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Everything posted by Allballs

  1. Thats Johnny '9 lives' Anderson and that video is probably really old as he used to also work at crosskeys when EVERYBODY was doing tandems like that!!! Stirring the pot-------------------someone has to right?
  2. I spent 10 days in Deland and had a great time, i did coach jumps with Kim Worthington aswell as tunnel time with Kim and Yuki (Tsui?)...(oh boy those girls can really fly!!) We came from a smaall dz so it was a real treat to see such an operation. My only problem was the 2 hour waits once we were no longer doing coach jumps and manifesting for ourselves it seemed like we were always last in line to be put on a plane. I watched 1 team make 6 jumps before we even were on a 20 minute call!! Also there were no organisers for flat or freefly for us to jump with and i dont even think they have a freefly coach at Deland. I did manage to get some freefly coaching of Kim in the tunnel so i did leave happy but it would have been nice to jump with a coach to see my progression. i be back however i hope they fix that problem. Patricia
  3. Jacko got all of his ratings back after a board meeting at the recent symposium. I got the word yesterday.
  4. Anyone else heard about this? My info is flakey but its an Indoor base park with the highest jump point at 1100 ft . The park is opening up in North Carolina.
  5. I did the Aff rating 7 years ago, i had over 1000 jumps at the time which i consider to be quite inexperienced, there were 12 people on my course and 4 evaluators, all the candidates had between 800-6000 jumps, I personally know for a fact that at least 10 of the candidates were way more experienced than the actual evaluators and could definitly outfly them on any given day, I also believe that the evaluators knew this. The problem is alot of the evaluators are in it for the power trip, alot have been in the sprt for 10 years and have 1000-1500 jumps and dont mind getting the $100 per day!!
  6. Stunt junkies tonight at 10.30 pm Joal Tambor swooping thru the hanger at Titusille. Discovery channel. Monday 29th January.
  7. Scott only stays on the East coast i think! The pd boys JC and Jonathan are in California and do great camps. They are
  8. I will be there with bells on!! Sebastian rocks i was just at the Invasion boogie, now i have another excuse to go back!!
  9. As a general rule :No stump No Jump".....
  10. See you at the next one. TBD So when is that then?
  11. After the Pd/fastrax challenge alot of us are wondering when the next event GREAT event is? What are your overall opinions on this meet?
  13. That was the best Swoop comp i have ever been to. Getsum is a very organised company and i cannot wait to attend every competition these guys put on. It was a pleasure and i cannot thank Getsum enough. You guys ROCK!!!!!!!!
  14. It definitley is not raining!!!!!!!! but they did say it would!!!!!!!!
  15. Scrovi!!!!!!!!! Just make sure you have enough blankets in your tent or a good sleeping bag, the temperature can vary and be cold at night. HOWEVER its like 80 degrees here at the moment and looks to sty this way for at least another week. Not sure what reports yall reading but mine says BLUE SKIES this week and low 80s, it does drop after New year to about 72. Its Florida so it will change again by tommorow.
  16. I would think that Shimmel should now be feeling the pressure to go represent.
  17. So on that note, Does anyone know if any JVX canopies are competing in this comp????
  18. I cant wait to see the PD dvd, actually i cant wait to see them flying live!!!
  19. Yes KIM thanks so much you rock girl****** See you in Sebastian i will buy you a beer.
  20. This is definitley the place to be for this boogie especially if your a freeflyer, there are soo many multi talented organizers at your disposal but i know many people who are attending and there is going to be some sweet freefly jumps going on. Most freeflyers from all the other florida dzs will be going to this boogie so im pretty sure there wont be much going on any where else. Unless your over 40 then you could go party at Zhills and wait 4 hours to make a jump like last year!!! hahahahahahahaha
  21. Dude go to Sebastian or the 1st week of January there is a huge boogie and some of the freefly organizers from DeLand are working at that boogie also a very large freefly group from all over attending the boogie should be some awesome skydives. I know there are at least 5 freefly organizers there. Its the Crosskeys Invasion and pd challenge. Check out December 28th thru January 10th