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Everything posted by crutch

  1. Hey Swoop, there are plenty of four-star girls left around here, so I am told. I all ask is ya'll don't bring too many of them back to the DZ, I hate when the big girls show up looking for "a cute little skydiver who bought me a drink last night". And ya'll are off hiding in the bullet or the woods.
  2. C'mon Peter, four generations of inbreeding doesn't mean they can't read! Hey, the silver bullet is occupied (unless you can get Stacey to share), so the training room is the only sleeping space right now. Other than that come on down. Rumor has it you are all fit and trim too. With your accent, I am sure you may be able to try and lift the gene pool out of it's four generations of in-breeding. The Hi-Level is still got lots of fine large women with very few teeth.
  3. C'mon down, we don't check papers here in Palatka!
  4. J don't work for them any more! As for tarantula.....too many people have been unable to jump the next day...although I hear Ronnie is going to bring up a very "special" ice tea, just a sip will do you, and if the FBO runs out of fuel, we can run the skyvan on it
  5. Big Dave is driving a truck for a Nascar Truck Team so is unavailable to cook this year. Joyce has volunteered to fix beans. I have a smoker to cook some butts on, and James is bringing at least four smoked turkeys. There should be plenty of food. A friend of Joe's is going to be there with a hot dog stand for anyone needing something during the day. Of course there will be several kegs on Saturday night, any preferences of beer type from ya'll?
  6. I promise to get you in on one and a fruit loop too.
  7. Yes I am organizing an 8-way tube! I have Tammie, the Pitts boys, Stacey, Chad, Jeremy and I think Jeff. So, if that one goes well, maybe we will have to build another! Friday afternoon we are rolling it out the door!
  8. Like swoop said, we don't talk behind his back, anything you have read here is old news.
  9. As long as it is in a bottle, I will share with everyone! If it is one of Stacey's girls, ya'll can enjoy and leave me out!
  10. Did you get to jump this weekend jason? Art
  11. So you don't want to hang out with me any more?
  12. I am sure the people around here can always make room for more skychicks! The Pitts boys are always looking for more women to ride in the raft!
  13. Yes, Charles and June have told me that Maggie the pot belly pig will be back. So watch your beers everyone, she will steal them if you don't watch out!
  14. Hey, the dumb englishman was just trying to impress his girlfriend after he chickened out of skydiving. I was pretty sure swoop wasn't going to actually attach him to it, but I think his girlfriend was questioning his manhood or something. You know what us guys will do sometimes for a woman. As far as what goes on at blood, no foul is my motto. As long as the city doesn't terminate my lease the next day, let's party! Hell Jean, you haven't seen me at a hog flop yet, someone has video of some of the stupid things I have done!
  15. This one does! I plan to bring the whole DZ to Dublin next year! We have Paul's caravan for the winter, so if you are still going to use it again next year, we might as welll go to Dublin! Then there is Bridge Day, Aerohio Keys Boogie and maybe one or two others I plan to attend. I have a very good staff, so we can each travel a little bit!
  16. As Jeremy said, Thursday if you want to help out, then some cessna jumps, maybe more if the turnout is there!
  17. If you want cookies, I am sure we can get you some. Heck, Winnie says she will have more time to bake now!
  18. No pulling the dumb englishman down the runway under a round at midnight (Couldn't jump out of the plane, but wanted to do that....dumb englishman). And yes, I am sure Winnie will be stopping by. Hope you can make it down Swoop, although as you have heard, Stacey is in the Silver Bullet and Jeremy sleeps with him, may be no room left for you (my new home is already spoken for).
  19. Okay everyone, the party is on! I understand the new DZO has secured a skyvan for the event! The Pitts boys are bringing their collection of inflatiable toys to ride out of the tailgate! Of course BBQ and beer on Saturday night! Scarry Perry and Tammie will be there giving wingsuit intructions to all who are interested, maybe a flocking dive or two. More to come!
  20. :17:0 All tandems and packed everyone of them. Little sore this morning! lots of beautiful sky here in Florida this weekend for a change!
  21. Low timers.....guy with 500 jumps, just about takes out a plane and our building, then wants to talk to someone about canopy my opinion, he is the low timer with no advice to give. I just hate sterotypes, hell there are a lot of freeflyers with 200 jumps who fly cicrles around me, I ask them to teach me something!
  22. I didn't vote because this is way too general of a poll to consider what a "low timer" is. I think of myself as a low timer everytime i put my wingsuit on. There are plenty of birdmen/women who fly cicrles around me, so in that sense I am a low timer. I also know plenty of "experienced" skydivers (1000+ jumps) who have lots of trouble closing in on an 8-way. Trying to put this alll in perspective, listen and learn, lots of people with 100 jumps or so have taught me lots of things. Not listening, no matter how experienced you are, is doing yourself a diservice for a chance to learn.