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Everything posted by MomDaBomb

  1. PLF's have confused me since day one. If I always plan to PLF, how will I learn to land any other way? My last jump I flared just a second to late. I didn't know it was too late until it was too late. If that makes sense. I had no control over my body at that point.
  2. That and press 1 for english.
  3. When parents put those leash things on their toddlers so they don't walk away. Leashes are for dogs.....not children. Double standards!! That's got to be my #1 pet peeve. For example, why is it ok for a fat person to make fun of a skinny person for being thin but not the other way around? I can't count how many times an overweight person has said things like, "Do you ever eat? You make me sick or you look sick. You need to go eat a sandwich". It's just rude and is no different than if I were to say, Do you ever stop eating?
  4. When people litter! Especially when they throw things out of the car window or into ocean. My other pet peeve is when people stand in the middle of walk way in a public place for 20 minutes talking to someone they just happened to run into. They don't move to the side to continue their conversation, they stand smack in the middle of the walk way with their strollers and their kids run circles around them while everyone else struggles to get around them. It's so rude!
  5. With the exception of my level 1 jump, I don't think the words pass/fail has ever been discussed. My instructors have always made me tell them how I thought I did before they comment.
  6. I like your outlook. I think my instructor has more faith in my ability than I do. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing
  7. What does the student one do that the expert one doesn't?
  8. Have you ever been with someone who made you want to be better person? You know that even if you can't be together or the relationship didn't work out, that your life is better because this person was a part of it. That's how I recognize love.
  9. Do you have to have a certain amount of jumps before jumping from an air balloon or helicopter?
  10. I got it!! I got it!! I'm such a dork...I've been squeezing the actual lens instead of the top of the visor. Thank you guys so much!
  11. I can't get the lens up on my Mamba. Even my instructor tried. My husband got it but as hard as I try I can't do it. You squeeze the lens on both sides and push back, right? Does it loosen up a little after using it a few times?
  12. My instructors never told me about the cut away pillow being a dummy. I read about it on here from another student that jumps at the same dz. I didn't bother asking my instructors about it because I figured if it was something I should be aware of they would have told me. If it is true that I have been using a system like that, I'm glad they didn't tell me. I think it might have messed with my head a little.
  13. I don't know why I bother wearing any, I never land on my feet anyway.
  14. I bought a Neptune 2 but I'm still using the student one. The last few jumps I wore both so I can get use to the Neptune. I really like it and it's so much easier to read. I love how it keeps track of your jumps and speed too.
  15. I had the same problem. I used Goodle Earth to study the area and that helped a lot. Also my instructor taught me a little trick about the numbers on the runway and another instructor told me what she looks for. I don't have any problem finding it now.
  16. Congrats on losing 14 lbs! That's awesome.
  17. I definitely have my favorites. I don't mind at all using a male instructor but I prefer the only female instructor at the dz. What really makes me uncomfortable is using an instructor with a heavy accent. I have trouble understanding them under normal conditions but then add the stress and all the noise...not good.
  18. Just curious, do they give the tape back when they are done with the investigation? If a family member asked to view it, would you let them?
  19. This happens a lot in my husband's business. We always make copies before we turn anything over. We have to cover our ass. When dealing with the local police there were a few times where we edited it to show only what they were investigating. One time we were refusing to turn the tape over and we were told "You can either give it to us or we can take it". Our attny advised us to give it to them. The only time we have done it differently is when it's a federal agency investigating. They don't mess around. They told us straight up that nothing had better happen to that tape before they get there.
  20. Atleast you know how not to exit the plane now. I don't know about you but I have a habit of over-thinking things... So much that I get stuck on the small details instead of the bigger picture. I do better when I close my eyes and visualize the jump on the way up. I do it twice and then try not to think about it after that. When I get to the door, I say to myself "F*ck it, I'll figure it out on the way down". I know you want to figure out exactly what happened so you don't do it again next time but what are the chances that you could make the same exact mistake at the same exact time in the jump, in the same exact body position? Maybe you should get a video next time?
  21. I've learned that I need to stop overthinking things. I make things so much harder than they really are.
  22. I have no sense of direction whatsoever. It's embarrassing. I used Google Earth to study the landmarks around the dz. I started at 5000 ft and just kept studying every 1000 ft or so until it finally sank in.
  23. I find slide sliding so difficult. It's amazing how you guys make it look so smooth and easy.
  24. I saw this on Prime Time tonight and it made me wonder if this is something that can happen to skydivers too? Especially in the wind tunnel. I've never tried surfing so I don't how hard they arch and for how long between waves. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this happen from skydiving? David Muir reports on a mysterious and terrifying threat that could be lurking for beginner surfers -- not under the water, but in their own bodies. Muir speaks with two men who tried surfing for the first time on a beach vacation and became paralyzed from the waist down because of a rare complication known as Surfer's Myelopathy. Dr. James Pearce, who first documented this condition nearly 25 years ago, explains to "Primetime" that, when the spinal cord is hyper-extended, as when a surfer arches his back on the board, it can interrupt the blood flow to the spine causing what he calls a "stroke to the spine." For now, no medication or surgery is available to treat Surfer's Myelopathy. Many patients do recover, however, through intense physical therapy.