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Everything posted by BobKnoss

  1. BIASED principles with an adgenda....... Period.
  2. Silly woman! How can you be so blind? They are the COOPER CREW! It is their freeking JOB to destroy the truth. I'm amazed that Robert99 and Homenid were able to fast track the correct weather. Great job! But that is only a clue to what other facts were twisted, not evidence by itself. Next fact to correct is that the flight was WEST of Portland, not EAST. See Robert99 again. See my map. See "Janet's" report. Verified by McCoy, privately reported to Ralph by co-pilot. This opens a big door to the truth. This is obvious evidence that any novice can see.
  3. Ha-ha-ha-ha! The fox was in the chicken coop-er. Dear President Obama: Here is how we solve this airline situation and get them operating like FoMoCo: Dump the male flight attendants like Kenny Christensen. No one wanted them in the first place. Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers! What the hell, they don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss? The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a 'party atmosphere' going in the cabin. And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women. Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money. I suspect tips would be so good that we could charge the women for working the plane and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and 'special services.' Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues. This is definitely a win-win situation if we handle it right -- a golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset. Why didn't Bush think of this? Why didn't YOU come up with this? Why do I still have to do everything myself? Sincerely, Bill Clinton
  4. And the seas rose for forty days and forty nights, and ice formed on the oceans, and birds dropped from the skies. And Cooper fell to an icy death in the deep dark forest 15 miles east of the real drop.... Oooops! That is a secret. Forget that! The ice thing is good, use that. Write it down so we don't forget. Everybody OK with that? Really cold! Blizzard conditions. Gotcha!
  5. What did I tell you people?? Confused?? Or switched data........... Busy little beavers, those. Left is right, up is down, light rain is a flood of epic proportion. Mountains floated out to sea. Airplanes were hurled about like leaves in the gusts, and there were heavy ice formations on the wings at 175 mph stall speeds. Complete visual "snow-out," hail the size of basketballs. And on flew the 305. Rain to the left of them, blizzards to the right of them, Tina's doin' Duane, and on flew 305. Give her a huge bottle of Chanel #5! Rub it in some more. Not all a hero's story. And most everything you hear is fabricated and supported by the Cooper Crew, Bleepins, Jerry, et. al. It is a travesty.
  6. There must be 500 to 1000 Tommy Gunns in the USA!! Get some rest. Richard Floyd McCoy Jr. used the name Tommy Gunn, Ask Bart Gunn, Billy Gunn, Mary Barton, Mike Barton, Denny Nichols, Bill Rataczak, Nick O'Hara, on and on...... Face it, Jo! You are WRONG AGAIN!! NEVER SAY NEVER! Take it easy.. Relax. Absorb. Learn. You never knew Richard McCoy, did you? Yes or no. Jerry knows him. Retired agent in Texas? Leave him be? You don't know how wrong you are!
  7. Full moon is two weeks out. Go back to sleep. Or, get out your Amana, Kelvinator, and Sears Service & Repair manuals ... and we can discuss "wing nuts" and no.6 pan head phillips screws ? Got any belts for a 1958 Philco drier left? Surely in some box in your garage or basement? Tell BIG MAC hello? How's your type II diabetes? Admiral-General-Capt Amerika, Knoss-the-boss ? It isnt about Cooper. ITS ABOUT YOU! THATS WHY YOU ARE HERE. ANOTHER DICK AND JANE WINNER!!!! No diabetes, no belts, no manuals, no wing nuts, No Rear Admiral, no basement, never worked on a refrigerator, your Dog Pile search has the wrong guy. You don't want me to talk about Weber (Cooper). Ask a Cooper question and see. Troublemaker! Go back to sleep.
  8. Accurate, probably all true, but I don't make up false stories about Project Norjak like Bleepins, et. al. Add borderline manic depressive also. People are after me. Boogie men chase me at night. Old too, but I'll last a while longer. Thank you for your concern. Oh, and Jo makes me psycoscitsoid!
  9. Full moon is two weeks out. Go back to sleep.
  10. Gee, that was my wish. I thought that if you could swallow the KC fable you might have some fun with a REAL biography that could actually be proven with honest FACTS! You know, do something constructive other than beat that poor dead nag for the Crew.
  11. The only witness that was important enough to warrant attention was "Janet" who saw the plane WEST of Portland. And the co-pilot, "said"? I'll take that as total confirmation of my position. Weather information just presented sounds accurate based on my records. A breath of fresh air amidst the Cooper Crew Garbage Barrage. You just keep proving my points! Dyslexia. senility, conspiracy, Dick and Jane readers, Captain Tommy Gunn, James Earl 'Patsy' Ray, Hemmelsbach, Bernie Rhodes, Maggie, McCoy.... "God! It's good to be King!"
  12. ....Ted Bundy....Green River Killer...Sarah Jane Olson (aka;Kathleen Ann Soliah)....Sasquatch......Dr. Seuss. The Yeti, Jersey Devil, Chuakacabra yada yada. Matt Nope. None of those things. But I knew you'd get a hoot outta Theodore and Squeeky. Duane was BORING. Contact for Alice's verification is Terry Jackson, formerly of Bishop, Calif. Alice used to be his girlfriend. Terry is the son of my mother's best friend, and was a friend of Charlie Manson. Easy to check out by good super sleuths..... The Dick and Jane Winners need not try. It's a loosing proposition there. Vicki could handle it! She's good. Morgan Fairchild? Yah, right. Harry Morgan, maybe. Don't forget Morgan Fairchild...WHOM he's slept with...yeah, THAT'S the ticket!!
  13. Cooool! Then you will really like this one, and you can check this one out too. I knew Ted Kaczynski also. The Unabomber. You could verify this with his brother, David, if you really wanted to prove something. I can add a few more equally unbelievable stories if you verify this one. Others who can verify are Paul Lea, formerly of Alice, Tx, and John Hightower, formerly of Memphis, Tn. Here is some verification data for David: We all went to see Pat Boone and Terry Moore in "Bernardine" in Las Vegas, NM, while our parents attended Summer School at Highlands University, 1957, with Drs. Edward Teller, Dr. Sam Massey, et. al.. I was 14, he was 15. I was the guy with his right leg in a cast. Brother David and his three or four friends sat on the left side of the theater about 2/3 of the way down, Theodore and I sat in the middle center. He explained his anti-technology position to me in detail and was writing an early draft of his manifesto at that time, we spent hours in discussions and debate, and he would sit with Teller on the college steps in deep ethical conversation. Very troubled but intelligent guy. Ask David Kaczynski. I could not fabricate this stuff.
  14. You could mention that in 1968 Duane expressed that he liked Brandy with a meal but did not really like whiskey. He was instructed to order bar whiskey but to spill most of it. Likewise, he should chain smoke 'coupon cigarettes' rather than the occasional light menthol 'lady cigarettes' that he preferred. Tell them he had a grudge. Tape his ears back. Use some green make-up. It would help make him look like a criminal type and/or disguise him. Do not swear, but be firm. DO NOT smile. Wait for the passengers to get off before passing the note to the stewardess. But this never happened because it came from Knoss. BZZZZ! Wrong.
  15. Boy did you miss on all accounts with that one. Matt Arrows? You missed the Indians! Dick and Jane Award Winner of the year! Astounding!
  16. Bill Radacyzak is not a mob member, he is a nice, upstanding member of the community and you should not infer under-the-table remarks about the affiliations of this leader of men. You are despicable and should be subjugated, quartered and drawn. Use the word "alleged," then you can say it. "Bob Knoss, you're allegedly not the smartest guy around." Which we all know anyway. Jerry knows everything. (:#)^ ("Tongue-in-cheek analogy" for you Dick and Jane winners)
  17. "Aug 14, 2009 – Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme, who was convicted in 1975 of pointing an empty gun at then-President Gerald Ford, was released from prison today ..." I knew "Alice" and I CAN prove it because she is still alive. BUT, you will NEVER believe THAT either! She said she wouldn't bite, but Terry said she would! (:E3) Truth is stranger than fiction! Just a matter of accuracy. And the kid lied about the $15. Ask Mac. Ask Jerry! Look at the balance of the money recovered. Figure it out. Our second Dick and Jane Award recipient!
  18. To be frank, I don't care. I just wish both of you would stop wasting bandwidth and time on this. You get my vote. Jo is very sick and her memory is gone. I should be more considerate of the circumstances and just let her be content. Somehow it is very difficult for me to tolerate the continuous venomist inaccuracies. Just not my nature. I need to find Jesus.
  19. Anticipated response, Robert. It is my opinion, based on my knowledge, that my claims are accurate. Bill Rataczak is a hero in my estimation and he knows this because we have discussed it, along with other details. He will not verify any of my positions and I understand the reasons. I make no attacks on Mr. Rataczak, but I am entitled to voice my opinions and the extent of my belief thereof. It is my wish that he be afforded credit due in an authorized operation under Executive Privilege and that no harm should befall him. He is not happy with me, but I can not support a coverup. History shows from what happened to McCoy and even the Watergate break-in, that there are legal limitations to the extent Executive Privilege. I am totally on Bill Rataczak's side, despite your comments. It is a very weak position to have, but it is my position.
  20. I found this interesting! read who commented at the bottom. "Bob Knoss 11/01/2010 at 5:43 am Permalink Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr? You have GOT to be kidding! Stupid screw-up wanna-be. Couldn’t even walk into town. Had to buy a ride for $15! Lynette Squeaky Fromme was a bigger criminal with a EMPTY gun!" That comment? Matt yes, seems to go against everythig he says on this thread,,," I believe McCoy based on the entirity of Project Norjak and the conformation of others involved" "You are calling Bill Rataczak and Richard McCoy idiots" those are his words here. They were not idiots and they were not "Great Criminals". McCoy was Government and Rataczak led the Pilot's Union fight for pilot safety. I am entirely consistent with the point of each statement, although it may be confusing when taken out of context as you have attempted to do here. Illiteracy extends to lack of comprehension which seems to be a major virus on this forum. READ for UNDERSTANDING, not for nit picking. Some of you need to start with Dick and Jane books. See Jane run. See Spot run. See Dick run after Jane. See Spot chase Puff. Oh, shit! Don't look. Puff went Poof. Which one in this story was Cooper? McCoy's gun was empty, just like Squeeky's. McCoy helped facilitate Norjak, but he didn't plan very much. Duane pulled it off. McCoy planned his own jump and got caught because he left fingerprints on a magazine on the plane. For an FBI student, that was not swift. To bum a ride into town with the news blasting isn't swift. He wanted to be a famous criminal, but as hard as he keeps trying, as Captain Tommy Gunn or whomever, he will never be a Machine Gun Kelly. He was a Warrant Officer on loan from the Pentagon, and I love to give him shit. Broke a bone in his stupid foot, he did. GREAT jumper, that!
  21. There have been numerous posts on the history. Nobody else wants me to post it again, they all know it. I think you are just trolling me to try to ridicule any little item you might choose to disbelieve. I've been through the mill with the top guns on this and I doubt you could shed any light on the subject, so it makes no sense for me to try to explain anything to you. You have no goal but to attack. I do not wish to fight. I wish to point out things others have missed or misinterpreted. That is hard to do with amateur and professional sluths because the case was planned in reverse and what seems obvious is just an intended diversion. The truth is always somewhere else. If you don't know the details, you will never see the truth. Like a Pirate's buried treasure, but there ain't no treasure, just a secret story. Get it?
  22. I have all the proof that was necessary for Bill Rataczak as he is one of the three who who really are affected. I am not here to convict anyone. Yes, I knew Duane for about 4-5 months in the summer of the late 60's. He and his family at the time were caretakers at an apartment complex near 92nd and Lyndale in Bloomington, Mn. I sent many, many pictures. You confirmed that with his wife before she died, remember? She was arrested stealing the apartment rent and ran off with her boyfriend. She was caught and Duane decided to get a divorce, remember? It was in the Bloomington Sun bi-weekly newspaper. His sole purpose for being there was to train for Project Norjak. He went parachute training with the other two guys as often as they could. He was trained for the hijacking. I gave you a long list of idiosyncracies, habits, quotations, identified his pictures as Dan Cooper, ALL of it. You just hate me because I won't bend the truth to the way you want to modify the story. Honestly, you probably don't really know because you weren't here. There are many people who could tell you, but few will, as everyone is close to and wants to protect Da Boys. Da Boys are completely safe, but some are TOTALLY paranoid. You are just totally peed off. You know better.
  23. If you are just figuring this out, you really must be illiterate as Jo suggests. This has been my position from day one. Ask Jo. I suggested McCoy, Rataczak and Weber as being the only players, supervised and supported by O'Hara and covered up primarily by McCoy for years afterwords. I can not be more specific without causing problems, but nobody is ever going to get arrested due to the major disruption in the FBI evidence room by 'insiders'. Can't be proven by the FBI, but it could be confirmed by a lot of old farts like me. Can't keep a secret with this many people in the know. It is a big game they play. Jerry knows. Georger, you know too? It is like Santa Claus in reverse. "Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus!" He and his elves gave you airline safety. Bleepins, you are not an elf, you are an illiterate gopher. (;#)^ Smile, Robert! "Guffaw! Bah! Humbug! There ain't no such thing as Christmas! It's Kenny Christensen in a fat suit wearing lifts and carrying a shopping bag full of CASH! I PROVED IT! Buy BLAST!"
  24. Blevins Relates: Illiterate? Surely you jest. I edit books in my spare time, you know. Have been for years, with many successful clients. I lost count how many after twenty or so. That puts me a bit beyond the category of 'illiterate', thank you. Don't make me point you to the web page again...