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Everything posted by HandsomeSalad

  1. Which is bigger: Life or death? deal with it... That doesn't make sense.
  2. Slavery was better in 1840 than 1740.
  3. Which is a bigger threat: Muslim Extremists or a foreign policy which kills hundreds of thousands of people and creates the conditions for Islamic radicalisation.
  4. Show me how Capitalism is making 80% of the world dirt poor. Oh you are confused? It is the dominant global economic practise which has existed for a couple of centuries now - most people are still living in poverty. You can still advocate capitalism and reconcile this fact. It takes a degree of calusness but it isn't a hard thing to do. The tongue in cheek point is that the original hypothesis is stupid and consumer choice has absolutely nothing to do with the fundamental problems of the world economic, social or other wise.
  5. Boycotting products is how to stop 80% of the world being dirt poor? This is ground breaking theory.
  6. Said the El Salvadorian orphan to the Nepalese child labourer.
  7. A company will replace a company... you have a firm grasp of this Capitalism stuff.
  8. I don't see why the US should break its trend and not help the Libyan dictatorship - why ruin a good thing?
  9. Shit like this comes frm people like Assange. Good. Can you elaborate? Its good the SAS can't secretly move around foreign countries during chaos without public knowledge. I would expect the same level of reporting if my country was in the midst of a major civil upheaval and other countries had sent their own special forces in for whatever reason. If it was purely to evac ex-pats then all the better - there will be no political fallout. If not - too bad - devise a better plan to meddle in other people's affairs if you don't want it public knowledge.
  10. Shit like this comes frm people like Assange. Good.
  11. Head of nail meet hammer or equally sturdy nail hitting device.
  12. Its implied when leaking documents that highlight war crimes is a strong negative. I'm just thinking of you Belgian Draft. The speed at which you take your 'Libertarian' hat off and put your nationalist hat on with any given subject may make you bald early. Once we have dealt with these bastards we can finally go buy a Model T Ford and this new thing they call the vacuum. Also I have snake oil here you might be interested in.
  13. Seems like this was 26 pages of... Big Government killing civilians in foreign lands - good Big Government taking over domestic services - bad Way to understand your own ideology.
  14. This and the other pathetic responses are telling of the intellectual and moral culture of the Americans here. In fact you could say its just telling of the low level of your educational. The US military and financial support of the Egypt dictatorship over the last couple decades is terrorism. Not only is it terrorism but its a much more serious form of terrorism than say the spectacular achievements of flying planes in to buildings and killing a few thousand people. Play the blame America game? This is American terrorism at its highest.
  15. Yes & yes. However given the demographic, and changing one at that, of the U.S. If one doesn't think the US will become naturally a bilingual country one would be living in a fantasy (or white mans nightmare as the case may be).
  16. And all the citizens that still have Spanish as a first language? Can you only ever be a guest if you prefer to use Spanish? Don't need a Spanish language newspaper. Yes. A resounding yes. So the only publications in America should be in English and if you prefer to speak Spanish you will never be American. You are in for a fun time these next couple of decades.
  17. And all the citizens that still have Spanish as a first language? Can you only ever be a guest if you prefer to use Spanish?
  18. Why would they print a newspaper in their second language when plenty of people can already read it.
  19. Israel refused to pursue the road of peace even when offered virtually all of East Jerusalem and no mass influx of refugees, both clear stipulations of international law. Not much more evidence is really needed. A terrorist state will pursue terrorist methods as we see more and more every year.