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Everything posted by Marion

  1. Who me? OK, I'll admit I enjoy corrupting- I mean influencing- people. It's purely out of self interest. I just want more freaks to jump with. So far, it's working. And Amanda- you can freefly on your belly. Freefly is a state of mind. We do RW too (sometimes flat, sometimes vertical), it's just not about counting points.
  2. I think I'm leaving on the 25th in the afternoon.
  3. Hey Joe- I'll call you tonight. My cell is out of batteries and I left the charger in my trailer. Joe, you rock. Talk to you later.
  4. I don't know if it looks good, but it's pretty cool anyway. The different colors look sort of like a flame. I'm going to keep it like this for awhile before I color on top of it. (Blue?) OOOOO- If you did a really bright blonde, it would look neat if you dip dyed it later.
  5. Speaking of compulsive disorders... That red that was in my hair for the last few weeks is some pretty strong stuff. I just tried bleaching a section and it's bright orange with white roots. I can stop whenever I want. I swear.
  6. Joe, that's impressive. You're living up to your born again virgin rep. It doesn't really matter because your, um, head is too big for the crown anyway, right?
  7. Yeah. Someone put it on my couch. I sniffed it and luckily it didn't smell like cat piss. Are you ever coming out to the dz again? I'll hold your camera hostage until you come over and hang out. (I get the whole $$$ thing, but come eat some cheap dinner with us!)
  8. And if you multiply the number of suits you have by the number of canopies you have (is it 3 or 4?), then you'll get your total number of freefall outfits. Personally, I like the bright orange Safire with the balloon suit. It really makes a statement.
  9. That's like every day in Joe's crazy pimpin' life. It's a fascinating phenomenon. Sorry I didn't make the show- haven't seen you in a f*cking decade.
  10. Now the only smell in the trailer will be whatever has been sitting in the fridge for 2 weeks. Thanks, Frenchy.
  11. Hey Joe (and everybody else)- I'm not gonna be out there tonight. Sort of a good news/bad news thing. Good News: I found a really cool family that wants to take care of Bruce (the pissing cat). Bad News: Brucie is leaving on Saturday. So I'm going to spend tonight and tomorrow chilling with the coolest kitty I know (even if he does make my trailer smell like cat piss). Bruce and I will be around Friday afternoon and Saturday morning if anyone wants to say bye. This family sounds really cool. It's a husband, wife and son, and they live in a house with a good back yard. The wife's cat died a little over a year ago, so Bruce is going to be her Christmas present from the husband. I think Bruce will be a lot happier there.
  12. Yay!!!! See you Thursday! Kelly and Steve too!
  13. Of course I love you Cynthia, but it's more of a Pink Mafia Sisterly love. You've met Dawn #1, so I'm sure you understand.
  14. You better be there! I'm kinda slowing down on the jumps for the next few weeks too. Trying to save money for Florida!
  15. Cynthia, you rock, but Dawn #1 is the only woman for me. Joe- Sorry I didn't get to see you in your penguin suit. I had lots of fun with you guys, especially drooling, spitting, looking at old guys' boogers, and generally causing mayhem at the reception. It's ok as long as you say "excuse me" first, right Eric?
  16. I'm sure that just confirms David's "Pink Lesbians" theory. Can't wait to see you again- maybe this time we'll actually get to jump together!
  17. BSBD Biff. CSS won't smell the same without you.
  18. Thanks for the correction! Hey javip82- that's even more practice jumps you can do before then.
  19. The second year I went, I didn't compete. It was a combination of my lack of $$$ and the competition's lack of freeflying (it was before they added the event). Just ask Stacy- we still had fun! Remember that a bunch of the students there have around the same number of jumps as you, so it's not like everyone has thousands of jumps and hours of tunnel time. If you don't jump between now and then (), you can do 2 way, which is limited to people with fewer than 100 jumps. You can always go down there and get a pickup team together. (That's what I did when I had 50-ish jumps.) So, yeah you can jump without competing, but a lot of people will be competing at your experience level. Hope to see you there!
  20. Yeah! I bet you had so much more fun flying with us than waiting around for 4 way competition loads between weather holds! I'll be at ZHills at some point- A friend of mine is getting married at Deland on the first, so I might do New Year's there. Although ZHills rocked NYE last time I was there.
  21. I'm one of Eric's non-collegiate buddies. The CSS freefly crew is doing a Tour de Florida between Xmas and New Year's. My kick ass trailer might even make the trip. Aggie Dave- Aggies ROCK! When I did collegiates, y'all totally adopted me as one of your own.
  22. I thought I was the only one with my mind in the gutter. You know what they say about guys with big freefly helmets... Completely unrelated to your penis: When/where is your next show? I mean the band, sicko.
  23. Yeah. And I really don't think I could go that long without my favorite rigger chick. It might take awhile- you know he has an XXXXXL Bonehead.