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Everything posted by BobKnoss

  1. He was familiar with the flight in 1968, so I think he was MORE than familiar by jumptime, considering there was ample time to study everything intensely, check out those mountain signals, triangulation references, trial runs, drop point, etc. This was a milk run, posted for Holiday choice. Any pilot could have signed up for it on the posting. Pilots wanted the holidays off, like everyone else, so it was a gimme to get that particular flight. Not a high demand item. I think Scott wanted to get home and this flight did that for him. Not the case for the co-pilot. He was heading away from home on a quiet flight with normally few passengers, timed to be a talking point in the cloakroom.
  2. What came first, the chicken or the egg? What difference is there between a discussion with Ralph and a discussion with me, if the facts are identical? Seems to me that the same information from two credible sources would rule out conjecture. Ralph is basically truthful most of the time. I'm more forthcoming with Cooper info than Ralph, but at least equally honest about first hand facts. Ask Ralph. He advised to basically go home and forget it. That help you any?????
  3. I did not say the pipeline was west of Portland. The flight took a loop west from the pipeline to circle Portland. If you look at the map I posted this should help you.
  4. I have been told that every now and then you can get a bad one, but I don't partake. Tried corn silk as a kid though. Sick? Oh, boy! Maybe somebody is messin' with yer stash. (:O) My said 'stir the pot' and I though you meant spicing up the stew! But I see where your head is at, kinda clarifies a lotta the posting you make...not WHAT ya say but WHY! No, just trying to be friendly. Here is a quote From Bruce on his page: "There is some question as to how much information sharing has been conducted between the flight crew and the FBI. Ralph Himmelsbach, the Cooper case agent for the Portland, Oregon FBI office reportedly has never spoken with Tina even though she lived in the Portland area during the latter stages of his career. In addition, Ralph told me that he never met the pilot, Bill Rataczak, until he did so at his retirement party from the FBI. Flight 305 Captain Bill Scott also flew in and met with Ralph for the first time at Ralph’s party. Mr. Himmelsbach writes in his book, NORJAK, that important information about the flight path was disclosed at that time, details of which are strongly at variance with the Seattle office’s perspective." Bruce Smith, The Mountain News – WA Bruce is absolutely correct in this information as it was relayed to me also. The information about the flight path was as I described recently on this forum, 15 miles WEST of the reported flight path. I can not go into more detail without getting into more trouble, but this verification from Bruce is identical to the information I got from the man. This puts the flight WEST of Portland and changes the dropzone consistent with the Tina's Bar money wash-up. It confirms "Janet's" report of the flight west of Portland with flares being shot, and Ralph's notes of flares, and McCoy's account of flares and Janet. Everything is consistent. The lights from the pump stations and the clear-cut pipeline right-of-way. The dairyland not the forest. Created a search zone where he was NOT. Bad weather and dangerous conditions, the big bad forest, he certainly perished or froze to death. Yada-yahda-yahda. It was light rain and cool. He jumped in pasture lands. He knew exactly where he wanted to jump, and that is where he jumped. Can't be more specific, but you can guess how it was done. The real facts are finally coming to light here. That is what really happened. He buried the money in a milk can and never recovered it. A flood washed the money to the sandbar where the dredge mulched most of it. The insurance company happily bit the bullet as part of the operation. All Duane kept was a couple pocketfuls of bills as I got it. Then Mac pulled his caper to accentuate the skyjacking hazards to persuade Congress to action. Duty called.
  5. I have been told that every now and then you can get a bad one, but I don't partake. Tried corn silk as a kid though. Sick? Oh, boy! Maybe somebody is messin' with yer stash. (:O)
  6. Ho-Hum. You want that I should stir the pot a little and liven up the conversation? You are putting me to sleep.
  7. Let's see. There is Karen, Tina, how about Maggie? Don't think those are people Duane made really happy. How about the guy he and you went to see in the bar out east, and was told never to show his face again? They don't put you in the klink for helping old ladies across the street. Your view is clouded.
  8. That was a joke. I figured you'd appreciate that one. Details PM'd to Quade for his review. Enough said. Sounds more like another dirty trick than a joke. I hope you are not suggesting that I posted any of that trash. I don't mis-spell KC or Bleepins. If you search 'ChristensOn' you will find Georger, Jo, and Bennett are the mis-spellers. I don't waste time on other obscure sites. This was done by someone who likes to create stories, be noticed, has an agenda, and causes problems. Check the ipo's, mine ain't there. Maybe Bleepins trying to ban me as he promised, or Jamie taking his shots. Definitely not me. Not my positions. Obvious. I'm not laughing. Another dirty trick by a dirty-third. Geoffery is a friend of mine whom I do not badmouth like Bleepins. Consider the source. Ridiculous! Maybe I'm just getting traction for the truth to come out and Bleepins can't handle it, so he creates another false diversion to silence me. Show him the map of the flight WEST of Portland and tell him WHO gave me the information!!! Pillars of the community, what? Game, Set, Match. Checkmate. Gotcha!
  9. McCoy chose Duane because he had used him before, he was not dangerous and his crimes were all small stuff. He was sick and could be bargained with for his services. He wanted out, he needed special medical care. James Earl Ray was institutionalized and did not want out, but he wanted similar medical care, better facilities, etc. Both bought into a "deal". Henry Selick bought into the doubling job for McCoy by accepting a plastic surgery package, flattening his ears and redoing his nose, etc. You can still identify him in my pictures. I didn't get a damned thing except the flu three years hiding out in the blowing snirt of North Dakota, 1971-74.
  10. Duane had a hidden magnetic personality, and when he turned the charm on, he was well liked by everyone. When he planked your wife he was not appreciated much. Window peeper, small-time criminal with a dynomite smile.
  11. Now, you know that's not true! Jo has her back up every time she posts! Red-Blue-Red-Blue. The Super-Duper-Cooper-Fabri-Dupor. She now BELIEVES the dis-information she fought for years against. This Cooper-itus crap can take your life and destroy it completely. Count all the victims. Look in the mirror.
  12. Pure BALONEY! HOG WASH! FBI/FAA DISINFORMATION! Confirmed to me from the only one who really knows!!! Confirmed to RALPH by the same guy! Told to his son. Confirmed by Janet. Confirmed by McCoy. Jo, your are up a creek without a paddle! WRONG! WRONG!! It confirms the conspiracy, cockpit colaboration, pre-planning, government involvement, and when you overlay the flight path with the oil pipeline and the flight AROUND Portland like they were ordered, rather than OVER Portland like your version ends up..... WAKE UP! you've been duped bigtime! Or, are you the SUPER-DUPER-POOPER-COOPER-DUP-POR?
  13. You must have too much time on your hands. What a waste. I could have let you know ahead of time, Huckleberry. There are over 2000 kooks like her out there with similar fables to spin for a buck or a picture in the paper. BTK: "How many people do I have to kill to get my name in the paper?" Preemption: (BTK was not Bob T. Knoss)
  14. The reason pilots have reported more than mild weather is that the whole operation was executed by pilots as a group. The FAA was the primary supporter and almost ALL of the participants were pilots. Some were even parachutists and riggers. Hemmelsbach, O'Hara, Haapala, all these guys were PILOTS! (Except NIxon I guess.) Pilot support pilots here. It was a giant game with the airlines and government. Cooper HAD to escape. The Hague Convention, the Montreal Convention, etc. If you look at your history of the FAA you will see the progression right up to Nixon's Executive Order instituting Rataczak's, et. al., wild ass dreams. Yah-da-yah-da-yah-da.
  15. Not funny, Robert. Find a hobby.
  16. No, the one about Cooper, not McCoy. This one shows Henry Selick as McCoy.
  17. Sure we do, Bleepins. He pulled on ten seconds count after going down the stairs face first, wapping his right leg on the railing. You just don't listen! Of course, your input would be incorrect, just on general orders... Ask Mac. Well, he has more contracts out on him than you can count, so he probably won't talk to you anyway. Ask Jerry he knows everything. Speed at the jump was probably at 175 knots or less, elevation at 10,000 feet or so, winds per Robert99. Flight path is correct as reported except 15 miles off to the West of where they say it was. Jump happened a few seconds after the question, "How's everything going back there? Anything we can do for you?" or something to that effect. One, two, three... Ten seconds later the chute is pulled. I think he was a little early and had to hike a ways which warmed him back up.
  18. I tried a download of the Satalite Map from Google. Interesting, but not helpful. Best results were a hi-density Rand-McNally Atlas map and a clear layer of the scaled flight path I ran on PhotoShop. I ran another layer of the dual oil pipeline, used registered reference points for accuracy, and murged the layers. Veeeeeellieeeee inturwestinnnnnnnk!
  19. Thank You Show ANY relevance to any Cooper and I will shut up FOREVER! Nothing valid exists because it did not happen. Granted there are many mental cases out there that have been told stories by Cooper wannabes with the Cooper name.. Kinda natural I guess. Kinda like Jesse James relatives, etc. Why, I'm related to a president, just like most of you. Cousin of my gramma, he was. Fat, incompetent, lazy. You know the one. He was probably related to a Cooper, too.
  20. NOBODY with the real name COOPER was involved even remotely with the COOPER hijacking. DAN COOPER was a comic book pilot character from Canadian comics. This is beyond the pale, er puke pail. Get serious.
  21. Well, part of it was waiting for McCoy to arrive from Utah, where he was finishing dinner..... He followed in a helicopter and is depicted in the FBI film of the re-enactment. Watch it. I posted the picture of McCoy's stand-in actor for that film once here already. (SEE BELOW) Not very well coordinated fabrication when somebody wants to be famous and the rest want to meld into the woodwork. Famous, infamous, he didn't care much. Tommy Gunn. Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr., Captain Tommy Gunn. Rauhl with an eye patch. He SAID he was gunna be famous!!
  22. There were signal towers - I have the maps with the towers on them. What kind of tower they were I do NOT know - but they all had lights on top of them. Signal tower of some sort. I am out of here for awhile. Knoss has made garbage out of the thread. Enjoyed reading the posts that are actually productive such as Homid, Georger and Robert99. Since you guys have never seen my time lines (note I did not detail what I posted) less Mr. K incorporate them into his fantasy. This has gotten ridiculous. Those who know me can reach me at my private email address, but I won't open anything from Knoss. Georger - since you don't share you email address learn to send me a BLIND email that will NOT have a return address on it. Just note in the heading - this is Georger or re-garding Cooper. Jo, Towers above a certain height are required by Federal Regulations to have lights on them. Those lights do not signify the purpose of the towers. Maybe I can help here. Don't want to light another red and blue 4th of July discourse, however. Radio towers played an important role in navigating 305 to the drop point. There was discussion of "unregistered" towers emitting signals from the mountains that could be used and those were going to be verified and evaluated. Two radios were involved in triangulation, which is probably what Jo is digging for. Another input she is after. She doesn't understand it, but she is correct in pursuing it. My mother went through the same mental deterioration, so I understand. Nothing personal. Our hearts are with you, Jo.
  23. You describe your situation with K.C., not mine. You have a lot of history and conjecture but ABSOLUTELY no proof. You rely on other people's stories, that's hearsay. I rely on first hand experience, not hearsay. I knew these people. You did not. I refer to my notes of the conversations that actually occurred. You have none. You are not a judge or even an attorney. I don't have to prove anything to you, nor can I confide in you. I present thoughts for logical people to analyze to bring them to the realization of facts I understand. My goal is not to cause harm to any individuals but to provide enlightenment. I don't like what I see. I was used, illegally, and "I have a grudge". Others acted out of civil duty and are heroes, not criminals. Why lie about any of it? Catch 22.
  24. We know better. That was just the beginning of a long undercover career. I talked to him recently, but won't expose him further. The FBI knows, Bill knows, many friends know. He did verify Janet. It's a done deal. The real flight path was not altered, just reported 15 miles off course to the east. If you take the flight path and place it to scale on a road map where they reported it, then slide the overlay to the west 15 miles, you will discover that it fits like a glove. Portland radioed that 305 should fly around Portland since they had a bomb aboard. If you use the reported positions, that puts the flight path right OVER PORTLAND!!!! THAT'S STUPID!!! Look at the loop in the flight path. It circles Portland to the west AS ORDERED!! And it puts the flight right over the oil pipeline and it is all clear-cut. This is so simple it is child's play. And you play tinkertoys with this dumb KC fable with a serious face and think I'M a loony-toon? This is so basic they had to really try hard to not expose it. It is the biggest pothole in the whole cover-up. Expose this blooper and everything falls apart. Janet has it right. Robert99 has it right. Galen Cook has it right. Family verified it as truth. McCoy verified it as correct. I believe it because I did the homework. Anybody that knows the truth knows this to be factual. It exposes the entire caper by opening the door as to WHO actually was controlling the stage of this fable afterwords. ANSWER: FAA/FBI.