the bars lol
  8. So why do you wear the skydiving shirt you do? You know we all have them in our closets and we wear them to the dz each time, but what made you pick it? I'm working on a marketing project for one of my classes and we're studying the effects of branding and marketing when it comes to clothing and trends. I'm taking it another step as I usually do and throwing in the skydiving community as my study and paper. So think about it, why did you wear the shirt you wore today to the dz? Thank u mucho Kansas (isn't in Kansas anymore)
  9. I'll be coming in from sunny Florida for the boogie and get current again I don't have to do a PRCP again now do it haha. Shaun I need to mail you my rig before hand and have you repack it for me, I'll be outta date and I'd rather mail it anyway rather than try and fly with it.
  10. hahaha ok I'll keep that in mind. Just saying I know it sucks from experience, and hell I didn't have a rig as a pillow or a sleeping bag!
  11. Who is Jimmy Coiner? Why he's the midwest freefly legend that's who He's also D.B. Cooper and Jimmy Hoffa I believe I heard somewhere.
  12. I looked on CNN's website and they don't have the video that shows the person sleeping. They keep showing it over and over on TV, think they like the colorful image of the guy sleeping. Sorry can't find a link and I'm sorry to the dude that was sleeping there, but hey, skydivers are always prepared! Musta been going to or from a boogie. Sorry dude
  13. hahaha was just watching CNN and they are talking about the flight delays and just showed a dude sleeping in a blue and black sleeping back using his red and orange Voodoo rig as a pillow haha. Smile, you were on candid camera!
  14. bump now that everyone is home from jumping lol
  15. There was an HBO special with Dana Carvey some years ago when he was talking about OJ and how it was all just a big conspiracy put together in a dark alley at midnight lol It's funny I'll see if I can find it somewhere online. My favorite part is "You see here Bond, when you pull the lever on this here pen. It magically sprays blood onto the front dash of a white ford bronco"
  16. Ok I cheated and bought a flash template. I've got it how I want it set up but within the site there are links everywhere that open up a popup window with more information. The problem is, each link opens up the same window. Here is the action code for it but I don't see where it's linking to said particular txt box or how to create more etc. on (release) { _root.popup_pressed = 1; _root.scrHEIGHT = 240; _root.scroller.scroller.gotoAndStop(2); _root.TM_title = "Enter Title Here"; _root.READ = 11; _root.scroller.gotoAndPlay("s1"); } Does any of that made sense to anyone enough to see how it's linking over?
  17. You did mean to say "Chuck Norris reads top ten unknown facts about Jimmy "The Legend" Coiner" right? Better correct it or the legend will hurt you, that is after he hunts down Chuck and hurts him for changing the jokes to read Chuck Norris instead of Jimmy
  18. I totally did. We drove around forever trying to find the place to eat that was recommended! Without a map and proper directions (no ones fault but mine) we couldn't find it. And by the time we ate dinner etc it was already past sunset, so we couldn't go down to the beaches
  19. lol ya know shaun, it's good to have you back hahaha. Only you could think of such topic And I think I know which X you were referring to. Does her name start with an E and end with an MA? hahaha
  20. That's going to change Again I'll refer to the above statement of who set up the server lol. He set up the C and D, used D as the file server and then when he installed ANYTHING it all go put onto C under program files One smart cookie huh lol. So yeah that's going to change and the current server will turn into the sql box and ISO storage
  21. bwahahahahahahahaahahahahaha
  22. Try explaining THAT one to your wife edit to add: I wonder if when the 911 person told the stripper she needed to hold his nose and blow him, if she did it right the first time
  23. hehehe oh I agree But until they order the rack mount server in a few months I've got to make due. New server will run dual quads, raid 5, and on a newly wired gigabit lan AND When i set up the new server, i'm going to allocate a tiny bit more than sub 10gigs for the main partition lol
  24. To Shaun: Macs are great but they're not servers and most companies aren't set up to run macs/spend the money... To Rest: Bandaid approach, disabled volume shadowing (no one knows it's there anyway) and free'd up 500mb. This will at least get me over the hump.