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Everything posted by Skootz

  1. Bwahahhahhaa (that's my evil laugh) It is I Skootzikins! I'm calling for Southern Man
  2. So sad this thread isn't seeing any action. Turtle....
  3. : 1 : 0 Initiated two more Dirty Pirate Hookers....both were boys! The jump went to shit....but it was still a blast!
  4. CONGRATS!!!! I've been following on and off too.
  5. howdy..... Turtle yup. Deedy-weedy I pick turtle-wurtle..... Hahahaha I LOVE it!!!! Turtle-wurtle has definite sticking potential. But not anywhere NEAR the underlying subtext. DDkins again Ohhhh high five to Turtle-Wurtle!!! I think you've just won the game!
  6. howdy..... Turtle yup. Deedy-weedy I pick turtle-wurtle..... Hahahaha I LOVE it!!!! Turtle-wurtle has definite sticking potential.
  7. I know what you could do to cheer me up Skootzie. Why whatever could that be? All of a sudden I am feeling very depressed . . . can you help me? Deeders me again I'm going for a record - Southern Man? turtle The Reptile.. sine his last post was eaten Makes you wonder what he is doing to his keyboard, huh?
  8. My question to those in long term relationships without wanting to get married. Do you forever keep separate money?
  9. I know what you could do to cheer me up Skootzie. Why whatever could that be?
  10. Yep - I'll go with Skootziecootzie Thank you for not calling me Kooter. I'll pick Deedy this time. Whatever Skootziecutsie So are you still in a friendly mood today? TurtleMuffin I am usually in a freindly mood, miss funbags. So no need of cheering up?
  11. Yep - I'll go with Skootziecootzie Thank you for not calling me Kooter. I'll pick Deedy this time. Whatever Skootziecutsie So are you still in a friendly mood today? TurtleMuffin
  12. Yep - I'll go with Skootziecootzie Thank you for not calling me Kooter. I'll pick Deedy this time.
  13. Your weekend sounds a lot better than mine. I'm working manifest both days this weekend....and it's my last weekend at the dz for the season. I'm hoping to manifest myself at least once. Then I have to fit in all my homework that is due by Sunday that I totally slacked off on and take two tests Sunday night. Poor planning on my part, but this week, nothing went as planned. I've never been on a's on my list of things though. And your chicken sounds fantastic! Turtle
  14. Nope, but good morning to all on this wonderful Friday. Hoping to have a short day here at work (if I can get all my work completed by 1:30) then have a wonderful weekend planned. Deedster. Ohhhhh....what's the wonderful weekend plans? And good morning! Southern
  15. I have a pirate costume. I have dabloons. HAHAHAHAAHAA!!!! are YOU doing? I kid I kid.
  16. Nope, back to Skootzikins. So how have you been since you left us all alone for two days.....never even popped in for a quick hello. But thanks for the rocking name. I love it!
  17. boys and your love for boobies! It'll never get old!!! I actually have zero halloween parties this year. Totally bummed because I had a GREAT corset to wear as part of my costume.
  18. Hmmm - Lets go with Cheezyone I am not a cheezyone im just deedy turtle Cookiemonster Hehehehehe it is I Skootzikins! Hmmmm gotta think of a name for Southern Man.... But I say it's Cookiemonster that will reply first if only to yell at TurtleCake. LOL nope Deedster! Wow you were super LATE Billy....I'm disappointed! Billy to try and please me for his slow response earlier. Hey miss funbags! Sorry, was outside working in the yard all morning. Back to you!
  19. ooooooo yeah! I'd go as a dirty priest with Banesanura, Cheach, iluv2fly, k-dubs and skootz as the dirty nuns... That would be dirty pirate hooker nuns to you! I am sweet and innocent after all.
  20. Hmmm - Lets go with Cheezyone I am not a cheezyone im just deedy turtle Cookiemonster Hehehehehe it is I Skootzikins! Hmmmm gotta think of a name for Southern Man.... But I say it's Cookiemonster that will reply first if only to yell at TurtleCake. LOL nope Deedster! Wow you were super LATE Billy....I'm disappointed! Billy to try and please me for his slow response earlier.
  21. Hmmm - Lets go with Cheezyone I am not a cheezyone im just deedy turtle Cookiemonster Hehehehehe it is I Skootzikins! Hmmmm gotta think of a name for Southern Man.... But I say it's Cookiemonster that will reply first if only to yell at TurtleCake.
  22. Good morning! Billy.... You forgot the pet name. DD (she doesn't like SweekCakes) TurtleCake....has a nice ring to it. I don't really know Billy that well to have a pet name for him......But he did call me Miss Funbags Skootz so I bet I could call him Honey Buns.... Back to you TurtleCake I kinda like "Skootzmobile" Pronounced Skootz - Moe Beele So I'll stick with that one . . . we need one for DD She ios having a good day and needs a good day name. Skootzmobile works well for me. I get a bad name too??? Hmmmmm.....Deedy should be something about cookies. You got so many people fired up about the damn cookies.
  23. Good morning! Billy.... You forgot the pet name. DD (she doesn't like SweekCakes) TurtleCake....has a nice ring to it. I don't really know Billy that well to have a pet name for him......But he did call me Miss Funbags Skootz so I bet I could call him Honey Buns.... Back to you TurtleCake
  24. Loser Twardo's future ex boyfriend(Ski) No um....theonlyski good morning Well hello there Shnookums It's just me - But have a good morning anyway. I'll guess - McSwervy Good morning! Billy....
  25. Come don't wanna call me honey bun? I'm kidding! Amazon. Hig there sugar muffin! No - It's me. honey bun skootz... Hehehehhee....I think I just opened a can of worms! Turtle Not if there isn't a pet name! DD - AKA Snuggums Turtle Muffin, just doesn't have the appeal. Skootz mobile does though! Ski - AKA Pillowbiter v2.0 Yep 15 shades of red!