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Everything posted by richravizza

  1. Nope, nope, Bingo !!!! No fatties just memes and humorous rhetoric six layers deep. But I'll leave with Gavins an Idiot,and I'll add Trump is an Idiot too. Besides it's not the correct time of the year to eat cat. lol.
  2. The burning of Churches has also ended so ,congrads back,with a rhetorical question mark. Check the numbers disregard the duration or the mortality rate and you'll have yourself a RPM Narrative. A real Floyd moment.
  3. Hi Jakee your responses are always so spunky, that's a compliment. I hope you admired the recent unique harvest moon... it was mystikal here. I suppose I put the cart before the horse, as a CRT dissection is needed before the Concepts. Some call it The Five Books of Woke. LOL Most of TK's basic questions about ideology can be answered here too.
  4. How many Canadians still believe the mass graves of children litter their country.
  5. Are you on your ninth booster bro? "When the facts change I change my mind,What do you do Sir ?" I'll bet Gavins the shiny new thing that saves you when Democracy is at stake. oh wait you can't vote for him. To his credit he wrote a law to protect you from the "untruths" and systemic oppression that humor and parody inflict on any tyranny. Page one
  6. Bill thank you for the Quote. I assumed it would just go away, so Bravo sir. Like all great works the reader can read what they want, I'll assume in your eye's I'm the Nazi and I should assume you're the Commie. But I don't think that's it. Hi Wendy I couldn't do her justice and would be a real tragedy an insult if I tried.I prefer video,as nonverbal communication is nonexistent in a written word. I thought this appropriate for the Airborne to score some points with their Love. so to you and ur special, enjoy.
  7. OK, I see the game you want to play,reminds me of denial. So woke is everywhere and nowhere all at once.A perfect analogy of the woke worldview of racism and the ie woke, anti racism scheme. I'll agree it's a Contradiction. Do you think AB 1955 is woke? Funny lady
  8. Who could turn down a Free ride, ALL Aboard ....First stop Harvard!! some gain some loss
  9. Look TK, I just did a phd iddy... jared ravizza style LOL Just because they don't affect you and your's.Please don't assume there are no consequences to an affirmation model. Since PhD's are your thing Merriam may help.
  10. In the rejection of the values of Modernism, and acceptance of postmodernism ,the ideology of woke are a mirror image and culmination of the radical postmodernism movement. Here's an unbiased take. The acceptance of contradiction. Trump is Hitler. LOL
  11. Thanks for the honesty, I admire your Grateful and absent of white guilt or original sin. A hard to find trait in the zeitgeist of our radical postmodern times, fresh. Ironic Not a word on PHD D'angelo or the RPM ideology she espouses.Here's my take. The entire woke ideology is seen a solid intellectual superstructure, a Tower of Babylon; but the architecture is simply a massive facade,once you get closer it is nothing more than scaffolding covered in fabric.Kick one leg out,and it crumples."like the outer crust of a pie". The grifters and opportunist are being exposed one by one. The PhD...I'm sorry to inform you the title has been dissolved to dirty dish water,by the very same who qualify themselves with it. A plumber has limited intellect but at least he is honest. "Am I Racist" Just came out ! I'm sure you don't want to see it but you should. Your enemy is your brother. I am an individual. My Pronouns are Not THEY. I hope you get a chance to see "Am I Racist?" ROFLMAO. Exactly the way I imaging doing an interview.A tell that Some ideas are entitled to never being challenged. LOL A side note. I've noticed 1A freedom to speak as important as the freedom to listen.
  12. Thanks, the two sentences were my point,my intentions were to be balanced not bias.Just a recognition that mistakes may have been made in an affirmation model some with devastating consequences. Add other mental health issues a 70 % growth rate, what could possibly go wrong besides we all know “Medications always have risks and benefits." Of course not ..But At least you're consistent, humorously consistently wrong about me. Professor. Question,If Harris called you entitled how would that make you feel? LOL As for the heroes you got that wrong too, but i'll give a sophomore three tries to get it right. I was saving this for Bill orPhill, but your retort earns the merit. Intellectual bankruptcy
  13. Having a sense of humor is one thing,by the way the dude is hilarious. Self-deprecating on the other hand is a no no.It a Stoic principle {no Offence to to Sto's out there} because it always leaves a depreciating lasting impression to any detractor.An example; a PHD ... check that, out of respect for my detractors. ie. a Public Highschool Diploma from a crackerjacks box. Have you seen Frump try to Dance? LOL He looks like he's jacking two off at once. IMO, This guy's got some talent.Taste the the appetizer,just the first 2, If you like try this one. We can get so off track, the 1A issue I thought you'd find hilarious. After Elon retweeted Mr.Reagan's parody of Kamala's presidency to the tune of 137M views and laughs. Save Us from ourselves,Gov.Gavin Newsom chimed in true leftoid fashion,to tell us he's going to write a law in California to prevent this kind of mis information,a true humorless twit. But a learning moment from 1A World renowned Professor Suggon Deeznuttz. LOL
  14. In the sliver of a sliver; my old culture can take us back to Nero and Caligula,so I'm ok with JFK having orgies in the White House. The problem most encounter is a simple,one could say a free speech issue.They just need to invite the
  15. The title is factually incorrect, copypasta CNN. Using gun violence in America... as a yardstick LOL. That sb your Tell. I offered up the Cass Review,but whatever. I'd suggest you use a tool, it's called "My Media Bias" you can use /Glen to get a discount.The best part is you can find articles that are omitted by both left and right Industrial media complexes. As for the perceived outrage, Tavistock isn't disinformation.Law suits from "Affirmation"are not Deep fakes. to reveiw; I found it interesting, the Plastic Surgeons an unusual bedfellow, conventional wisdom would $uggest the opposite. Wonder what Winsor would make of this, your input is welcome. Seems the very definition of Consensus is in dispute, again.
  16. Harley Davidson seems to be the most recent victim of our Leftist zeitgeist.
  17. Ya that's it and the pornography and genderqueer books are an illusion. I suppose the Mom and kids day at the spa, are for bigots like Riley Gaines.
  18. Why don't you use some critical theory with that wine, add some anti-resecentism to the rhetoric and realize all the founding fathers were criminals, my King. I still have a M-9 magazine,so ya criminal. So sad so sad.
  19. Thanks Nigel, I understand the dilemma as a matter of fact; being voluntarily or involuntarily separated from our families is mostly dependent on the scope of our responsibilities .For some here, It's a generational thing. "Like my father's father, before I and my son." Funny thing, when it came to Tampon Tim's call to duty,I suppose an expedited retirement and a lost of rank shouldn't weight in ones decision process. A good scrub of misinformation,a change in narrative and Voila.. Family Values. "it’s relation to misogynistic men oppressing women" I got it the first time, a dated,predictable, prejudice insult,a real conversation starter.LOL I liked your write up on cognitive bias and enjoy the intellectual conversations here that seem devoid in the public space.They usually end with such an insult and the conversation's over. Here we get to go a little deeper.So if I my add.. We all can effortlessly diagnose Cognitive bias debating others, like an insult, ending the conversation with both sides being neither introspective or reflective.The key to Cognitive Bias is not to simply apply it to the opposition,but to our intellect,and apply it to ourselves. I shared this before hope you get a chance to review it We can always look forward to the two hour interview invite with Elon on X.
  20. You wouldn't know a Conservative if one bit you on your ass.LOL Besides, we come in every color of the rainbow,not quite the "other" enemy they taught you to hate.I came to hand out smiles and humor, lighten the mood, and somehow after reading it turned malignant, wonder how that happened.Back in the day when someone had such a narrow, microscopic perspective of millions.We called it prejudice, a nice way to call out those absurdities. Smiles all around ...No WAP Expedite to 5:00 laughs chorus and refrain.Ben, the only person I know that has to go half time and slow down to rap.
  21. You can do anything... I see the similarity.
  22. My goodness I see you did not review the WPATH files or bother with the Cass report,Pity. So your Fashionably Irrational Beliefs go on.I wonder what happens when your "professionals" are wrong. LOL It wouldn't be the first.
  23. It's all they have that and reinforcement of conscious bias. I'm sure the media plays them all the time. It's around 100 degrees here,Both me and the wife are barefooted,Weird.Kinda like Dems. supporting Family values,party on! lol Randi Weingarten and Kamala to peas in a pod,that's a compliment,Comrad.
  24. It's ok to admit to doing that on occasion. It sb celebrated though, a new order, We are Unburdened by what has been,we are free to fail upward,unburdened by the past and what has been.LOL Like a delegate count on one hand... if there are no fingers LOL I'm going to re; the above language sounds vaguely familiar,I believe Winsor's statement was a bullseye to its origins. Enjoy! elons repost view numbers are "weird" LOL I forgot the Libertarians view,