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Everything posted by johndh1

  1. And to think people like that get together - especially these parents who were involved - and sit and laugh about what they are doing. Ha. Ha. It usually comes back to haunt, though, eventually. Sometimes it just takes a little time, and then he who laughs last laughs loudest...except in the case of the parents who are burying their child these few days before Thanksgiving. Roll Tide Roll
  2. Perhaps the Executive Committee would like to comment or release a statement? Roll Tide Roll
  3. ...and note Tony Ross' last line: "I now have a renewed understanding of Billy Vance's rabid denunciation of these people." Where are Margaret Darlington-Quattrocchi and Yvonne Cline these days? Roll Tide Roll
  4. Hey, I've said from way back that the illegals are not coming over to work for the Democrat Left alone. Go to Naples, Florida - they are putting together the big shrimp cocktail in the Ritz-Carlton, while our great American Toby Keith is talking about puttin' up fences on our border to hold off the advances of the Dixie Chicks...out of Texas ;^D Still, what are we gonna do? Dubya, take a side! Innoculate them for TB at least! I've seen the shaded areas that seem to fan out from our Southern border with the diseases we supposedly eradicated decades ago. On another newsgroup more locally I had to correct some people lately who blamed the drug-resistant strain of staph on illegals - made sure that they knew that the facts were that the latest problem was due to over-antibiotic-ing of American people. Roll Tide Roll
  5. I have to say I agree with you - though they were made to be the villain, the hippies ended up on the side of right (however misguided), when the papers were released; that the whole thing was a joke and everything was played as a board game with no consequences felt by the control. What a shame it is now that we find that, statistically, our homeless and mentally ill have the majority population of veterans. We let our Republicans pretend they are part of the moral majority of God-fearing folk (Foley, Craig), and let our Democrats pretend they are on the lower-half of the social ladder, representation of the downtrodden (Edwards with his 12,000 ft. home and Kennedy, say no more...) Yeah, they represent us. Roll Tide Roll
  6. No offense, I like PBS, and I like NPR, but I don't set their statements in stone, and I always seek a second opinion. So I'm clear, especially with Amazon, let me say: I am not for our being in Iraq - I am for putting all these troops on OUR borders and desert. I don't want us there. I know people there right now, both civilian and military. I work in a gym that regularly caters with free membership (at my urging) to soldiers (unusually high concentration of Marines here in the Birmingham area) home locally who tell me that they feel their "second home is Iraq." It makes me feel weird to hear them talk of how most people here don't understand how they know that they are doing the right thing there, and our media distorts the real issues, yadda, yadda.." I want to take their firsthand account over anything I see on here or youtube or whatever, but they seem so compelling and sincere...and I wonder if their youth and zeal and the fact that they were maybe seniors in high school when 9/11/01 happened may have set the pace for their thinking from there on out. The Bush family is very corrupt, and in bed with the Saudis (coincidentally, another oil dynasty!), and most of the 9/11 murderers were Saudis - something many forget. Not me. At the same time, I cannot say it's all about Republicans (even though these idiots in the college-Republicans video make me want to), when we still have troops in Bosnia/Kosovo protecting MUSLIMS from "CHRISTIANS" that Clinton promised would be out completely, oh, what a decade ago? PS: Clinton?...Blackhawk Down. I think neither the high-ranking Democrats nor the Republicans hold the monolopy on elitism or totalitarianism, nor the willingness to send "#whatever" into harm's way. Roll Tide Roll
  7. Then someone go onto wikipedia and correct the misinformation...or that's a LOT of "advisors:" from under "Vietnam War:" "...President John F. Kennedy increased America's troop numbers from 500 to 16,000..." I did not cut this to suit. Or do you mean he sent advisors before making his decision to send the troops? Heck, I am against our being in Iraq, but I am convinced that Iraq had the WMDs they have been accused of, and either intended to use them if they had them (or acquired them) or were a victim of their own standoff sabre-rattling if the didn't. As for Bush - HW Bush leaving the aggressor in power is a big reason we are there now under W. Same goes for Kennedy and Cuba. We need to decide: either we leave them "at bay," and seal our borders for protection, or we eliminate them altogether and don't agonize over their non-combat losses and potential anarchy and tribal warfare. Anything else is only putting off the inevitable, which is their coming at us again. Roll Tide Roll
  8. Realized that as soon as I posted and saw it - thanks, though! Roll Tide Roll
  9. Yeah, this kind of thing happens all the time (hope this link works) - Thanks, Skyride!!!: Roll Tide Roll
  10. But didn't Kennedy escalate our involvement in Vietnam? Not a Republican? I must consult wikipedia... It just shows how the parties shift in attitudes and principles. I see that today. We're dealing with Iraq like the Bay of Pigs and Gulf War I - military's hands tied by politics and not finishing the job we began. Still, I don't trust those Bush people. I don't hardly trust anyone in DC. Roll Tide Roll
  11. I think as far as the video, the draft thing is more tongue-in-cheek as far as the narrator is concerned. The impression they want to give is that the Republicans send the less-privileged Democrats off to fight wars over ego and oil - this, I think, is left over from the Viet Nam era, and is an unfair and inaccurate portrayal, though. I have to say, the interview participants weren't the victims of soundbite manipulation, but rather they just proved one thing: their age group has a lot to learn, and global politics and war are not their forte just yet. Maybe they did learn one thing, though (as did those dumbasses from South Carolina, thanks to Borat): Be careful when someone wants to record you... Roll Tide Roll
  12. Because when someone has been, or is/was close to someone who has been adversely affected by that company's machinations, they don't see it as quite the amusement that you do. It's not a (sit at your computer with your dick in your hand) game you have just in a sense admitted to, getting your jollies off on riling peoples' passions and then laughing at them for replying. It's for the same reason that I try not to explode when strangers or friendly acquaintances make Natalee Holloway jokes. It may seem trivial to them, but one day it may come back to haunt. Roll Tide Roll
  13. Dude, skypapa, MARKETING is not what they do when they CORRAL someone who is already doing an internet or yellow-page search for a nearby facility. They didn't go out and drum-up business that wasn't already looking for a tandem (or glider, or warbird, or balloon, etc.), and none-the-wiser already to their deceptive tactics. And, by the way, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" is a practice used most often historically by the more cowardly elements of society. ...speaking of, if you are so convinced that your point of view is the cornucopia of higher purpose (and will be the mantra of the "survival of the fittest" in the long-run with that company's skydiving involvement), why have you still not filled out your profile? Roll Tide Roll
  14. And to think when I first saw the ridiculous heading for this thread from someone calling themselves "skypapa," I thought it would be followed by a string of obviously cynical comments from someone who felt his wisdom of years were fitting for his nom-de-plume... Roll Tide Roll
  15. What type, Cessna? I guess they're all "Cessnas." Not type by single piston, single turbine, twin, yadda, yadda... Roll Tide Roll
  16. My personal opinion? This thing is so up in the air it's crazy. If it were a (democratically) unanimous BOD decision here now as is was to rightfully get rid of them in the first place(
  17. Right, his being Treasurer (drew the short straw) automatically puts him on the Executive Committee. Does it not seem like a conflict of interest? Wouldn't a more responsible "leader" recuse himself, as to avoid any "appearance of impropriety?" He should not be part of the decision, considering, but please tell me someone else at headquarters has thought about this already. Roll Tide Roll
  18. But why so hard on the BOD as a whole? They are the ones who voted them out in the first place - and though some seats have changed since the votes were cast, I still like to think that the slight majority is still resolute. True, there appears to be a small faction at the top with ties to the plaintiffs (and they should be remembered during the next election), but to understand how all this is taking place we have to look at the way the whole process has been handled once those involved are able to speak out minus this apparent gag-order. It appears to me that not everyone is being allowed an equal voice in how this lawsuit is being dealt, but from looking at names and voting records, I think it looks a little like a railroading by manipulating the organization from the inside. (again, just my humble but very intuitive opinion) Hopefully more will be known and made clear soon, but my trust in this system and some of those in-charge has been severely put to the test here. I often wonder that if it weren't for the insurance, would anyone really require USPA membership to jump at their respective dz? Roll Tide Roll
  19. Keep some rubbing alcohol handy. If it ever bites you and latches on, the alcohol is so repulsive to the snake that it should let go, but if you want to keep the snake healthy you should use cotton swab or cloth or something rather than hosing it down and try not to touch it directly - though this may be hard to do when the thing has its fangs in your bloody hand. But for crying out loud, don't pull on it - those teeth are curved backward! I had a (ended up being) 6' ball python in college, and it only struck at me once when I was stupid and teasing it like it was a puppy or something. Boy, that thing's mouth was BIG coming at me. I have seen very few BPs as big as mine was. All the sorority girls used to go buy rats so they could come over and watch and squeal. I never had to pay for its food. One Christmas I was coming home (had it two years) and my mom begged me not to bring it home this time because she "couldn't sleep with that thing in the house." I took her (Ripley) to the pet store where I bought her to keep her for me, and when I got back to Tuscaloosa two weeks later, the damned place had been sold, and no one knew anything about my snake. I should have pushed harder, but didn't at the time. Roll Tide Roll
  20. johndh1


    And another practical word of advice on the OACV: Always shake it upside down really well, and get it mixed up, but then by all means, pour out a bottle full directly into a used-up small plastic water bottle. Use that bottle to pour your daily amount. The kinds I get, Bragg's and Trader Joe's in the OACV come in glass bottles. If you ever open the fridge and reach for the bigger full Bragg's bottle and the slippery condensation causes it to slip from your hands onto the tile kitchen floor, toward the threshold line where the carpet meets out of the den, you won't want to do that again. Roll Tide Roll
  21. Kudos to TheAnvil for using "myriad" correctly. I get so aggravated with so-called journalists who put into print "...a myriad of..." A Birmingham News writer dislikes me for pointing this out to her after I just couldn't take it anymore. Roll Tide Roll
  22. johndh1


    You're right, it will do much the same, but the wine doesn't have "the mother" and a lot of the other stuff particular to the fermented apple opposed to the grape or whatever. Remember the old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away?" That was actually derived from the taking of apple cider vinegar way back. The wine is good, but the ACV is better. Oh, and if someone has trouble taking the ACV in water, I always tell people to start with putting it in V-8 - tastes like a Bloody Mary. A lot of the older people who come into the gym are drinking and putting it in their V-8 fruit/vegetable mixes too. I do recommend if you use V-8 or tomato juice that you get the low sodium version, because we all could use a little less salt - I know I could. Roll Tide Roll
  23. johndh1


    The vinegar you get at the market is filtered and strained, but if you get it "organic" it has what looks like sediment floating around in it - this looks nasty, but it's really, really good for you. Organic ACV's have enzymes eccentrically named as "mother". They hold the healing characteristics, and appear to be stringy globs hovering within the bottle. For a more effective approach, shake the vinegar before taking a tablespoon of it so the "mother" will be dispersed all throughout. In cold weather, I like to put honey in hot water (so it will dissolve) and then add the ACV - it's really good, and good for you. Roll Tide Roll
  24. johndh1


    [reply .....How about Apple cider vinegar with MOTHER? I take it EVERY day. I have older (50+) friends (I am 35) who I got to start, and they credit it with changing their lives and health. I started out with putting it in low-sodium V-8, but now a tablespoon in water, with a splash of lemon juice. I make up spent bottles of water and keep them in the refrigerator. Not a tablespoon in each small bottle, but a little more than that altogether in 5 or 6 bottles all day long. It's the cure-all for just about anything, if you ask me. The Roman Army thought so. I have so many people in my health club (part-time trainer here) on the stuff, and they love me for it. One thing, though, I realized recently: I had gotten so used to it that I could take a shot of it if I were too full (after Mexican food, for example) to take the whole bottle of water. This is a BIG NO-NO! It's TERRIBLE for your teeth when so concentrated. Never, never drink it straight. Roll Tide Roll
  25. Pat Robertson is a joke - I only wish more people in this country could see that, but oh well... Anyway, all this says to me is that they (Republican-Right) are absolutely terrified of one of these Dems being elected, and they would take what they justify in their minds "the lesser of two evils.". If the Right-Wing doesn't lighten up on some of their ridiculous Victorian principles in government, they will bear the responsibility of the electoral backlash against them once again. Roll Tide Roll