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    skydance skydiving
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  1. this one is my favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtdFRHQwF2I
  2. depends, how much is £100 ? when life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail.
  3. i like this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtdFRHQwF2I when life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail.
  4. not as bad as women in radio. when life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail.
  5. been lurking for a while but this post made me think about my aff/taff days. many times during my 56 mile drive to the DZ i had the same thought. WTF!! now about 1 year after that same 56 miles are pure joy. i remember in the plane watching other skydivers cracking jokes and thought how the fuck could they do that????? well now i know. all i can say is stick in there... i did, and after aff, I'm hooked. now its just FUN!!!!!!! when life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail.
  6. good job staying alive. we need more armed citizens like you. punk ass thugs will think twice next time they try this shit.
  7. scotch and soda when life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail.
  8. but it will be the pac 750. when life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail.
  9. in california its been nothing but overcast. yuck and yuck when life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail.