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Everything posted by richravizza

  1. Thanks for the laughs, you should sell tickets,or at least the rights. So back at you with consistent Bideneese, "The unvaccinated are putting the vaccinated at risk." sit on that for a moment. Touché sir, I heard the Disney monthly subscription model in Plus and Parks was such a money maker,both Pfizer and J&J will be giving it a try. Approved by benevolent Billionaires and future Nobel Prize recipients.
  2. Hi Jerry, He's not Trump does not mean you have to be a fan nor should you be. Like Trump he should be criticized,as the Emperor's clothes. ETA) was a rebuttal to someones stoned comment It's been a month, just catching up. I haven't heard a word from Trump since the humanitarians banned him from the public square,for our safety of course. I think He will never say publicly, he lost, fair and square,even if he knows it to be true. So how did your political foray go? I hope better than my recall effort, We got slaughtered LOL
  3. The upshot: In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony. ...and I'm Stoned? LOL
  4. The room was silent. “This is the God’s truth,” Biden had said as he told the story. “My word as a Biden.” Except almost every detail in the story appears to be incorrect{edit; a lie.} Based on interviews with more than a dozen U.S. troops, their commanders and Biden campaign officials, it appears as though the former vice president has jumbled elements of at least three actual events into one story of bravery, compassion and regret that never happened. Washington Compost.
  5. While it might seem like a personal attack to some, it is not. Just ones ideas. My olive branch.
  6. That was easy.Tag teamed ,your it. If neo-liberal speech was an olympic sport... A double virtue signal, straight into the... 180 denier reversal... he stuck it! Gold! Example one, and done.
  7. I feel you bro,from an armed forces perspective.Our foundational motivation has always been to stand for the good, liberty freedom and basic human rights. To have that crushed. It is an evil prevailing "overnight", and unfortunately, history repeating itself.Nam comes to mind. Cambodia and the killing fields.This is our reality now, an unfortunate similarity to that of the protesters and supporters, so long ago. I thought about the withdrawal and relative peace over the recent years.Should we have stayed? Then the most tragic day on our part,since 2015. We've given much too long. To all who gave to benevolent causes, you are a Hero, rarely do I use that word, but there it is.Hero;a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. While you were being bludgeoned,LOL A thought for you... "Put up with being laughed at on occasion; look around you, and give yourself a good shaking to find out who you really are."
  8. That's funny, on record my permanent record, for pointing out the obvious lol. The president is a race baiter and some swallowed his lead. I'll point out some of that Liberal "tag team" shouldn't be hard.
  9. Re: #1 Your one of the lucky ones.I'm happy for you and yours.Your prejudice of charter schools is unfortunate, definitely not the "insanity" you described. That would require us to do nothing, status quo insanity. There are incredible success stories abound, students excelling in academic benchmarks and learning in different new and exciting ways, its a win. The beauty of America, 50 experiments happening at the same time. Re: #2 Your making a big mistake,Tax is not our remedy."Don't seal from Peter to pay Paul." Build more homes apartments and condos please, it's a supply and demand problem.Our Realestate Taxes are the highest in the nation, Building regs and the environmental NGO are the other "devils in the details ",exacerbating our problem.Perhaps you could talk with some builders/developers for a different prospective.
  10. I think this should be a free speech zone, warning and rules are for sheep, so can you please elaborate,"You can tag team if you want."
  11. The way this state cartel has run us into the ground, you'd be angry too.The amount of hypocrisy is intolerable. No insult intended, but these Democrats are terrible at governance.At this point. I, We, feel like a Biden voter in, anything has got to be better.If Larry turns sour we'll fire his ass too. Don't expect to see anything positive coming from our hack media.They'll cover for their pompous prick. If you sway from the rhetoric you'll find solutions to real problems we face. #1 for me, School choice. A choice other than a monopoly that can, has and will hold us and our kids education hostage.Gaven and his kids education took a different route, that hypocrite. #2 Affordable housing, homeownership is a pipe-dream for our youth now, if we want to people get off the streets, let's make it harder to fall off that last step. #3 Mandates, Taxes, and regulation. He's an underdog for sure. The fund raising disadvantage alone will be 5 to1.I believe Larry has a limit of $9.5M, Gavins got that from just two unions.guess which ones.LOL Your article" But, as in so many other states, the most-motivated "EDIT: Democrats" here seem determined to forego the hard work - and just blow the whole thing up. Putting the pieces back together? That'll be someone else's job. LOOK IN THE MIRROR, JOE.
  12. Come on Man! Agenda Putin was heard, after their closed door meeting saying, Ha ha ha hahaha, playing hungry hippos with Joe and he has no more marbles. The American Tiger is now lead by a Donkey.
  13. Phill your looking for love in all in wrong places,LOL So to your wet dream,I wonder who said this? "I,ya, I love those barrettes in her hair, man. I'll tell you what.Look at her, looks like she's 19years old ha, sitting there.. ah ,like a little lady with your legs crossed?" If your able, this should put ya in a better mood. Puppet to help Biden stimulating lol 1:58
  14. Hi Jerry, I'm well aware of Trumps psyche, the antagonist, villain of one's perspective. Neither authors of insight, have a Dr. next to their name lol, because that would be unethical. Did you get your moneys worth,Did it confirm your beliefs.Could I interest you in a copy of HRC "What Happened", for a bookend. Biden can't stay awake for 2.5 hrs. and Trumps literally a maniac. I hope you find this entertaining and I think somethings we can agree on.
  15. Great news for Larry! Tried to prevent him from running on Trumped up allegations, and failed. They the Super majority decided he's the man, so the Menticide machine has it's target, it will fail. Kamala "Heiress" has abandoned her international diplomacy efforts to help Gavin in the Recall, with her track record? Larry you've got a shot.
  16. Hey Brent thanks for posting, I stopped watching the President it's been too painful, sure looks like he's going down hill fast..Hard to watch and listen, even during the live takes, it's like he's reading a bedtime story.Must be on the same meds as Jack Dorsey, during his Congressional testimony. Biden's mental health is a tragedy, my family is dealing with. Progression was fast and unrelenting. We have a diagnosis and a prognosis, unlike the American people.
  17. The stones being thrown at this man, disgusting. Checkout the our very own LA Times,"Blackface of White supremacy" opinion piece.The actual piece seems to fallen into the memory hole.As if anyone of sound mind would pay for such propaganda, a Rag. I've been a fan of this man for decades, and I just learned he's of AA heritage couple years ago.LOL.He's all about Policy.
  18. That's an interesting prospective, quite devoid, considering we have a Recall to Vote on. I couldn't agree more, and it was all done with fossil fuels.I hope you'll agree. Back to Our Venal house plant and president. I was hoping after my hiatus you would have contributed to this thread by comedy and criticism. A simple list of Biden lies may be your forte, wink,wink.. Think you'll be source positive
  19. The Truth hurts so bad. LA's a far cry from the early 90's and the Golden State I came to love.Vid nearly brought me to tears.These problems have been going, growing, on for years, and the usual suspects get promoted. A 1.2 billion bond was approved and The homeless industrial complex is born. That's why Garcetti is going to India, accountability, and lots of OJT. I'll revisit Forbes, for some sweet dreams.
  20. Bill your Political ideology on this issue smells like obedience over science. Your making me depressed with your line of thinking reasoning and logic...Shall we go thru the greek, latin and Hebrew alphabets next? It Not the Variant, it's the Unvaccinated, the Voter base of SoCal, publicly educated people, that believe doing the same thing over and over will yield a different result. I don't have any "Conservative friends" that aren't vaccinated. I hope you can say the same. I thought you grew up questioning, hating the man, guess times change. If everyone in your sphere is vaccinated, will you be wearing a mask ? I won't.
  21. Mayor of LA,and member of the self proclaimed party of science mandated masks tomorrow for the vaccinated, a party of science and Poverty. Please stop with all your projection your slinging around. After four years,I'm sure Its a hard habit to break. That LA Mayor was just nominated as a possible Ambassador to India, because he knows so much about poverty and science. Thanks Mr.Biden. I'm sure you don't count your Pravda like CNN MSLSD, Washington Compost and mashable Vox ect..because them knuckle dragging Nascar driving, idiot frump supporting, God loving rednecks tried to lynch Bubba and Jesse.
  22. Lmfao, Thanks Brent The wife and I caught our first Movie in theater, in like 2 yrs.She chose "the quiet". How Ironic. Quite a realistic manifestation of the tolerant left.I wish they had make the characters Catholic, with our resident aliens burn down churches. I can't post at work getting 500 codes not a computer guy so just assume the powers that be....Think I'm the bots that got Trump elected.
  23. "Come'On Man! To a cold war vet? I'm out to smoke that fatty! Thanks for the excuse and I'll kick in this tune,for you, enjoy.
  24. Dude stop watching CNN, it's making your ideas about others delusional and paranoid..We both truly know, the Nutters are on the Right and the Left. Only difference I believe mostly on the Left, and the last stands of Classical Liberalism rest in the Right. Instead of telling me what Republicans think, why don't you try asking? So to your point. Everyone in my extended family of 13 is Vaccinated, and have been since May, including the minors.So ya We're thankful. No trackers, or controllers, LOL.Must have Been a CNN/MSLSD special you saw. To left, California is one highest taxed State of the Nation, bleeding citizens, Companies and standards of living,and the solution, tax us into prosperity. Elon didn't think so. thats terrible, The current First-lady, a Dr. no less, facilitated her mentally impaired husband in an arduous four year mission, the outcome to be determined.Quite an Orwellian twist, opposing mirror image to history and the 25 th Amendment. Your assessment of Caitlyns motivations to run in the recall is wrong.Ya she's worth Millions but you didn't comprehend the issues or you choose to ignore them. As for "get their talking points in order?" How I feel on these forums. Truth and comedy always make good bed fellows, sit back relax and have a laugh.
  25. That somewhere, would have, could have, but won't be America. What a wasted opportunity for Reciprocal relationships with common cause, we own the Atlantic, we have the Gas. What could be more secure to Nato and their energy security? Oh, a fly on the wall, a Closed door session between Putin and Biden. LOL. A five hour match, Checkers player vs. former KGB chess player, it lasted some two hours, outcome predictable.A True Puppet of Putin.