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Everything posted by EVickiW

  1. Disagree. I love farflung's posts, and I reckon he could make money out of his writing. Not a huge Kinky fan personally to be honest. I'd rather compare farflung to Jeremy Clarkson, who you guys may or may not know. In fact farflung's description of his troubles in Holland could just as easily have been penned by Clarkson! Farflung, i have no opinion on your hunkiness, but please keep on with the posts! Mr. orange you surely jest. Farflung is about as funny IMHO as a colostomy. Some of you really think his posts are amusing? I just puked in my mouth slightly just thinking of his "hunkiness". Orange1 is a female....Mr.Green...you are an FNG that has recently invaded this forum. Keep your pessimistic opinions to yourself. Life is short - stop the drama - don't read his posts....GREAT.....the end. Sorry if you just puked in your mouth a little bit, however it gives me a good clue why YOU have such a sour disposition. Again...a colostomy....I understand this may be the reason for your shitty outlook on life. Farflung is a friend of this forum and will be a friend of ours long after you decide to depart. Sorry to engage you in this type of banter, but honestly...LIFE IS TOO F"N SHORT and IT CHANGES ON A DIME! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  2. I never said US Attorney are "gods" although compared with the average state's attorney or DA they are. I was merely stating I would listen to a TV Actor / attorney that admission to being an accomplice to a high jacking would be a non-prosecutable offense.Tacomaman's comment inbedded in 377's post. An agressive US Attorney could get a ham sandwich indicted, but getting a conviction is another matter. An accomplice has an excellent chance of beating the case on a motion to dismiss based on an expired SOL. DBC is not as lucky, he is defintely proescutable today. There is Z E R O hard evidence that DBC had an accomplice waiting for him on the ground or working with him in any capacity. If there was such evidence the Asst. US Attorney who filed on Cooper as a John Doe would have also included the accomplice(s). You can't get an indictment based on pure speculation. There has to be evidence that a crime was committed by the accused suspect, even if the identity is not yet known. How could you make a case against even a John Doe accomplice? It would be 100% speculation. US Attorneys aren't gods (unless they jump) and State prosecutors and county DAs are not "schmucks" as you call them. Both offices have a wide range of talent. Quite a few federal prosecutors used to be DAs. The fed job is more attractive due to pay, stability and benefits, so you rarely see job hops in the other direction. Also, the federal system is just cleaner, no stale vomit in the hallways and holding cells, no graffitii carved in to the seat backs. The courtrooms are more expensively and gracefully appointed, no dirty floors, squalid restrooms or broken ventian blinds. But don't judge the book by its cover. Legal talent resides in both the mansions and the dirty alleys of the court systems. I've seen geniuses and fools in both venues. 377 Tacomaman continues to add his thoughts in the comments of others.........here is his post: I never said US Attorney are "gods" although compared with the average state's attorney or DA they are. I was merely stating I would listen to a TV Actor / attorney that admission to being an accomplice to a high jacking would be a non-prosecutable offense. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  3. Orange is right. DBC can be prosecuted today because he was indicted (as a John Doe) before the SOL cutoff date. If he had accomplices they are not. SOL has run out. This is one legal theory and is why it was reckless for the actor / supposed former prosecutor / attorney to be dispensing legal advice to KC's supposed accomplice on the History Channel's Detector's Show. Believe me - if the Government finds this guy he will be prosecuted. This is a federal crime and we are talking U.S. Attorneys not some schmuck State's Attorney or DA. I have heard there is yet another suspect to come out / being looked at in addition to LD Cooper. Things are moving. Bold to show tacomaman's reply in the center of 377's post. Jo's copyright notices bug me too, but no worries. They are defective. This forum should confirm to the anarchistic legal standards associated with DZs. No liability, everything is waived, lawyers can jump, but can't practice their trade outside of dispensing free advice to fellow jumpers on how to beat spousal support modification motions. 377 Taco? Where are you hearing these things? You act like you're in the kow yet you refuse to answer my questions. Mr. Green...You bring up an EXCELLENT question. Tacomaman could you please give details about your claims or back them up with references. Right now it is a case of he said/she said with no distinguishable evidence. Thank you. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  4. Self explanatory! Keep typing! (Rolling eyes and think to self. More people should enroll in local English college course or community education class.) I couldn't agree more , i'm sure you'll find a choice of stellar programs in your area. Tell me though , do you and skyjack71 trade places every week ? Good snitch/Bad snitch kinda thing ? She is actually making some sense today , while you ...well..read back your posts. So, you like to deflect. Classic! Keep typing! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  5. Self explanatory! Keep typing! (Rolling eyes and think to self. More people should enroll in local English college course or community education class.) Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  6. A complete sentence structure could help you convey what meaning you have in your message. This is an internet forum where words can only be read. Body language and facial expressions are non existent. Here is your original post......Read it. What DO YOU think it 'means'? P.S. I do not have a reason to be jumpy. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  7. Don't like what you read in the forum? Then leave. There is not a soul here that has imprisoned you to this forum. If you decide to stay....how would you propose 'showing a suspect'? (your disjointed words) Enlighten us......Please. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  8. Again....A reliable source please...... not your understanding of what may be happening behind the scenes. Your personal understanding leaves it wide open to interpretation. YOU, tacomaman, being the FNG of the forum, I do understand you are unaware of any attempts made by, or who on this forum may be affiliated with 'credible' law enforcement. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  9. That is not at all accurate. There was not a match on one DNA profile - they are testing others. Trust me the FBI is still investigating LD Cooper as all the other known suspects have been ruled out. http://abcnews.go.com/US/db-cooper-dna-results-match/story?id=14258726 From the aforementioned ABC news article: HEY....FBI....I am stating the obvious here.......Fingerprint card from the military???? Why would the family of L.D. Cooper be searching for items with fingerprints if his fingerprints are already on file. I know this bit of information has been brought up in this forum before.....I am not a super-duper investigator, but c'mon.....common sense. This current information being leaked to the media is full of misleading information. tacomaman states: Your source please. Obtuse rants in an internet forum holds very little weight to the actual facts. In addition, list the names of all the suspects that you believe have been ruled out. We will be awaiting your 'educated' factual responses. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  10. It is OK Orange1.....no-one gets my jokes either. Well, except for Farflung. He is one sensitive and funny little monkey. OMG....and he is cool and hunky too. How could I forget that part. (for Jo: OMG-Oh My Gosh) Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  11. My Dad was white and had olive toned skin. (see profile picture) He was from the Midwest prior to the hijacking. Was in his 40's (44 to be exact) He was 6'0" tall and 180 lbs. He had dark hair, parted on the left and sideburns to mid ear level. Smoked - Drank. Usually was dressed in a black/dark suit. Thin tie, White shirt, had sunglasses, and carried a briefcase. He has been missing since September 1971. Is wanted (still) by the US Marshal's, FBI and Secret Service. OMG.......Do ya think? It can not be! Oh wait....yes it could. (for Jo, OMG - Oh My Gosh) Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  12. Disclaimer: The following video has absolutely nothing to do with our Orange1. LOL.......Bruce said "talking orange" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9jE33s51yY&NR=1 Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  13. Now we know what kept him warm! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  14. I really like Smokin99's reply and second it. We have a neighborhood here. Others look at us and say some of you can do better. You don't have to live around crazies and homeless people. There is a nice gated community over at Google or Yahoo that is so much cleaner. This forum has one big advantage in that it's part of a skydiving website. Many jumpers who are not regular posters do read it and jump in once in a while to add valuable historical or technical info. Larry Carr says the case is basically a bank robbery. To others it's basically a skydive. Everybody has their own perspective. I like it here. It's home. It's family. People threaten to leave all the time, but they come back. It's family to them too, but they just don't realize it. 377 I have had this song in my head lately and having a difficult time deciding why I cannot shake it......other than the song being a parallel universe to this forum. Please feel free to dance like no-one is watching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIzDsGyxsQM&ob=av2e Through Glass lyrics Songwriters: Economaki, Shawn; Rand, Josh; Root, James Donald; Taylor, Corey; I'm looking at you through the glass Don't know how much time has passed Oh God it feels like forever But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home Sitting all alone inside your head 'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass Don't know how much time has passed All I know is that it feels like forever But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home Sitting all alone inside your head How do you feel? That is the question But I forget you don't expect an easy answer When something like a soul becomes initialized And folded up like paper dolls and little notes You can't expect a bit of folks So while you're outside looking in Describing what you see Remember what you're staring at is me 'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass Don't know how much time has passed All I know is that it feels like forever But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home Sitting all alone inside your head How much is real? So much to question An epidemic of the mannequins, contaminating everything We thought came from the heart But never did right from the start Just listen to the noises (Null and void instead of voices) Before you tell yourself It's just a different scene Remember it's just different from what you've seen I'm looking at you through the glass Don't know how much time has passed And all I know is that it feels like forever But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home Sitting all alone inside your head 'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass Don't know how much time has passed And all I know is that it feels like forever But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home Sitting all alone inside your head And it's the stars The stars that shine for you And it's the stars The stars that lie to you, yeah And it's the stars The stars that shine for you And it's the stars The stars that lie to you, yeah I'm looking at you through the glass Don't know how much time has passed Oh God it feels like forever But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home Sitting all alone inside your head 'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass Don't know how much time has passed All I know is that it feels like forever But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home Sitting all alone inside your head And it's the stars The stars that shine for you, yeah And it's the stars The stars that lie to you, yeah And it's the stars The stars that shine for you, yeah And it's the stars The stars that lie to you, yeah yeah Who are the stars? Who are the stars that lie? [ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/s/stone-sour-lyrics/through-glass-lyrics.html] Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  15. Not on the crime shows. All they need is familia dna...you will carry your fathers gene and your mother - but they would know you are related. They do this all the time to find out who the father is. Why can't the do this with your dna. Jo, Your reference to crime shows above is a fallacy. Crime shows are contrived, or fabricated, by Hollywood screenwriters! These televised shows have a completely different perspective than what really takes place in an accredited forensic science laboratory! It may be helpful for you to read the following scholarly article: http://www.public.asu.edu/~nschwei/archive/csieffect.pdf THE CSI EFFECT: POPULAR FICTION ABOUT FORENSIC SCIENCE AFFECTS THE PUBLIC’S EXPECTATIONS ABOUT REAL FORENSIC SCIENCE (N. J. Schweitzer & Michael J. Saks) Viewers of these shows are given an unrealistic expectation. Many will believe evidence is processed the way they observed it on a television program. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  16. http://www.stevenrinehart.com/uploads/LarryCarrInterview.mp3 At 30:50 in this interview with Larry Carr...........He speaks of the DNA sample and familial testing. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  17. I am not sure....I spoke with Eng in February 2011....He called me at work on the recommendation of others (we know who). I gave him the information and FBI # on the back of Mel's mug shot. I have not heard from him since and it is not my style to call or email continuously. My take is the squeaky wheel just get REALLY annoying after a while until it becomes a white noise. The FBI in Seattle has the information I supplied and they can decide what to do with it. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  18. Mel was in the Navy. His enlistment date was November 24, 1942 out of San Francisco. He is a wanted felon and his fingerprints are on file at Leavenworth, San Quentin and Madison, WI. He is already in the FBI system and has a FBI number. From what I understood, DNA could not be from a family member, but only from the suspect themselves. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  19. Farf....Can I exit the game before the last round? I will take my $200,000 in twenty dollar bills, wrapped in rubber-bands and placed in a white canvas bank bag please. I have to get going....my plane will be taking off as soon as it is re-fueled! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  20. (I loathe this aspect of the media) This was my opinion. not a characterization. I have had run-ins with the local media here. Gave an interview and after their cut and paste editing, I could not believe it was me giving that interview. If it sells it is "game on". I agree with Orange1..Tabloid Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  21. Who......is..............Jo Weber; aka Mrs. Cooper???? (for Jo - aka = also known as) Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  22. Tina = Victim Mountain News and Bruce Smith = Stalker (I loathe this aspect of the media) Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs
  23. Farf.....I....will.......take........Denial for $200,000 please. Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs