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Everything posted by iambeav2

  1. Um, other would have to be the case...I'm freaking invincible, don't you know this?!?! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  2. That's just cuz your phone cant get picture messages!!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  3. Instead of this whole JFGI crap, I'll just tell you...d/l Audacity. It is an MP3 editing software for free from download or downloads dot com. you upload the song, cut what you want, and save THAT as it's own mp3... ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  4. Bry...this is coming from a coffee friend...put your big boy panties on so you don't get all pissified and cry in your coffee... You smell like shit....I can smell you all the way from here...do something about that man!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  5. Speaking of selling your body parts...just tell them they can have the leg back! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  6. iambeav2


    your fucking coffee!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  7. Leroy, if that diver passes up, I will surely drive up and get it from you. Nothing like a wood stove in the winter (got my gas cut off and made them take the tank back). Deez nutz roasting on an open fire.... ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  8. iambeav2

    Funny 911 call

    Wow, somebody owes my boss another computer screen for my office...holy shit! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  9. Absolutely...very much so absolutely!! Can't WAIT for my vacation! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  10. Kayak to brace the fall, and the surface tension of the water down below is constantly broken as opposed to the "concrete slam" of still water. He also didn't submerge but so far down due to the buoyancy of the kayak. My .02 bullshit worth. Sounds good though. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  11. I chose other...whoever is insistant that they are being used should pay...however if both parties are planning on using...and you're already in that state of mind...I'm sure you've already got some. Let the dudes buy em...if the ladies don't like the style they choose, then the ladies can buy them...but this is also dependent on the relationship status and how relaxed the relationship or sexualship (yeah, that's my word) is. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  12. I've got a little game I play w/ my S.O. I normally always pay b/c I'm better off financially than she is and it doesn't bother me one bit...but when we're both hungry or she's hungry, I can't ever decide where to eat. I always tell her, if she makes me choose the place to dine, she's buying...and visa versa. Therefore, I'll just fork out the dough and don't have to pick where to eat. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  13. Yes...Yes...and yes. Depends on the stature of the DZ, how busy, how well you pack...lots of things. Make absolutely sure you can pack fast and good, and find a team to follow...pack for a while...get to know 'em...and maybe they'll take you under their wing via the air and show you some tricks for flying...and you MIGHT make some money to satisfy your needs...ya bum! G/l if you try it! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  14. I've tried but don't have the time or near the resources to find the right one so I've decided to employ the aid of my DZ homeys....p...p...pweeze help me guyses! Yes, I am highly intoxicated, but pwee7e still help me!!!!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  15. Exactly but I want the mp3...so I can burn it or IPod it...not just youtube! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  16. I'm looking for the Mambo Italiano song on the Visa Commercial. I've got the Dean Martin version, but it's not as high energy or aggravating to the loved one as the one by Renato Carosone. I can't find it and REALLY want it...please help me, either PM me a link or we can set up a file transfer. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  17. In the Stress test room at the hospital I used to work at...and in the Pharmacy in the OR...just shut the door and get down behind the counter, cuz only WE have access with our badges...now if someone else w/ Pharmacy badges showed up... ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  18. Family I hain't seen in a few years is in florida...and some very loved friends are there as well. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  19. Um no, just had to play along I guess. I love vagina too much to be in or around any closet! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  20. Dude, I gotta party some more years before i take that step...er, um...oh fuckit, your response sucked, lol. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  21. How bout...YES! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  22. To hell w/all you Florida/Georgia/SC folks! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  23. Whotf said anything about rockstars...they ain't got shit on dot (commer) stars!!! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  24. Ain't no fair that I ain't in there...and even more unfair that any DZ.commer would hide in a closet and play dressup instead of show up and party like a dot commer. ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!
  25. I'm driving down on Saturday, August 1st and driving back up August 9th. Staying close around the Sebastian/Orlando area. Who wants to harbor and/or party w/ me!! If not, fuck ya'll, I'm camping at Sebastian anyway...less I get any harbor takers! ...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!