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Everything posted by Miami

  1. Nope, just scroll to the song you want to add, hold the center button till the song flashes (a second or two) and it's added. After you've added all the songs you want go to your playlists and select the on-the-go list and all the songs you added are there, in the order you added them. After you're done with them just select "clear playlist" in the playlist menu and they are gone. Miami
  2. Do you know how to make a playlist on the go? Much easier than having a bunch of playlists to go through... Miami
  3. Search before hand and make an "on the go" playlist, which takes no time at all. The way I shoot/edit I switch songs during interviews so I have no need to overlap two songs. Certainly some situations it wouldn't work, but that really applies to everything, doesn't it? Miami
  4. Those what? Are you saying that canopy is far from a Swift? What canopy is it then? Miami
  5. Yes...I quit using cds a while back. Plus I have my computer handy so if someone really wants a specific song on their video I'll download it from itunes then transfer it to the ipod so they can have it. It's pretty rare that happens and I don't mind a buck here or there for a random song... Miami
  6. Not positive, but it looks like a older 5 cell reserve prior to the Swift Plus line of reserves. The first rig I ever owned had one in it, but I never had the opportunity to use it. Miami
  7. Most likely a tension knot, although while it looks like both brakes are stowed a premature brake release would look very similar. How to prevent a tension knot? Replace your lines when they are becoming worn, stow your lines neatly, and be stable when you deploy... For clicky help look here. Hope that helps... Miami
  8. What settings were you shooting at? First would look better with a longer dof and a little photoshop work to take the car and drainage tube out of it, imo. What filters, if any, were you using? Otherwise nice pictures, attractive content. Miami
  9. I've taken the 64/95 route most of the way up toward Philly a few times (got off after Baltimore to head into upstate NY) and I don't know if I would necessarily call it "pretty", but it's not bad. I'm actually heading up to Philly this weekend and I'm going to take the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel/13 because it's supposed to be faster. Which ever way you go if you need a place to crash in the Hampton/Newport News area just pm me and you'll have one. Miami
  10. How far along the east coast do you want to travel? If you come up through Newport News you'll be taking I-64 West (and will pass within about 2 miles of my house), which you can take up into Maryland/DC and on to Philly. I've been told a faster way to Philly (which I'll be testing next weekend) is to take the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel out of Norfolk and stay on 13 till you run into 95 just south of Philly. Miami
  11. The small dof won't affect the ground as far as looking close or far, it will just affect how blurred it is. The compression would come from a long focal length lens, but to get a sharp (and compressed...looking like the subject is about to go in) background you would want a high aperture (high number) with the appropriate shutter speed. Miami
  12. A wide open aperture would give you the short dof like you want, but you would lose the effect of compression you get with a long lens if you blur the background like that. Also another thing to keep in mind, if you are shooting with your aperture wide open and a low iso on a bright day your camera may not be able to keep up...depending on your camera you may not be able to achieve a high enough shutter speed to get proper exposure. Miami
  13. Depends... Most common is anything from 24-28mm..., but depends on how you fly, if you're trying to be artistic, and so on. Keep in mind if you are shooting with a DSLR without a full frame sensor you will have a cropping factor that will magnify the lens you are using, so that will affect which lens you need. Miami
  14. The puffer is the first line to cleaning the sensor...just lock the mirror up (put it in sensor cleaning mode), keep the camera pointing torward the ground (so the dust you blow around can fall out rather than right back on the sensor) and blast away (but keep the tip of the air cannon outside the body...if the tip touches the sensor you've likely turned your camera into an expensive paperweight!). For the dust that doesn't remove you have to go to the next line of cleaning, swabbing the sensor. This requires Sensor Swabs and Eclipse Cleaning Fluid. You have to lock the mirror up again, wet the appropriate swap with the cleaning fluid, and wipe it across your camera's sensor. This was the only way I could get my 20D really clear of dust, and I have to reclean it every couple of months. To really see how much dust is on your sensor put your camera on Aperture priority (Av), crank your aperture as small as you can (largest number...22, 29, or higher), and take a picture of a clean, light colored, brightly lit, even surface. Miami
  15. I wonder if the self cleaning feature blocks you from being able to clean it manually...that would be a huge drawback if you get a speck the self cleaner can not get off. I've cleaned the sensor a few times on my 20D and it really is not a difficult process at all. Just get the supplies online (I got mine from eBay) and you pay a fraction of what they normally cost. Miami
  16. Well shit...I take a weekend off and look what I miss! If you're out next weekend you'll have to show me the indentation the safety pin is making. Glad you made it out in one piece! Miami
  17. My wife quit jumping when we had our daughter, but I did not. Our circumstances were a little different though...she had 21 jumps and was fairly accident prone, I had 3000 jumps and jumping was a portion of our income. Now our daughter is three and a half years old, my wife has 23 jumps (has done a couple of tandems since), and I'm at 4600 with jumping still a portion of our income. I will fully support (and look forward to) my daughter if and when she wants to jump. Hell...she already says she wants to, but I have to wait until she's 7 or 8 (so she'll fit in the tandem harness). Miami
  18. Don't see why that wouldn't work. Might need a diffuser on them to even out the light but that would be pretty easy to do... Miami
  19. The three years I spent in Colorado were before I got my Alti-track...same turns for landing as I was using to hit 77, who knows what vertical speed I was hitting there! Miami
  20. When I first got my alti-track I found I was reaching into the 70's on a regular basis, with 77 as the highest I recorded. That was a 180+270 from about 1000'. I've tamed down the turns a bit and keep it in the 60's set of gear is going to include a speed cypres. Miami
  21. Miami

    New Homeowner

    Always, brother, always. How the hell are my nephews doing? Miami
  22. Miami

    New Homeowner

    Been out of CO for a little over a year now...just found out we will be here for at least 3 more years so figured it was time to buy a house! I don't remember Tommy Kinder...was he from SDSA? Miami
  23. Miami

    New Homeowner

    Yay...keys are now in hand, first born has been signed away, I am the owner of a fancy new (to me) townhouse! Thanks for all the advise and tips from everyone! Miami
  24. Miami

    New Homeowner

    Ouch! I'm really hoping nothing strange like that comes up tonight when we go in to sign the papers... Miami
  25. Miami

    New Homeowner

    Thanks! My brother is an electrician and does a lot of general contracting as well...I plan on picking his brain as much as I can. I'm pretty big on trying to take care of as much as I can myself...but I usually stick to stuff I can figure out with common sense! Miami