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Everything posted by Marion

  1. Ha ha ha. It's a good thing we picked up those extra crowns at Burger King. Have you decorated yours yet?
  2. Cynci- I love wings!!!! I have a pair somewhere (other than the ones tattooed on my ankles) that I'll have to dig out for the weekend. I'll work on getting David out of the house. In a related story... David- sorry I didn't call you back, but I've completely lost my voice. I sound like a frog. It's pretty funny. Wanna go to Chapel Hill Thursday night? The Toasters AND Big Pretty and the Red Rockets all in one night. Sweet. And I probably won't be talking a lot, so I'm sure you'll enjoy that. I guess I'll have to make fun of you in sign language.
  3. Take me with you!!! This weather is killing me. The Toasters (a fun ska band) are playing at the Local 506 on Thursday, so I'm probably going to that show and then Joe's later.
  4. Hey Karen- I hope everyone in your family got home safely. I've never seen traffic like that either. I left work (at the Page Rd. exit off 40) at 5:45 and it took 4 hours to get to my mom's house in Raleigh. Yikes. People are going to freak out if we get another 2 inches tonight.
  5. No problem. Next time you talk to him, ask him if he has a pull out or a throw out. Thanks for letting him come back to NC. We haven't had anyone to make fun of for a few weeks. I'll see you in February at the Pink Mafia boogie! (And Easter too- Yay!)
  6. I'm leaving in half an hour. and your umbrella.
  7. Hell yeah. Annual? How about monthly? Then we can jump even more.
  8. It was awesome jumping with you! Good to see you again. Hope classes don't suck too bad. Ross and Dawn #3- good to see you guys in the air again!
  9. Hey Mike- I was planning on being out there a little after noon, but it looks kinda cloudy right now. If the weather's iffy today, I won't be out there that early. Call me later today if you want to know when I'm going out there since, you know, there's really no point in going out to the dz if I'm not going to be there. Sorry about the calculus test. Mak- It cracks me up to remember you standing on the edge of the plank screaming, "Hey motherf*ers!!!" Arrrrr.
  10. See you Thursday, Mike! We can do a matching canopy jump. Guys- It's 75 degrees in January. Come out and play with me!
  11. Alas, work stuff will keep me away from jumping on Wednesday. I really really really want to play with my Sabre2, so I'm planning on getting out there Thursday afternoon. I think it'll still be in the 70s, which is good for long canopy rides. Eric- Can we move the Wednesday plan back a day? Anyone else able to make it out on Thursday? (I know some people are still on vacation in Florida/other countries. Y'all suck. ) Carolina Sky Sluts dude - I don't know if Steve reads this forum a lot, but I'll pass the message along to him this weekend.
  12. Hey Amanda- I'll bring Todd's helmet out to the dz this weekend. I'm sending you a pm about the car. See ya this weekend!
  13. I've got the helmet and still camera. Amanda- if you have his phone # could you pm me? Mike and Sarah- Congratulations! That was a fun wedding. Can't wait for CSS to open up again. Freefly Wednesday, anyone? Or maybe it should be Pull High Wednesday, since I'll be playing with my fun new Sabre 2. Lake Wales/the tunnel/ZHills/Deland absolutely rocked. I wish I could do that every week!
  14. In 24 hours I will be on my way to Florida.
  15. Eric beat me to it. Definitely not leaving earlier, maybe (ok, probably)staying later.
  16. Just in case anyone was wondering... High/Low temps for Lake Wales: Sun. 26th - 64/54 Mon. 27th - 71/56 Tues. 28th - 75/57 Wed. 29th - 76/54 Thurs. 30th - 75/58 Fri. 31st - 78/57
  17. Lake Wales is my first stop too, so I'll see you then. From there, who knows. Lake Wales at the beginning and Deland on the 1st- that's about as much advanced planning as I like to do. Even that feels so... structured.
  18. I'm going to try to make it over to the Hills at some point. How long will you be there?
  19. I thought you were going to pawn everything you own. That's pretty much what I've decided to do. Does anyone want a 2003 Honda Civic? It already has some skydiving stickers on it.
  20. ...which would be why I won't be awake early enough on the 1st to drive to Deland
  21. Bright pink glow sticks, right David? And purple and green and blue... I saw the perfect t-shirt for everybody's favorite black and white wearing freak. It's hot pink and it says "All my black shirts are in the wash." Is it bad that I'm counting the hours until Florida? Me too- I love Zhills on New Year's Eve, but I really want to be in Deland on the 1st.
  22. Hey everybody- Mike W. (Floaty Mike) and Sarah (the only woman I've met who can silence Scotty with her answer to his "what are you wearing?" question) are getting married at Deland on January 1st. Who's going to be there? I am.
  23. Yeah- Come back in January when all the freaks aren't working in the hangar/taking the coach course/chillin in Florida (Dave you suck)/stuck on the ground with a cold or no money.