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Everything posted by MichaelMoore

  1. You are dead wrong about demand. The GM electric car was only available through lease. When the lease term expired, they did not allow people to buy the vehicle. Instead, all the cars were destroyed. We can thank Big Oil for that! Reference:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_EV1
  2. MichaelMoore


    I really liked this movie. First of all, it was nice to see a movie like this with an R ratting. They could have totally dumbed it down to PG13 with all the CGI effects and still had a good movie, but they didn't compromise on violence. I’ve actually been waiting for a slow-mo of a bullet going through a dudes head, I’ve never seen it done the way I had envisioned until I saw this movie! They did it exactly how I always imagined it. The plot could have gone more in-depth as to the whole purpose of the whole assassin cult, but I guess I’ll have to read the book if I want to know about that!
  3. From what I've read, it just seems that he lost altitude awareness during a cutaway. Don't make the same mistake and you'll be fine.
  4. Maybe they deserved to get beaten? The cops don't have time to break up every little skirmish that people get themselves into.
  5. Isn't more maintenance a good thing? Maybe it will save a few lives?
  6. I thought they put 2 brand new engines on the plane after they bought it. I also thought they got the plane certified a long time ago. Why do they have to do it again?
  7. As someone who has seen 2 fatalities, I totally disagree with you. It's like scratching an open wound. Don't think about it more than a few minutes, then try to focus on something else. To answer the original question, Yes, it does get easier to deal with as time passes by, but you never forget how painful it is to see someone get killed for no good reason.
  8. Hi, I couldn't find any info in "incidents" about your friend. Can anyone elaborate on what happened? & when? Sorry for your loss. Thanks.
  9. It depends on how important skydiving is to you. Personally, I wouldn’t risk it. It’s too dangerous. Nobody who died thought their jump would be the last.
  10. Sounds pretty nice to me. More legroom! I can’t say I feel sorry for them. They are making a killing on the wind tunnel. They thought they could do the same with the jet. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of having a jet jump plane but I think they hit the financial ceiling for most skydivers with what they are willing to spend for a single jump.
  11. I was kinda hoping it wouldn't be a Tandem.
  12. Maybe because they need to earn a living? Crazy huh?
  13. Nobody likes receiving abrasive e-mails but it’s a part of life. While this Dean was using profanity in his e-mail, he wasn’t necessarily using profanity at you in a personal manor. It was just used to emphasize his point. Personally speaking, nothing pisses me off more than tardiness. It says a lot about you. It implies that you do not value your job and would rather be someplace else. That’s how many bosses see it.
  14. Monterey is a fun DZ but it's always been known as a Tandem Factory as long as I remember. The landing area sucks and they only do loads if there are Tandems.
  15. It's amazing in this country that reverse discrimination is powerful enough to elect a black president. If he loses, he could always launch a career in hip-hop.
  16. That is what most white people are thinking also. That is why they are voting for him, to appease their own white guilt. If Obama weren’t black, I’m am positive that Hillary would have won in a landslide. In my movie “Sicko” I trashed Clinton for being the greatest recipient of health care payola, and for that I don’t trust her. Obama would do far better not allowing her as a Vice President. She would be gunning for him the whole time and that doesn’t sit well with me. Obama is the great black hope. Being a white boy myself, it's not that important if he wins or loses.
  17. I haven’t seen any Jet jumps on the calander in a while. Nor is the jet listed on the “unconventional boogie” aircraft roster. Have they given up on this plane?
  18. It was a good movie. Not a great movie though. I've all but forgotten about it and I only watched it a few hours ago.
  19. As someone who has built and used Windows/DOS based PC's for over 20 years, I can say without a doubt……the Mac is a far superior computer in almost every measurable aspect. When I decided to start a video production business, I wanted a Mac. The file management system alone is reason enough to buy one. When I began video editing, I knew I would have many files to deal with and the Mac organizes and manages these files efficiently, consistently and flawlessly. When I try to save a simple e-mail attachment on a Windows machine, it takes me nearly 10 minutes to figure out what hidden subfolder/directory it has been saved to. The term “everything just works on a Mac” is quite valid and true considering how complex the Final Cut Studio applications are. These applications integrate flawlessly using drag & drop. The OS never crashes and is more intuitive, allowing multiple ways to do the same task. As far as looks, the I-mac is one of the most gorgeous computers around. It makes any PC look like a bucket.
  20. That’s a risky bet. Gas is now $4/gallon. In Los Angeles, it is 90 miles to any dropzone. Gas is now a huge determining factor how people spend their leisure time. If you are making a 6-figure income, I don’t expect you to relate to what I’m saying, however most skydivers are not so financially affluent. The Tandem and AFF student counts have dropped dramatically in the last 5 years. Back then, dropzones like Perris would do entire loads filled with Tandems. Now you only see a handful of students throughout the day. The up-jumper count has also dropped and there are only half the loads per day compared to 5 years ago. If you are happy, fine. Don’t acknowledge the decline. Let the DZO’s worry about it. I see the decline in activity everywhere I go.
  21. It's not so much a loss, just an unfriendly reminder of a loss I had many years ago. I'm feeling a lot better today though.