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Everything posted by AnKaLi

  1. I love being under canopy, it's my favorite part right now as an IAD student. When I was struggling with my door issues, my instructor and I decided "once you get out, you get a canopy ride!" was the way to get me out the door. It worked for awhile too :) I cannot wait to get under something smaller so that I can play with it more, and fly it more, right now I'm under a tuna-boat 230 and I can't really practice anything with the front risers or harness turns. I took Germain's canopy control course a few weeks ago, and learned a lot of valuable information. I cannot wait to utilize it more after I get more experience in the air!
  2. I've been wondering the same thing. My first jump class was a refresher for returning students as well. There were 13 of us, 2 new, 11 refreshers...of those refreshers I've seen 4 of them back, 2 regularly. They've already lapsed their 2 month time. Can't say I really get it myself. Maybe they just aren't serious about it, or don't realize the time commitment?
  3. This thread makes me very happy that I found my DZ. I'm still on student status, didn't know any of these people 2 months ago, and everyone has been nothing but cool and helpful to me. Even during my staggering "afraid" stages, everyone was cool and supportive. I wonder why other experienced jumpers can't be like them? Also I think its partially on the student, you have to be just as open, allow yourself to make new friends. Also, I'm thankful for the tandems, had it not been for a tandem, I'm not sure I'd be out jumping now, it took me a long time to get over the fear of jumping out by myself. Maybe more steps need to be made so that its not a joyride, maybe tandem masters should talk more about getting people into the sport? The DZ that I did my first tandem at allowed me to pull the cord myself, therefore it counted as my first jump. Maybe going more that route might be part of the answer?
  4. daremrc is a ninja, he was able to pull AND relocate his shoulder under canopy. I'm just happy he finally found something worth getting his shoulder fixed over!
  5. Nervous is the wrong word, more anxious? I wasn't sure what the winds would feel like, and I just figured out the way to get over the whole door thing...if that makes any sense. I was a little excited for this jump too, I need to work more on my relaxation techniques, but I know that will come in time too. I'm definitely not looking for advice in the air, I understand where you are coming from with that, and I do trust my instructors. I know its a time thing, I just wasn't sure if I should stick with AFF or go back to IAD. If you had been around the DZ for the past 2 weeks you would see that I've been counterproductive all around...BUT that was then and this is now. I'm so excited to be back where I was mentally that I just want to nail this. Your pool suggestion is awesome because its something I can do while I'm away from the DZ. I did have fun on my last jump BTW, despite the argument I had with my legs below the knees, and I had a SWEEEEET canopy ride as usual. :)
  6. that has been suggested to me, I just need to figure out a way to remember it during freefall.
  7. maybe I'll go try this at the pool at the gym, they'll probably think I'm crazy, but it sounds like a really good idea, and it hasn't been suggested to me. I've been looking for a way to simulate freefall...thank you! I'm excited for when I progress and I get to do flips, I used to be a champion with it when I was a kid at the pool! My IAD instructor had actually suggested AFF for the feet issue. I was nervous about jumping out of a new plane, so maybe that had something to do with it, and that was my first solo freefall for that long. I know it will all come in due time, and I'll be patient, but I'd like to be less poor if possible!! Both instructors have told me that it will come eventually, that like you said, its a new sensation to me. My jump on Sunday was the closest to neutral that I've been, I didn't kick on the exit, and I didn't kick in freefall, but I backslid since my feet were on my butt. I wish I could have recreated that calmness last night!
  8. I give a whole new meaning to "skydancer". I kick out the door, and then I continue to argue with my legs (from the knee down) through freefall. It's different with each jump, so I'm not really consistant with this. I'm an IAD student, and I tried an AFF jump last night, but I still couldn't get the damn legs in the right spot. I know it will come in due time, but my question is, should I go back to my 10 second delay with IAD, or should I spend the $$ to do another AFF jump? My hopes were that I would get the feet thing down with AFF, but it seemed to be worse yesterday than it ever has been before, maybe because I was fighting with it so much? I'm going to talk it over with some instructors at the DZ, but I thought I'd ask here too.
  9. definitely try the long door! After 3 cessna jumps over the weekend I felt OK with the door, but I really realized it last night. I did an AFF jump, and we had an extra long door, I sat near it as we banked and turned, and it was AWESOME. I smiled and enjoyed it all, 2 weeks ago I wouldn't have been that way. Everything is possible :) :) We won't discuss how crazy my feet were during freefall, thats a whole other story!
  10. AnKaLi


    make sure you take the dog with you when you go.
  11. Oh I 100% plan on working on it, no worries there, its just something that has been mentioned to me on 2 occaissions, and I know it's pertinent. I'm in no rush to get my license like some jumpers are, I know I'll get there eventually. I'm more concerned with building the proper skills to be safe in the sky, and I know that altitude awareness comes first.
  12. what I need to work on now is more altitude awareness (going through IAD I'm not 100% used to using an altimeter) and my leg positioning.
  13. yeah thats more my issue (or was) it's the first 5 seconds that I'm not great at yet, but I'm always able to get stable. Switching to poised exits out of the 182 is helping too, I'm not so stressed about holding onto the strut. I'm learning to just enjoy my 5 seconds of chaos, I smile and laugh through it, and I know I'll get it eventually. As a very smart person told me the other day "the only way to get good at skydiving is to jump!"
  14. I had the same issue as you, and have been dealing with it for the past few weeks. I was great on the ground, great in the plane, until the door opened. I've gotten more comfortable with it by playing in the open door, sticking my hands out and playing in the wind, also looking down helped A LOT. The thought at first scared the shit out of me, but it's getting easier. Get in the door and do deep breathing and relax yourself, smile, and make yourself comfortable with it. Part of my issue was performance in the relative wind, like mentioned above, if that's the case, remember to ARCH. So you flounder around and aren't stable at first, laugh at it, smile, and ARCH. I did that for the first time this past weekend and it helped EMMENSELY. Also, I HIGHLY recommend picking up Brian Germain's book, Transcending Fear. It has given me a lot of useful tools to use in fearful moments in skydiving and in life. I cannot thank him enough for writing that book. Good Luck!
  15. I just thought I'd post and let you guys know that I think I got over the hill this weekend. I have found a way to work through my fears and doubts. I know it will probably still come up from time to time. I had some EXCELLENT jumps this weekend with an awesome coach, and I finally remembered why I love to do this.
  16. I do feel comfortable with EPs, and I REALLY enjoy being under canopy, no stand up landings yet, but I'm getting there! I still have a lot to learn, but yeah. What you said about my brain and danger makes a lot of sense, and nobody has said it to me quite like that, so thank you. Apparently I need to force myself to keep my mouth shut about it, and just get out of the plane. I'm like you, I REALLY want to be a skydiver. The disaster wasn't THAT bad, but I did ride over some thermals at about 50 feet (changed from grass to a bean field), and had a WHAP! above my head (the canopy collapsed and immediately reopened quite violently) I didn't lose any altitude, and I handled the situation alright (feet and knees together, full flight, etc), but after about 5 minutes of being on the ground it really freaked me out. It's been about 2 weeks since then. I NEED to get in the air again. I let my head get the best of me on wednesday and chickened the plane...when they opened the door. I'm heading out to the DZ this afternoon, and if the winds calm down I think I'm going to do a clear and pull to get my barings in the air again. Thanks for the words of wisdom, and the reminder to not voice my fears, and that I'm not alone!! :)
  17. I would love some advice on how to get over these mental roadblocks, so thank you for making this thread! I'm a newb, I've only got 11 solo jumps, and I've hit a roadblock right now. I know that its all in my head, but I can't figure out how to overcome that. You all can laugh, having been in the sport for awhile, but I always manage to spook myself out in the plane. Once I get out, I'm fine, and I LOVE it, but getting out is an issue for me. I've read Transcending Fear, and I know that I need to get my mind past the doubt, but I can't seem to get it there. For once in my life, being a thinker is my downfall. My instructors have been nothing but awesome and patient with me, but I imagine they're frustrated with me right now. I'd love to just be able to get over all of this and jump jump jump. My last jump 2 weeks ago was kind of a disaster, and although I'm not dwelling on it anymore, I think my subconcious is or something. I don't know. but yeah, help would be awesome :)
  18. WingFlyer ...thanks for the thread, I'm trying to battle the kicking issue right now. They won't let me progress into a 5 second delay (IAD) until I stop. This thread gave me a lot of inspiration and ideas, hopefully I'll be back to tell of my success!
  19. I definitely suggest hanging out after hours, thats what me and my boyfriend did, and our DZ has welcomed us with open arms. Thats what I love about this sport, people are willing to help the newbies! If you're really scared about doing a solo (I was the same way) I suggest reading Brian Germain's book "Transcending Fear" it has really helped me stay focused on what I need to do. Also, don't be afraid to step away if you're too nervous, or to speak up if something does not feel right. I know what you mean too, about feeling a little bit chunky around all those fit people, but use it to your advantage and use it as motivation! Good luck!