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Everything posted by gale

  1. gale

    Age and Skydivers

    Nope, I've changed over to a Marilin Monroe blond thing. If you had of been out yesterday you would have seen it. I may do another colour, we'll see. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  2. I can't beleive I would disagree with Bilvon either, and yet, here it is: I fundamentally don't believe that we all have the urge "to have sex regardless of the situation". I have no need to be restrained against the urge to have sex on the sidewalk with a passerby, because I have no such urge. Rapists don't rape because they want sex, they rape because they want to have power over the victim. This is well documented. If it were just about sex, men who had many willing sex partners wouldn't commit rape, and this is just not the case. This can be seen even more in pediphiles (some, not all) as they can be having lots of sex and still prey on children. The reason it's considered to be a mental illness is because there is something different about their brain and they need treatment. The may have "higher-order brain functions" and yet still have the desire to rape/molest. Now I agree, the victim stance of an abuser is not to be stood for, but it doesn't mean they aren't sick. While the studies on the frontal lobe may be interesting and a jumping off point, I know that they in no way lead to conclusive proof regarding brain function. We just aren't knowledgable enough to make these kind of determinations. I personally would like to see rapists and child molesters shot, but that's another matter. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  3. gale

    Age and Skydivers

    OK. I'll keep that in mind. So, as a secondary question, if a 24 year old kisses a 40 year old do you think it's weird? Normal? Don't think about it? Would you feel comfortable doing it? Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  4. Well hon, I think that's really cute and if I were anywhere near you I would totally be there! (I really want to see the premier too.) Good luck! Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  5. gale

    Age and Skydivers

    Yup, I knew someone would say that! Guess you'll have to start hanging out up north. (I'm in Canada) Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  6. gale

    Age and Skydivers

    So I was out at the dz yesterday just hanging out because I can't jump with my sprained ankle and I'm chatting with one of the few women out there who's about my age, mid-20's. We are a small dz with a small group of regulars and most of them are late 30's, early 40's guys, and the few much younger women have dated quite a few of the much older guys, often with a 15 year age difference. So when I asked her what was up, she said that once you're a skydiver, you're just a skydiver. Everyone's the same so age makes no difference. I sometimes feel weird when someone 15 years older then me hits on me, but this happen a lot out at the dz. I understand that tight groups tend to be "incestuous" with regards to sexuals relationships (one guy said to me, when you break up with a girl friend at the dz you don't loose a girlfriend, you loose your spot) but does this happen everywhere? I'm just curious. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  7. I love my tackified gloves. They are football reciever gloves and were hard to find (I don't live in a football town) but are worth it. They grip the plane, which is especially good for hanging exits on a cessna. As for dirt, well, yes if you land in the mud (like me!) then the will get quite muddy. But I find that I can clean them easily with a little soap and water and then tackified feeling comes right back. (I use a toothbrush to be thurough, but that's just because I really want the grip) By the way, I first bough a pair of snowboarding gloves that had tacky rubber on them and I fell off the plane from them while trying to do a hanging exit. They were too thick and my hands lost grip due to the sliding of the linings. Not good. Thinner is better if you ask me and the foolball receiver glove is perfect! Check out ParaGear for their gloves. You can buy most of the ones they offer in sporing supply stores also. Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  8. So it didn't work I take it. Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  9. gale

    pot heads?

    hmmmm, experience? Well, yes, of course I've smoked pot, where I live it practically grows at the side of the road. It certainly does slow things down, and take the edge off a high. For me, I really like the way I feel after a jump and feel no need to "enhance" it. I also don't normally drink afterwards. Your experience might be different. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  10. I'm surprised too. Not to mention that at least some of the people reading these posts are gay or bisexual. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  11. "Wow, that must have hurt" - after I kicked one of my PFF instructors in the head really hard upon deployment. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  12. Hey, if girls can kiss and not feel anything so can guys. Either way it's no big deal, it's just a kiss. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  13. If you don't want any panty lines, you could just not wear any panties. (Works for me) Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  14. But assuming you just landed the chute and are trying to kite it yourself, what are the chances then? I'm thinking there are lots of mal possibilities in this situation. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  15. Nope, not in Terminal Velocity. In my skydiving movie marathon I just watched that (oh so bad) movie, and they didn't do that. But in Drop Zone they do it a few times. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  16. gale

    pot heads?

    It's interesting that people would smoke pot after (hopefully not before) skydiving. Pot is a downer and would ruin the natural high you get from skydiving. It doesn't seem to go with the adrenaline junky image of skydiving. (Of course, so does all that beer that skydivers seem to like so much.) As for the harsher drugs, well that's another story. By the way, people do come out to our drop zone and try to jump stoned (we are on the west coast after all) but they are NEVER allowed. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  17. OK, so this might just be unbelievably stupid, but I just have to know: If you put on a rig that has it's chute deployed and jump off a building, is that actually going to work? This isn't anything I would do or anything but I'm curious, it strikes me as being totally impossible, but what do I know. (Yup, due to my skydiving movie marathon I'm full of dumb questions.) Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  18. Definately not new to the Net (on since 94) but I don't chat, or post; well, until I like to hang out here, I think it just shows the depth of my skydiving obsession. Oooh, and as for the sheep, I have stories..... Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  19. Well, just because you said it in responce to my post I have to ask, what does LMAO stand for? Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  20. How about altitude, speed (max and average) and then the ability to graph trends, and do seraches. (Like, when was the last time I jumped with Jane, or whatever) This might be outside the scope of you project though. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  21. I would never want someone I love to undergo uneccesary surgery. What I love about people has nothing to do with what they look like and everything to do with who they are. It's terrible (if you ask me) when women undergo surgery for looks and if men do it too it just drags everyone down. Ohh, and as far as my vote goes for penis size, I say, it doesn't matter, toys come in all shapes and sizes.
  22. I read the first one about licking my elbow and thought "I wonder how many people are going to read that and try to lick their elbow" Then I thought I wouldn't do that because it's dumb, but then I read all this other stuff about elbow-licking, and I TRIED IT. Yup. I'm a sheep. (By the way, I can't really do it either, I'm disappointed.) Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  23. Mine is Katherine. It's pronouced Katherina, not KaTerina. It's russian. I love it. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  24. Yup, I know exactly what you mean. But instead of being distracted by skydiving and not studying, you could be distracted by ankle pain and not studying! I think Tylenol 3's will improve my average don't you??? But seriously, keep at it, look at the light at the end of the tunnel, I don't know what you're majoring in, but hopefully it will result in a cool, well-paying job so you can jump all you want. That's my plan, make lots of money, jump lots, get good. Feel free to borrow it if you like. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive
  25. "Too tame and mainstream, huh? Well, we obviously need to get down to a more appropriate level then. What kind of level would interest you? Swinging? S&M? Bestiality?" Beastiality might be a bit much. Gale Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive