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Everything posted by Flacid_Monk

  1. yeah great, they've managed to round up some half decent looking dykes for a TV program... so what? the majority of carpet lickers are bull-dykes with buzz cuts, braces and lumber-jack shirts and are on average 60lbs over weight due to their drinking problem
  2. she looks butch though... most lesbo's do !!!! it's the short back and sides haircut that they have that makes them look like blokes I once asked a carpet licker that i knew why so many lesbos try and look butch like men, she said it was to make sure men didn't come on to them .... that's why you hardly ever see any feminine lesbos, most get the regulation buzz cut, zero make-up and figure hiding clothes as the old joke goes...... I don't want to see two lesbians together, i want to see two GOOD LOOKING women together"
  3. that Ellen "thing" it's a man yeah? it/she couldn't look any more butch if she grew a beard
  4. I'm glad 11/9 happened, it's about time people fought back against America and it's foreign policies that cause suffering and death around the world I just hope the next one will be even more spectacular
  5. I've seen laddles that are sharper then that knife. what does that say about the people who voted him in? I would vote for him again over anything your side has offered up
  6. http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushisms.htm
  7. I've seen laddles that are sharper then that knife. what does that say about the people who voted him in?
  8. Yes, it belongs to my roommate, who spend over a year in Iraq defending us. Unless you were in Iraq with him, how was he able to defend you when you were thousands of miles away? or do you mean he was in a different country fighting an illegal war that was started for yourselves by a president who told lies about WMD's to sell it to you suckers?
  9. Details: Caliber? Barrel length? Twist rate? speed of erection? size of your penis? you certainly want to know a lot
  10. Taking his case completely in isolation - yes, he deserves to be executed. However, in the bigger picture I do not support the death penalty - so no, life imprisonment is good enough. the harsh reality of life in prison in this country means that he'll serve about 15 to 18 years and then be out.... he'll get his nice colour TV to watch, be able to play pool with his mates, get 3 square meals a day, get all the comforts the European Court Of Human Rights says we must give him... basically he'll be living nice and comfortably while we pay £30k a year to keep him we need to stop thinking about the human rights of the criminal so much, and think about the lack of human rights they gave to their victims.... what's happened to the human rights of the victim in this case? oh that's right... he took all of them away, whilst all the time having his own human rights protected by our laws..... nice aren't we
  11. agree 100% I find my change of opinion on owning a gun for self defence a bit of a shock to be honest, after reading about this poor woman i genuinly think that people should be allowed IF THEY WANT TO, to be able to own a firearm for protection.... provided they meet strict vetting proceedures, then people like her might have a chance to protect themselves from scum like this person. A gun would have given her more of a chance at saving her own life than not having one gave her
  12. I'm sure you're talking out of your arse. The EU court of Human Rights had fuck all to do with the abolition of the death penalty. Would you want scum like this to be executed or not?
  13. http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30100-1294825,00.html why the fuck is this happening in our country? I'm sure all the fucking hand wringers will be out in force saying how he should be reabilitated and it's not really his fault Bring back the death penalty for scum like this.... a slow fucking death like the children of this poor woman will now suffer for the rest of their lives this one story has changed my mind on guns, the victim should have had a Colt 45 and blown this bastard away, one shot to the head, fuck him Why is this country bending over and taking one up the pipe from the European Court Of Human Rights? we should grow some balls and tell them to fuck off and then we should execute oxygen theives like this scum bag
  14. Reading is your friend.... they executed a crowd of 150,000 right after he was executed !
  15. have you been on the crack pipe again?
  16. something from here?..... http://www.dryforlife.co.uk/index.php
  17. And your point is? Hysterical is hysterical regardless of the cause. Hysterical and weapons often don't mix. there you go!!!! All she was was a hysterical woman, she didn't say she had a gun, yet one of the first things you think of is "she might have a gun!!!!!!!" why do you think guns all the time, is it because of your gun culture? is it because it's so easy for the average person to get a gun that you automatically think they might have a gun? Over here in England, we'd have just seen her as a hysterical woman, we just would NOT think she might have a gun it seems that one of the first things you think about in any situation is "they might have a gun" we never think that... i'm glad we don't have to take that in to consideration when we go about our daily lives of interacting with people. does your general level of paranoia that somebody might be carrying a gun in any situation that you encounter them, seem a price worth paying to own guns? it seems to me that you've got a snowball effect going on.... you want to have guns to protect yourself from others that might be carrying guns themselves, who came first though? was it you carrying a gun for protection, or the other person who is carrying a gun (maybe for their own protection from you !!!) that makes you carry a gun ... what a bizzare fucked up way of living
  18. there's complete arse-wipes in any country, these people just happen to be arse-wipes in our country.... they need a good slap in the face I'm completely against the war in Iraq, but i think the soldiers over there should be treated with the upmost respect when they come home... it's not their fault they are over there, they are trying to do their best in a shit situation.... the retards who abuse these people are not representative of the general population in the Uk (thankfully)
  19. It really, really, really says something about the culture that you live in that a hysterical, visibly pregnant woman is lucky not to get shot by an officer of the law for having the temerity to get out of her car! That is not an acceptable state of affairs, m'kay. I beg to differ, but maybe most of us feel it is an acceptable state of affairs when a cop considers a screaming hysterical pregnant woman to be a threat. In any case, it beats living in a country that bows to a queen or king just because of their family lineage. true, you just elect retards as your president, nice one
  20. Wow. That's not a very nice thing to wish upon someone you never met and don't know. Just so you know, I have had an uncle die of lung cancer and an aunt die of pancreatic cancer. Neither was anything I would wish on anyone. He said DICK cancer, get your cancers right please
  21. Amen BTW, it's "Flaccid", and not "Flacid." Umm...no. Actually, people are asked to remain in their vehicles at roadside so that their safety isn't in jeopardy by the other cars on the road. Has nothing to do with whether the cop is afraid of being shot or not. In fact, remaining in the vehicle is potentially more dangerous for the police officer, because he can't see through the doors (and sometimes the windows) of the vehicle he's pulled over. It's an insurance requirement of most if not all, municipalities. It's also common sense. I don't know how we manage to get in and out of our cars every day then without getting run over .... are Americans THAT stupid that they can't get out of their cars without getting run over all the time? Do they REALLY need the police keeping them in their cars to stop roadside deaths?
  22. So, USA, cops prefer to stand in traffic than let a motorist leave his vehicle because they're afraid of being shot. UK, cops and motorists have sensible conversations by the side of the road. You're telling me you see nothing at all wrong with the States side of that equation? Nothing that could be improved upon in American society? No kind of indictment of any aspect of the USA's culture that cops have to go to so much trouble to avoid being shot by your average motorist? Riiiiiiiiight. I really wish we could have a gun culture over here I really wish our police lived in fear that ANY person could be carrying a gun and might kill them