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Everything posted by Butters

  1. I'm pretty sure the judge isn't going to tell you whether the bribe will sway his decision. I think telling the truth goes against the way of the law. I put that part in italics to mean the judges thoughts and what the people were saying in quotes. Both statements were jokes (hopefully). "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  2. A note about a post above ... Do not save $1,000 in case of emergency. Pay off credit card then use credit card in case of emergency. The idea is to have credit readily available (which you will if you pay them off) and not be paying interest (which you will if you save the money). "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  3. Work, work, bored, take break, read dz.com, write dz.com, read dz.com, work, work, ... Are most of your posts meaningless to pass the time (like mine)? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  4. I can just see it now ... Judge: "You have been charged with murder, what is your blood type and how do you plead?" Suspect: "I am type A and plead not guilty." Judge: That rich person just offered $100,000 for a type A organ. "I find you guilty." Or ... Man goes on killing spree after getting heart transplant from deathrow inmate. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  5. This is easy. Since the interest on your credit card is higher than the interest on your savings account you should pay off your credit card. Now if you owe debt on a car or a house in which you could earn more interest on the savings then the debt you should save the money. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  6. Hope is an emotional belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances within one's personal life. Hope implies a certain amount of perseverance. I find it hard to believe that you would BASE jump without a belief in a postive outcome. Helpless is an emotional belief that you can not control the outcome of an event or circumstance. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  7. "They died doing what they loved", is improper because it infers that the action that killed them is part of the action that they loved. I prefer not to correlate the act of death as a part of any action but instead as an accident that may occur for any action. "They died in an accident doing what they loved", is better. It is just grammer but grammer can make the difference on how people view things in their concious and subconcious. This is just my thought, bound to change over time and expierience. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  8. Has skydiving ever been in the X-Games? Many sports have exploded due to the coverage they recieve in the X-Games. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  9. General Comment: Often people make excuses for doing or not doing something instead of admitting the real reason. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  10. Being a persons family means caring for them even if it is opposed to their wants. There is a difference between caring and controlling. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  11. Reasons not to skydive: 1] No Interest If you have an interest then the only good reason to not skydive is: 2] Injury or Disability (that prevents you from skydiving) Money, time, and safety are issues for everyone, if you want to skydive you will find a way. The Problem: Not everyone that could skydive should skydive. Not everyone that should skydive does skydive. How do we get the people that don't skydive that should skydive that could skydive to skydive? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  12. "They died doing what the loved." Wrong! "They lived doing what they loved." Right! You should not care what other people think about your life when you are dead but what you think about your life when you are alive. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  13. Butters

    Early Days

    With the suit (assuming the suit had constant acceleration without reaching terminal velocity) a person would be traveling approximately 52mph upon impact at 190 feet (given it did take 5 seconds). Without the suit a person would be traveling approximately 75mph upon impact at 190 feet (it would take 3.5 seconds). The suit did not work that well. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  14. 1. Do you have a specific someone to take care of the "arrangements?" - Parents 2. Do you know what those "arrangements" will be? Please share your thoughts. - Don't know and don't care. 3. Do you have life insurance (or monies put away to cover costs)? - Yes 4. Do you have a will? - Yes, living and dead will. (You should create a living will to make the decisions easier on your loved ones. You should crate a dead will to give your assets to your loved ones instead of the government.) "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  15. I meant a verbal altercation (I'm a peaceful person), physical altercations should be left to dire situations. However, this goes to show that some people will have a physical altercation if you do something unexpected and unwanted to them. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  16. You are not going to change the thoughts of the general public because they do not care to differentiate (in fact many want to consider themselves skydivers after a tandem). Once again, those that skydive know who are skydivers and that should be enough. A question, does it make you to say you are a skydiver and you don't want other people (tandem passengers) to be able to claim they are also? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  17. Everyone is different but for me doing anything with or to someone else on exit, freefall, or under canopy that was not planned is highly unacceptable. A skydiver having to process an unexpected event can cause delayed reactions which can lead to injuries and fatalities. If you plan on doing something you better know that person very well beforehand. If someone did something unexpected to me there is a chance that there will be an altercation on the ground. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  18. What does it matter if someone who has done a tandem wants to call themselves a skydiver? The people calling themselves skydivers after doing a tandem are advertising. This can lead to more people doing tandems (which increases the revenue of the DZ). Also, some of those people doing tandems may continue skydiving. Why don't we just create a new term that seperates these people. Skydiver: People who jump from an aircraft. Skyflyer: People who (spend money, time, and effort to) jump from an aircraft and fly their body. Now when you say that you skyfly and someone says that they skydive you can tell them what the difference is. Problem solved. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  19. Why does it seem that all caption this picture threads involve pussy ... cats? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  20. DZ: If tandems make money then start a tandem mill. Just keep the DZ, TI, and TI passenger safe (along with other jumpers). This gives other jumpers newer and safer planes and helps keep the cost down. In my belief, the cost is not going to go down. Old Jumpers: Be friendly to new jumpers. Say hello, say goodbye, and ask how their jump went. If possible help new jumpers with safety questions and concerns. In my belief, these are the things that make the circle go round. New Jumpers: Be friendly to old jumpers. Say hello, say goodbye, and ask how their jump went. You need to pay your dues. Work, save, and skydive (money is an issue for everybody). Go to the dropzone every weekend regardless of the weather and stay the nights if possible (old jumpers take notice of this). Study on your own, review on your own, and ask questions whenever possible (old jumpers take notice of this). Have fun and buy your beer. In my belief, the drop in the number of skydivers is partially because of the money and partially because the new generation believe they do not have to pay dues. So if you want to increase the number of skydivers you need to find a way to make it less expensive (for new and old jumpers, but tandems can remain at current costs) and install in new jumpers what paying their dues really is about (showing that you care about yourself, about others, and about the sport along with showing others that they are not wasting their time and talent on someone who may not stay). "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  21. The battle to determine who is mans best friend, between a dog and a shaved pussy, is about to begin. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  22. Consider yourselves lucky. I pay $25 per jump to rent gear. I was just reading another thread about a DZ that you can place a $4,000 deposit towards new gear and get free rental for 6 months! I wish I could do that. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  23. From a math perspective. If you jump 1 time/week at $75 per time. Then you will spend $2,100 in 6 months and $4,200 in 12 months on gear rental. At $100 per month for 12 months you will save $3,000. At $0 per month for 6 months then $50 per month for 6 months you will save $3,900. The difference being this, if you rent gear you will spend $4,200 over the course of a year with nothing but the jumps, if you deposit $4,000 then you will spend $4,300 over the course of the year but recieve $4,000 towards new gear. Sounds like a good deal to me! (Any chance you can talk my DZ into this deal for me?) "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  24. I would also wait to get your A license (this is what I'm doing). I have read posts of people doing coach jumps after AFF and changing their mind about skydiving. A bad expierience may take away from the initial excitement and might cause you to change your mind of solidify it. (Not to mention, will your dropzone even let you jump your own rig at this point?) "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch