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Everything posted by fenceline

  1. Not to let this disappear, but lets see it. I'm still skeptical, want, no need some proof. If for no other reason than to get chills.
  2. Haven't looked real close, but how do you get glow sticks into the wings??
  3. Did you keep track of the waypoints just by visually recognizing them, then mapping them later?
  4. Jumped an old DC5, TWICE. Looked exactly the same as the cloud. On the second jump flared high and it landed so hard the top of my feet bruised. Found something a little newer after. Loads of fun though. Jay
  5. AMERICAN BREW Anyone know the driving time, say from Northern Montana? Can figure it out from there.
  6. Last time i went to Montana, it was a driver's license and Birth Cert. Man that boarder guy looked mean.......and ugly.
  7. Ok, now that someone has pointed out the obvious. It may not be the ideal, but its what I got so I'm gonna use it. Just need to know if anyone else has gone outside of the norm of "sony".
  8. Help. Have a JVC DX75, almost exactly the same size and shape of a PC-101. Does anyone have any experience fitting the JVC to a 2KInnovations FF2 helmet? They only make their helmets to PC models sizes and am unable to compare the fit of the DX75. Have only done side by side comparisons of the two cameras. Thanks, Jason
  9. About 130, however I did have a set of gear loaned to me that I and only I jumped. If not would have bought sooner. Was more the $$$ issue.
  10. Hey Chuck, The Ontario Gov't is looking to make licensing mandatory in that province, but as another has said on this post, the proposed act is very vague. Will CSPA be the licensing body, or will a new licensing system involving the military be the standard? Apparently several military riggers have been contacted to advise the bills writers of what would be appropriate for sport parachuting. This is odd, as mentioned on the CSPA Chat by another, the Canadian Military SARTECHS (Search and Rescue Airborne) have been using the CSPA Coaching and Instruction Program to learn how to teach rescue parachuting. They must feel that CSPA has some sort of expertise when it comes to safety in freefall. Why else would they be getting rated on the civilian system? As for how things work in Canada, you must be license to jump on a CSPA dropzone by and FAI affiliated organization (CSPA, USPA, etc). CAPS is another jump organization in Canada, although less prevalent that CSPA. However, CSPA is the only FAI affiliate, via the Aero Club of Canada. CAPS is not FAI affiliated. Both have been endorsed by Transport Canada to conduct sport parachuting activities. Jason
  11. Thought this should be placed here as it's "intent" is to make the sport safer. Me, I'm not crazy about it right now. Remember, this is out of Ontario Canada, only a proposal right now, just went through it's first reading on June 1/04. Thoughts??? http://www.ontla.on.ca/library/bills/381/87381.htm