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Everything posted by Marion

  1. Yup. Judgment and skill are kinda linked together, I think. A lot of skill doesn't mean much if you don't know where the boundaries of that skill are. I think I'd rather have skill than luck, but I'd also rather have judgment than skill. All three would be nice, though.
  2. Hey everybody- This weekend is Dave's LAST WEEKEND with us before he goes down to Florida for the summer. He won't be around on Sunday, so we'll all be jumping hard on Saturday. Joey will be there for coaching/organizing, Cynthia is here, and I'm not working.
  3. Did you know that I even did that belly flying diving exit thingy when I did a sitfly jump with Dawn2? Grippers and booties- geez Casey, it's not like I'm joining a 4way team. Floaty- Last load on Sunday, we rode the plane down. Just as I got out the door, some fuel was shot back by the prop. It got on my rig and to be safe, I wanted to take everything out and wash the container. Oh well.
  4. Check Joe's post on page 15. Not sure what else needs to be brought...Joe?
  5. Welcome to NC! We have a bunch of people who live in Raleigh and come out to the dz every weekend. I bet somebody will post here, but I'll ask around for ya.
  6. Shouldn't you be studying for your final or something? Joe- I'll be there Tuesday. I'll bring dessert and dip for chips and burgers (same as last time).
  7. Does he do hula hoop coaching? I need some help with that. I did a really fun jump with Todd this weekend too. I learned that when I'm flying head up and taking docks in front of me, I'm very right handed. I just about had to pull my left arm over with my right. Can't wait to try some two handed stuff, but I think I need to smooth out the left handed docks before I do that. Dave- I'm sorry for whatever bad thoughts I must have been unconsciously thinking about your mom. That's the only explanation I've got for why I'm the only one out of the whole Otter load who got sprayed with Jet A. On the plus side, I was planning on taking my rsl off soon for camera stuff, and the container could use a bath anyway...
  8. We missed you Guido! Glad you had fun at XKeys and see ya at Joe's! We had a really fun day today. Dawns 2,3 and I (honorary Dawn 4) did a tube that spun so hard I couldn't fly straight. We've got some weird rain right now that completely snuck up on us, but hopefully it'll go away as fast as it came in. Then we have margaritas and homemade salsa! yum.
  9. Neither... more like opportunity.
  10. Hmmm... and you're gonna be cutting the grass? Hey Dawn #2- Chicks who loosen their chest strap under canopy are hot.
  11. Congrats on Trig, dude. I'll be out there tomorrow if the weather is nice.
  12. Thanks for your help organizing the fondue thing.
  13. Whoa. Floaty- I'm leaving soon for the dz too. It looks like we might have two hours between the rain and the 22 mph gusty winds.
  14. Joe- thanks for the dinner last night! That was awesome food. All y'all are nuts. Especially Dawn #3, who has really cool hair. Did you guys end up bowling after I left? Hey Justin- Mission was not accomplished. Can't wait for tonight! By the way, WHY DOES OUR WEATHER SUCK SO BAD???
  15. Joe is so smart- he said he knows how to make a fondue pot. Something about putting two pots together? We can check with him tonight. Speaking of which... See ya there. Not sure what I'm bringing yet.
  16. Yeah, if you fix the water intake thingy. No running water right now. The bunkhouse sink is good, though.
  17. Dude- don't bring any more! That bottle is still in my fridge. If anyone wants to keep a bottle of wine safe for 6 months, just leave it in my trailer. New List: Marion - chocolate and marshmallows and paper plates (already got 'em. they're very marion...) Eric - apples and strawberries Floaty & Sarah - marinated chicken, cheese, bread Joey- another fondue pot Dawn #1 - Marinated beef, mushrooms, cauliflower Casey Elis Dawn #3 Ross Justin - Broth stuff? Joe Dave Dawn 2 (?) We will definitely need... -drinks -napkins -cups
  18. Marion - chocolate and marshmallows and paper plates (already got 'em. they're very marion...) Eric - apples and strawberries Floaty & Sarah - marinated chicken, cheese, bread Joey- another fondue pot Casey Elis Dawn #3 Ross Justin Joe Dave (?) Dawns 1 & 2 (?) We will definitely need... -possibly marinated and chopped beef (chicken might be sufficient, not sure) -the broth stuff to cook it in (I think we can bring the broth stuff- not sure what goes in it, but Sarah knows.) -drinks -napkins -cups
  19. Joe and (I think) David will be there. (Haven't heard directly from Dave yet.) I'll bring chocolate and marshmallows!
  20. They're both freaks, and that's good enough for me. Are you coming, Ellis? Do you have a fondue pot?
  21. Ooooo. Toughie. Either one you pick, I'll see ya there.
  22. How many times does this have to happen before people wake up? It's like somebody gives these guys a script: "I've got 300 jumps and I'm trying to figure out what size Velo I'm gonna be flying later. Don't worry, it's not like I'm buying it next month. Yeah, I know I've only got 150 jumps on my current canopy, but I really need to be on a Katana because it's the best transition canopy to get me to a Velo. And I have to downsize when I get my Katana because it would be a huge jump from my current canopy size down to a Velo 84. Besides, I'll be safer with the longer recovery arc. I know some people can't handle it- did you read the thread about that guy who pounded in?- but I'm really heads up. I've gotten coaching. I've never hurt myself. I know a guy who was on a Katana when he had 300 jumps and he's never hurt himself. People say I'm a good canopy pilot." I've heard that from so many people. Some are dead, some got hurt, and some got lucky.
  23. Woohoo! I think this is gonna be our first good weather freefly friday of the season! Yay!
  24. Can I tie her up while you duct tape her mouth shut? Or would that get in the way of your not wanting to be un-PC? Guido- We'll miss you this weekend! Have fun at XKeys. Eric- I think there must be pictures of Casey's beautiful cherry somewhere. So who else is eating fondue Friday night? So far I just have Casey and me. Oh- if anybody has a fondue pot or a fondue food they want to bring, let me know.