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Everything posted by Jewels

  1. Jewels

    My 1000th

    I have no ideas for you, but congratulations! That's a nice, round number! TPM Sister #102
  2. Jewels

    Google Voice

    Has it worked well for you so far, or have you used it that much? TPM Sister #102
  3. Jewels

    Google Voice

    Yeah, but no one will ever know if the transcription is wrong! I mean, it's a DD! TPM Sister #102
  4. Jewels

    Google Voice

    Just got my new Google Voice number and I'm excited! I hope it lives up to my expectations. But, basically, the concept is that your Google Voice phone number will reach you, simultaneously, at more than one place. I've set it up so my phone will ring at home and on my cell phone at the same time. I could also add a work number or whatever other phone numbers I wanted to use. It will supposedly transcribe the texts of any voice mail messages and email them to me as well. I love technology (when it works)!
  5. Yes, he was in a box in the garage attic. TPM Sister #102
  6. That's fantastic! Nice job!! TPM Sister #102
  7. I have no idea if they *are* home schooled, but it came up earlier on tv and they said that the schools were closed today--not sure what, but it could've been like a teacher in-service day or something. TPM Sister #102
  8. What a great outcome! He's gonna be in sooooo much trouble! TPM Sister #102
  9. An eyewitness claims to have seen something fall out of the balloon around Platteville, so they're searching. I hope the "witness" wasn't really a witness after all. TPM Sister #102
  10. It would be the best resolution. He might still be grounded for prom, but that would be the better alternative. TPM Sister #102
  11. Haven't found him yet, but the door to the balloon was unlocked (don't know if that means open) and they are considering whether he DID fall out. TPM Sister #102
  12. Time to start questioning the sibling. Hopefully it's all a bad practical joke. Yeah. They said authorities had already searched the home, just in case they were wrong about where he was. TPM Sister #102
  13. That's the problem. The bottom was made of cardboard and there's no child on board. TPM Sister #102
  14. The news says they're securing it and creating holes so it can't get away again. TPM Sister #102
  15. That's one of the concerns. They are worried about what he's been breathing. TPM Sister #102
  16. Yeah . . . he's down now. TPM Sister #102
  17. They're all over the board with altitude but now they're saying 500' and 30 minutes until he's down . . . but now I don't really know WHAT to believe. TPM Sister #102
  18. It's sure listing a lot. I just hope it stays reasonably level. TPM Sister #102
  19. It's in DIA airspace and now they've stopped north-bound departures. TPM Sister #102
  20. Apparently they're saying that the basket wasn't made to actually hold anyone and that it won't survive a crash, although I don't know what kind of basket WOULD under these circumstances. TPM Sister #102
  21. Correction--they're now saying it's at about 6,500'. Don't know where the 2,500' came from but it was on the bottom of the tv screen earlier. Must be old information. TPM Sister #102
  22. The news is covering it full-time here. It IS helium-filled, but only at 2,500'. It has the CAPACITY to reach 10,000', according to 9News. It's horrific. Edited to add that if it somehow ends well, this little guy is going to have one wild story. He's either delighted or terrified. They do say that the balloon is descending and the Colorado National Guard is on it. TPM Sister #102
  23. Nah, you have to work harder than that to convince us. One of the great things about you seems to be your enthusiasm. Of course, that can be a double-edged sword when your enthusiasm leaves your heart open to bruising, but it's a good thing and brings more joy on the "up" side of life. Keep your head above water! I know you're okay. I just want you to get back to better than okay. TPM Sister #102
  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope it's a happy, joyful celebration! MUAH! TPM Sister #102