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Everything posted by richravizza

  1. I think the same, that Bidens obsession with erasing Trump from history is the reason we're on this brandon train wreck.As for the "Hundreds of thousands of people that died as result" you should rethink that.I'm sure mass manslaughter charges are in order for Cuomo too.I'm trying to understand your fear of Republicans and hated to Trump. An unfortunate default but believe me, your not winning anyone over. I can't believe I'm using CNN as a source but I'm sure you'll approve lol. The public knows which President they are worse off by, try and focus on the present. Bidens responses to Putins gas price hikes are hilarious. Wouldn't you agree? Obama called it a gimmick, Biden didn't remember the Federal Gas Tax Holiday,he thought it his own sad part, his handlers thought it a grand idea,like an obscure meeting with the culprit. Open the Strategic reserves and when that has no result and is seen as a failure, in true character blame station owners. . Take a trip to kiss Saudi ass,a fist pump later and Biden is humiliated when they tell him to fk off, peanuts. On the dis and misinformation front Bidens handlers missed it by one letter with DGB,an orwellian twist to KGB but there you have it, a victim. As to the direction of the country well... trusted news Please don't tell me your the 15% that are oblivious. 'Ultra Make America Great Again' is supposed to help… Democrats?" Washington Examiner reporter Jerry Dunleavy asked. "Anyway, congrats to the consultants who were able to cash checks for this." "Psaki said yesterday Biden came up with this all by himself though," radio host Dana Loesch pointed out, referring to comments outgoing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said asserting the "ultra-MAGA" talking point was a Biden original. So what are we to do? We just embraced it, and started selling merch. I heard the big guy wants a cut.LOL I'm sorry that I didn't dissect your paragraph,but I think you'll agree the Abraham accords and the USMCA,not that bad. For this one you have to stand and loosen up. Lift one knee to hip height then the other, leg lift twice then the other side, you ready..this is going to be as much fun as the time wrap. Whoa
  2. "ONDCP did not issue a national drug control strategy for either 2017 or 2018," the GAO concluded. I hope you find it,odd.Look closer, there just might be a reason other a ONDCP messaging that reduced ODs and least slowed the growth of their epidemic.Wonder ? what caused the positive outcome in from 2017-2019. Which leads me to our disagreement on the border issue.Last time we ended our conversation was... From a trusted News Source CNN+. Seems the problem moved a little north last we spoke. We could start a grassroots movement; an underground railroad, asylum from America to Canada.The money angle moot since they sold everything for the coyotes and cartes safe passage, but I'm sure we can overwhelm the the Canadian border with a half a million or so... At least we can agree, he did a poor job in our withdrawal. Sad mostly, but no hate.
  3. LOL, you wrote a paragraph on Trump. Look in the mirror, dude. I'm not here to defend Trump, he's not the President. So what does that graph tell you? It's been a problem building up to epidemic proportions for years, it was a problem during the Trump admin. and it is only getting worse, and it's frumps fault we are in the situation. The Bidens like a LA public service message.Empower yourself, empower your Addiction by using our kit. The Right with Loza has a diddy for that.. the pipe itself is fake news, like Bubbas noose. If we give them a clean rig, maybe they won't od. A perfect picture of the prospects of pfentanyl Addiction. If your a fan of art,sit on this for a moment, what message does this convey to our youth about addiction and drug use. This one is more accurate. Our Nation's trajectory doesn't look so good in this area, in five years we should be right around Covid mortality rates. My Biden Memorial Day malsise message presented on Fourth of July.,Enjoy my Patriots the last verse being best at 2:20, for those offended. What makes you think your special to a new world order.
  4. That fentanyl inconvenience caused 50,000 Americans to die from ODs. To put that in perspective,we lost about the same number of servicemen during the entirety of the Vietnam Conflict.With the burden of a Biden Border Crisis that number has sadly doubled. unrelated or not he's a train wreck.
  5. As in Carter 2.0 four decades later.A true disconnect between Washington and the People. Did I mention there is an oil "shortage"? I believe that's your adjective,not mine. A Presidential inquiry, "Is it shall, or is it may" "It may cost more than last year." Our goal post, peace.
  6. You didn't see the inversion, that's ok. My sister's at the Ronald Reagan library today. Invert the basic premise of Quarantine; meant to isolate the sick from the general public and we isolate the healthy from themselves. A lockdown in draconian fashion. Straight jackets or duck tape Talk about a bad trip! A nightmare left wing dystopian future, closer to Blade Runner and Huxley, than Orwell. Drones flying about, trying to identify the source, your building, your floor, your flat, the individual, the source. Its loudspeaker blaring "Go indoors, Close your windows, don't let the foreign plague succeed. Suppress your hearts desire for freedom!" “Quite a thing to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it's like to be a slave”
  7. Hi Jerry. I agree, there isn't a shortage yet,thanks for the optimism. How much more are those hot dogs that we saved .13 cents on last year? Inflation and massive Gov't spending can benefits those with large Assets, not so much for those who don't. A recurring theme.
  8. 6/6/22 In Proper Presidential posture a postponed pm proclamation to Pfrance was telegraph.The parchment reached Pfrace on 6/7/22 and read: "YOU take YOUR SEAT"
  9. Eerily similar in arrogance to Harris, our Energy Secretary opines on our prospects in November. Completely oblivious of consequences to the middle class and poor of America. What is the grand old plan to increase oil production? Haha we're at war with that industry. We found out how they're going to pay for all the non inflationary spending, a pound of our flesh.
  10. Do you mean to tell us the Republicans party locked us down, closed our businesses,mandated vaccines and closed the schools like Shanghai. I think the youth of our Nation got a taste of draconian authoritarianism all right. Missed graduations, clandestine parties and canceled trips to Canada.Kangaroo courts that have the power to call demonstrations of dissidents insurrectionist. An authoritarian Supreme Court that affirmed States Rights.Got it! I had heard the viewership of the hearings are as well received, as CNN+. To point; I hope you enjoy the doomed viewpoint LOL
  11. Bill, like oil and water you and I. I was hoping you'd comment on the mass psychosis that drove one to such despair of the future, so bleak that such a sacrifice is required, and if you think those failed albeit dire predictions of climate crisis might have something to do with the human tragedy? I'll leave agreeing with you that any man made leakage is undesirable,even if it were possible to reduce it by 100%. My point, Phills risk to the environment will never be eliminated.
  12. If your getting your information about "da right wing ",watch Fox LOL Bills perspective is not a wise choice.Of course he doesn't have any friends of right leaning, so a paranoid horror show of nightmares and TDS are a must. I recommend a good bm, but now I need one,page one post one. "Where's all the anger coming from?" lol Do you read what you write. It's a Parental rights bill, what are you so angry about? What is Disney so angry with parents about? Florida's Parental Rights in Education law, which prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity for students in kindergarten through third grade. Parental Rights, if you want to oppose that, be my guest after the eye opener parents got during covid,I believe that's a hill you'll die on. Jerry also assumed it was "not issue",stir in a little CRT and Youngkin wins Desantis and parents become your "enemies within". Nobody on the right believes they will cancel Disney, that's simply absurd.They can't, so they're voting again.. this time with their dollars. The blame lies in part to the new woke corporate structure of activist groups within, Sexuality and gender identity is of no concern to families entertainment ,unfortunately in a binary world you're with us or against. Funny the activist group doesn't worry about the propaganda, material censorship when it comes to its markets in China. So grandpa decided on the Cayman's instead,and the Disney Plus subscription can be a casualty of inflation.As for the IRA why not cash out.I don't want an investment in any Corporation wanting to oppose a democratic law,. A good shaking out is needed sometimes. awake from the woke and perhaps to focus on the 93% of market they had taken for granted. Your a very smart man,I don't understand why you don't do simple searches that might contradict or perhaps sway you to a slight of differing of opinion. Anyhow, this is the first I did. Even your own party supports it.Your quote "why all the anger"? I despise chicken sandwiches too. From the horse's mouth The Executive Producers We trained them well.... LOL :52 Here are the others on the leaked agenda, it bleeds into the libs of tick tock and the groomer troup. Insightful like when teachers talk about parents, when they don't know they're being heard. Considering your moderator status and this subject matter, I don't understand why this isn't in the go woke/broke thread.
  13. Global estimates suggest that naturally occurring oil seeps account for some 47% of the oil released into the ocean environment; on average, 160,000 tons of petroleum leak into waters surrounding North America each year. Unexplained uncontextualized beachings can be a morbid sight,so in true morbid fashion, I'll pitch in. A true believer made the ultimate sacrifice for our cause, a senseless suicide some say, a needless release of greenhouse gas emissions.I'll spare us all the visuals. Reminds me of the El Paso Walmart shooter, let's see how the faithful spin the little fire on the steps of the Supreme Court.
  14. It was simply a joke, my humor is lost ,pitty. I wouldn't know Q ,but like so many of your assumptions you'd be wrong about me and conservative views. Lastly first "Last - when did I ever publicly accuse you of Drunk Posting?Please show me." As for the Quote, I'm unable to find it,unfortunately the thread, 1992 global warming has been removed and replace. Like the name and legacy of the man who established Yosemite's first visitors center, lost to time. Nonetheless, it was years ago and still a recurring theme here, peek at the Hunter laptop thread posted just a few minutes ago as I'm writing you, my elucidations are mere hallucination.LOL I find it playful and engaging. Seems you believe in too many ghost stories,bill posted all that poop too,verbatim.I suggested getting unplugged regularly and stop putting credence and weight in what others tell you about folks. It's the foundation of prejudice. It'll drive you nuts and serves no one here, an auto response almost like your being manipulated. I suggest you reread Winsor's reply to billv poop. I only gave Winsor credit for two gems.But It's actually a treasure trove of diamonds. If you've had Covid, vaccinated or not, I think you may have a different perspective.Unfortunately your also proving my point, my concerns. This is not TB, this is not small pox, this not 1918, and the Vax is also, not like the others.Of course,It's still not licenced. Let us not confuse ignorance with choice.How many times has the FDA been wrong in the past, how many times has the CDC got it wrong. What does the CDC stands for? ....See D.C. .....can even corrupt our medical community.The FDA, should stand for the Floatation Device Administration. While this won't take 75 years of research, it's fun and goes to the point of my hallucinations. How many half truths can be in one short sentence? YES, NO and Yes, (Faucis help) was/is U.S. funding. Released in China is a matter of fact, weather in bat or birds nest soup, we still don't know. Yes, "sometimes the difference between conspiracy theory and known fact, can be two to four weeks" oops. Dark humor, I hope, better than nothing so back at you. On the plus side, the Kulaks those socially harmful, enemies of the people are gone too.
  15. In eight minutes, you must be a time traveler,or the video is censored from your eyes like the corruption.Do tell us of Hunters business prowess competence and successes.
  16. LOL.... No, not at all. Have a heart man, It's always been about taking cares of the children, all their poor poor dependents. On point: While switching would be inconceivable in most. In the key swings, a simple non vote would have changed the outcome.Don't know if you've seen this, I posted it, but like a lab leak conspiracy theory, The hard Left response was " if all hats were blue" and disregarded as such. When you have the time for a rabbit hole. We'll be happy to give you more info about "our political contributions in kind",but not under oath,thank you. LOL Pravda conrade
  17. The word was Omicon, it has more letters than God,silly. But since you brought it up,thought you'd appreciate a prayer I found, just for you. It's a quick word. I quote myself because it's required at times to invoke the spirits of the conversation. "Stick in my craw" good one. You got that one right,we can definitely agree. "The first shutdowns - and indeed most shutdowns - took place under Trump." So it was Trump that locked us up. Just like CNN was saying the whole time,the exodus from california was because of him too. So . . . congratulations? I guess? You managed to screw up the rational response to a pandemic, and ensure that only draconian measures worked. Did you like the result? "For so it had come about, as indeed I and many men might have foreseen had not terror and disaster blinded our minds. These germs of disease have taken toll of humanity since the beginning of things--taken toll of our prehuman ancestors since life began here." Your confusing me with someone, somewhere else, I live in a country where an informed educated citizenry make their own life decisions.Besides I'm not running the supermajority. I was wondering what liberties, and freedoms I can expect to be losing as my consequences for non compliance will they be my freedom to travel, employment, religious freedoms,or a child's education. For you Ayn Rand fans, I believe this is called the "The ultimate inversion".
  18. That's Wolfriverjoes line, LOL ,but before you tell me more about myself, how about you contribute first. It was so long ago,remember the Democratic debates, what did Kamala tell us of our Commander in Chief? In your words would be nice, in the spirit of a thread called Bidens critics corner.When your done let me know what it says about them both. If you don't want to that's cool,too.but I'm sure we would both find that common ground.
  19. We Agree in so few words. Your Consequences,I assume, they will be at the cost to our liberties,to our freedoms, as well as our recourse. foot on a neck Your first sentence is proof of the lack of integrity in leftist thinking..You say essential, I say unassailable.Regardless it was molested and all to what ends,omicron. Omicron,do a letter jumble, let me know what you come up with. Since your my 1A arbiter this week,l'll reply. No Joy Joe. I hope you didn't do an AOC and get the colors confused.LOL.While LA was ran like Cuba for two years, Cubans ran Florida like your bluest of cities. ok,nice perspective. Your paragraph displays a liberal mindset an idea and ability to never have to say I'm sorry.To be unaware of consequence, but quick to divy them out. " some businesses took advantage of the shutdown to retire," Now that's optimism I like that.I guess if gas prices are a problem we can just buy a new Tesla. You see,my blue experiences is 180 out from yours.For two long years, Dems here were in charge of all the lockups mandates and business dicktates. Don't you find it a tragic comedy,Dems allowed big business to profit, but closed yours/ours.Comical that a gator would protect me, among the hundreds of our fellow sheep. LOCK DOWNS ha, take that totalitarian crap and put.edit. I leave the insanity of LA's Democratic leadership and just go to a parallel structure of society, the next county. A completely different reality.The opposite reaction to an intended purpose and an eyeopener to the exodus of california in general. I used Italy exactly because of their worst case scenario among first nations,and nationality of course. I'll give credit where its due in a moment. My approach is simple and entertaining, if you have a preference in genre let me know.I've been privy to rap and hip hop lately,,Seems it was the message, not the messenger all along. Like the Plastic People of the Universe during The Prague Spring, it gives me hope. Pompous lefist pricks like Gavin ground us under his thumb of leadership,he calls himself a liberal as does Cuomo, as for fn Fauci who cares about politics when it comes to the King of the backtracks, I'll take cultural liberties with them and call them both a POS guinea wop, from one to another. Andrew Cuomo grabbing asses like the old daysStill had time to kill more old people than old ageWe all hate you, judge, and defame youI speak for all Italians, we don't claim you This one has some naughty words and just might offend some so hold onto your skirts. Nothing says "spineless" as "I will comply" where there is risk there must be choice nice, rhythm, the quote at the end priceless.Enjoy.
  20. Bravo Sir, why waste time say lot word when few word do trick. LOL
  21. He is also an Indian, a Cuban, and a Black man on occasion. Quite a progressive chameleon, perfect for the job.I can't wait until his underground railroad is in service.
  22. Hi Joe, Funny, your example, you didn't use Italy or LA, or more specifically any free society.Why not use North Korea or Cubas numbers. China your example, how Cosmopolitan. It's a concern I have for those following the Ideology of the Progressive Left, enamored in the efficiency of dictatorship/mandates. And we've had more man-dates than gay night at the club, LOL.. Have you ever heard the paraphrase, "When you sacrifice Liberty for Security,you get neither." I was thinking about this very same thing two years ago during the first lock down, most business were closed. I was in line at Walmart with the hundred other sheep,Taft gator over my metaphorical and literal face...Have you ever heard the paraphrase, "When you sacrifice Liberty for Security,you get neither." I simply, got in my car drove an hour north to the DZ and lived a completely different reality. Biden is a Democrat, most of all the lock downs were in Democratic leadership. Democrats have the teachers in their pockets and our School closures.Cuomo's Emmy Award winning performance in NY speaks for itself. So to point, nobody likes you Joe, no dis too you personally, of course. The wolverine is ok,he's welcome any day.
  23. I'll agree,but Canada's border control would be great. Let's time warp, It's where past posts, become today's news and tomorrow's crisis.Time travel is dangerous so let's keep it to a year. 6/16/21 Biden and Putin in a closed door meeting, a four hour read that lasted an hour and a half. Biden touted Putin's agreement to a "bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue" intended to "lay the groundwork for future arms control and risk reduction measures," according to a joint statement from Biden and Putin released by the White House. Considering how America bailed on our allies in the botched AF withdraw,an American led coalition may be unmotivating to those still licking their wounds. The upshot: Biden with Putins help have nearly doubled US Nat gas exports to Europe.
  24. Bill your incredible, in baseball, you had three at bats.You hit a grand slam, not once,not twice,but three times. What's the odds of that?
  25. It's not,it's a contagious mental condition among progressive,it requires blindness to progress. A peity demonstrated in Self-righteousness, also called sanctimoniousness, sententiousness and holier-than-thou attitudes is a feeling or display of (usually smug) moral superiority derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person. I think we can take this one to the Woke/Joke forum. When the State provides every home apartment condo and place of business in LA that plug ? I'll wait..thinking we might need some extra juice considering our situation. LOL