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Everything posted by Krip

  1. I dont have any medical training either. Could it just be a owee On a scale of 1 to 10, how youd you rate the pain One Jump Wonder
  2. Who would that be? Whose job would be eliminated? (Hint: nobody. DSE is full of shit) Dan, are comments like that really necessary? (Hint: no they aren't) Good for you Mr Ackers.
  3. Hi 999 Thanks for the reminder. Personally I wouldnt consider ankle biting embarrassing Maybe we can encourage some of the younger ones, say 15, 20 years ago to join us I'm shocked to see that Brand X isnt on top the morning. I tell you. One Jump Wonder
  4. Never saw the upside to lie about, about my past. Vet? Yep. Nam? Yep. But we were in the air force not the marines or the army, big difference. No shame in carrying my DD 214 in my wallet. In case I can get a veterans discount. Same with a SC discount. Im old and careful with my money. These days with the tandem industry everyone can claim to be a skydiver. Dont bother me a bit. I actually feel a little sorry for people that think they have to lie about what they've done. One Jump Wonder
  5. When does LTM end? I'm guessing when someone Notified USPA that the member passed away or the kids stopped sending in the annual paper work. It's what some people do One Jump Wonder
  6. Hi Robert Think about the poor franchise owners. Not sure how many of them are left but their going down with a sinking ship. Might be a reason their merchandise is over priced, and limited. The new CEO came over from Walgreens, has only been there about a year. They must have paid him a bundle, to switch companies. Maybe the Brand Can't be saved and they will change the name to the Cell phone shack One Jump Wonder
  7. You're welcome very welcome. Any subject works for me to knock the DB thread from the top slot foe even a short time. I wouldn't stoop to a shameless bump just to take their slot on the number one position on the hit parade. If we could find someone on the east coast to post with us....... One Jump Wonder
  8. Hi Jan Keep up the good work, thats why we voted for you as a write in candidate back in the days Since we getting older 79 sounds about right for the average life span for a male in the U.S. It will be interesting in say another 20 years when USPA finds out that some of their LTMs are over 100 years old The grandkids and great grandkids will be lookinng at the magazines for eternity. One Jump Wonder
  9. Hi john Are you buying off ebay, amazon or just Google your way to success. We recently bought some break pads from OReilly the fronts were fine. The rears were the wrong size. The dude at the desk checked his computer, "the computer said they were the right ones". u tube rocks, as long as you find the right video. One guy was turning down his rotors attached to the rear end in 5th gear with a angle grinder. One Jump Wonder
  10. Hi Jan Damn their goes another nickel candy bar. I wish I had bought stock in microsoft, when it first came out. One Jump Wonder
  11. We googled radio shack, and found out that the they are closing up to 1100 stores, which is only 20% of their retail locations. So their not dead yet, just downsizing to reduce their their loses until they figure out how to compete in todays market. This phenomenon is nothing new for retailers that haven't kept up with the times. In our area we had a large Barnes and Noble that only lasted 2 yrs before they had to shut their doors along with other locations around the country. Its the new normal for retailer's, either adapt to the current mkt conditions or die a slow painful death. One Jump Wonder
  12. A long time ago my wife, got a ride on a gyro copter thing, that someone brought out to the dz. It was almost like a helicopter without a engine, and was towed behind a truck to get the blades moving. Once it got airborne the machine even sounded like a chopper, and was able to stay airborne as long as the tow vehicle kept on moving. Of course it was a two seater, the pilot had a pair of flight helmets, the tow rope wasn't to long and it obviously wasn't the pilots first flight. The machine looked stable in the air, and made a sweet landing once the tow vehicle came to a stop. What me worry? Hell yes, I turned my back and she takes off with some dude to go up there. One Jump Wonder
  13. I used to try and generate all kinds of threads to knock the DB thread from the #1 slot Then I realized that as soon as one of the DB boys posted on the DB thread for whatever reason, to whine, bitch, argue, call ea other names, whatever. The DB Cooper thread would jump to the top of the hit parade. Resistance is futile, the DB Cooper thread will be the last thread standing like a Zombie. Time to take my nap. hey would would take over One Jump Wonder
  14. Hi Billy and Dave AFAIK my land line only rings when someone call my phone number. But it does have caller ID, well worth the price. Dave Johns: The girl scout cookie sellers are out in full force these days. Went to the PO and couldn't resist picking up a box of chocolate mint cookies, and thinking about your thread Be well Time for a nap One Jump Wonder
  15. Hi Jim A great trivia question and answer. What year did you get your #125 and where ? Now if we can just fill in the blanks: The year the G.E. numbers were first issued How many were issued Who issued the number's. I'm old and still learn new stuff every day
  16. Sorry to say but eventually the annual fee in the U.S, will reach the S100 mark. Does anyone know what the annual GMDZ fee is? Time to take a nap One Jump Wonder
  17. Hi Lucky I'll stick my neck out and go on the record, some of us know the outcome and it's not going to be good. I don't know the man or have a dog in this discussion, it called reality. One Jump Wonder
  18. Hi Mr T One of the most dangerous times at the dz, is bored jumpers and bad weather. Add a little booze, a safety meeting, what could possibly go wrong Amazing you guys made it to plan c or d. Maybe we just had a small club, but I don't recall ever trying anything after plan A failed. At least for a few months One Jump Wonder
  19. Hi Mr T Me bad I misread your post and left out the last two 00's. $400k is a lot of dough. Three CHEERS for Mr Truffer
  20. LOL?! There is very little funny about being old. But I must admit the old guy in the mirror often gives me good reasons to laugh. Is anyone here older than my 73? Hi Mr G I'm only 66.75 yrs old, but who's counting. IMO getting old is a privilege, that some of our friends never had the chance to to attain. I'll be happy to reach 73, as long as I'm in good heath and every year after that is a bonus. The older I get the more I appreciate being blessed with good genes, and just a little bit of luck. I would have never have guessed 40 yrs ago that we could be able to communicate with people that have similar interests over the internet. Some things never change, but I'm excited to see what the next new trend and techno gizmo is going to pop up. Be well guys and gals Time for me to take a nap. 1985 One Jump Wonder
  21. Hi In my unqualified opinion I would rate this a solid 9 out of a 10, of scary stories. Based on my military experience from 67-70 of droping all kinds of big stuff from C-130s, using extraction chutes to get the stuff out the rear end. The extraction chute basically acted a anchor, and the plane flew away from the load. As I was reading your narrative, I was almost afraid to hear the final result. But I couldn't resist. WAG the bumper being the weak point, probably saved everyone from more serious injuries. Glad everyone walked away from that one. Bumpers can be replaced, people can't. Thanks for sharing
  22. Hi Vader Got any scary stories, from the newer generation of jumpers or boogies? You've jumped all over the world been there done that. Can't speak for Mr T but he could be taking a nap One Jump Wonder
  23. Hi Moms and Mark Thanks for taking the time for the narrative, and pics.