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Posts posted by kaerodyne

  1. Erik,

    Our US Tour Rep, Chelsea will be at your home DZ this weekend .... go have a chat to her and she'll get you into all the demo's you need and also assist with any info and education you need.

    Let me know if there is anything else we can do for you

    Blue Skies

  2. Quote

    I always liked that about the Vision. Soft openings for camera but also reliable and on heading (except when it needs a new line set :$ *ahem* )

    The Vision now comes with an option of HMA for your lines .... So no more going outta trim ;)

  3. Quote


    Bet I can guess who it was though...

    Look one post up, no need to guess. Thanks for the tips on working with mfgrs - I'll dig up that article as well (I remember reading it), since this will be an annual event and I'm sure I'll be continuing to help out.

    Karl - not at all necessary to do it publicly, but I do appreciate you stepping up on this one. I have seen some very positive efforts by Aerodyne to use DZ.com as a channel for addressing service and product issues, which is part of why I was so surprised that this one just fell through altogether. Thanks for explaining what happened this year; hopefully things will go better next year.

    We look forward to assisting your 2008 LP Boogie in any way we can.

  4. Krisanne,

    I read your post with alot of interest and took the time to chat to the office and I have found that we might be the company you are referring to. Seems we had a slight communication glitch in the office, and this lead to us not getting the items out to you.

    Please accept our apologies for not getting the promised items to you for your event. It was an event we were very pleased to support and the level of information and communication you had with me was more than professional and adequate. I just dropped the ball with my communication with my office.

    Hope your event went off well and that you are planning to continue your efforts.

    Blue Skies

    Karl Meyer
    Sales Representative
    Aerodyne Research
    Office: 1 813 891 6300


  5. Quote


    We have demo ready to ship out



    We have a variety of sizes of the Vision ready to demo, it's just unfortunate that the size you needed is not currently available in the demo fleet. We do have one on the US and EU Tours. And as stated in a PM, I am working to get the Vision 150 to your customer in the time frame he needs.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Blue Skies

    Karl Meyer
    Sales Representative
    Aerodyne Research
    Office: 1 813 891 6300


  6. Quote

    Interesting to see Aerodyne's Vision canopy advertised once again at their website and in this month's Parachutist. It sort of disappeared a few years back when the Mamba was introduced.

    At the time, the guy at the Aerodyne tent at a boogie told me the Vision hadn't been discontinued, and was still a very popular canopy in Europe. I had some friends who were jumping the Vision and were very pleased with the way it flew. So I'm just curious about the eclipsing and recent return of the Vision to the American market.

    The Vision is still a great canpy and has a dedicated following byt hose who have jumped them, I have around 300+ jumps on a Vision 124, and loved it from day one (before I even worked for Aerodyne).

    The Vision is placed between the Pilot and the Mamba from a performance stand point. The Vision is a very reliable and consistent all round canopy for every day use.

    If you need more info check out our website or give us a call t the office. We have demo ready to ship out :P

    (sorry self promotion)

    Blue Skies
    Karl Meyer
    Sales Representative
    Aerodyne Research
    Office: 1 813 891 6300


  7. Andrea,

    Thanks for posting this, the reality is that the welfare system in South Africa is some what lacking, and people with disabilities are often side lined for pregnant teenages or AIDs victims, and due to the previous political system, the majority of the population is still either unemployed or paid very little in terms of wages. So caring for a person with a disability makes it hard, and then there is the social rejection from both family and community these people have to endure.

    The ability for Eric and Taya to take the time to assist one person is amazing, and the efforts should continue.

    And for those of you who wonder what the reason for this all is, remember this tale ....

    "An old man had a habit of early morning walks on the beach. One day, as he looked along the shore, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. As he came closer he saw that it was a young woman and she was not dancing but was reaching down to the sand, picking up starfish and very gently throwing them into the ocean.

    "Young lady," he asked, "Why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?"

    "The sun is up, and the tide is going out, and if I do not throw them in they will die."

    "But young lady, do you not realise that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it? You cannot possibly make a difference."

    The young woman listened politely, paused and then bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves, saying:

    "It made a big difference to that one."

  8. Quote

    currently fly a triathlon. love it. always opens and lands soft. I'm going to downsize a bit, and am leaning towards a 9 cell for better landings than my 7. I've heard good things about the pilot, and also safire2. looking for some feedback on aerodyne vx. icarus.


    Please get in touch with Sandy Kimball at our Tampa office, she runs our demo program and will be more than happy to assist in getting a demo out to you.

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Blue Skies

    Karl Meyer
    Sales Representative
    Aerodyne Research
    Office: 1 813 891 6300

  9. Quote

    Only thing- It was advertised as 100% zero-P, when I got the canopy, I found out the ribs are F-111!! Emailed Aerodyne about it, they pretty much said OH WELL!! Did not offer to rectify the situation in any way. Probably wont buy another Aerodyne product- nice parachute though!!! BlueSkies

    Strange, the Pilot has never been marketed as a full ZP canopy, unless your dealer was the one you got the info from, the Plot has always been a Hybrid canopy, ZP top and bottom with F-111 ribs.

    We do apologies if you were misinformed on the design of the canopy, and so to for the response you received from us when you contacted the office.

    Blue Skies

    Karl Meyer
    Sales Representative
    Aerodyne Research
    Office: 1 813 891 6300

  10. Quote

    Still later when I broke my ankle in an out landing, jumping from a balloon, he was there first waiting with me for my ride (photo attached) sharing stories of his own accidents.

    Now thats the one thing that was always a constant with Tonto, he would never fly off the handle when you did something silly and hurt yourself in the sport, he would use it as a tool to educate not only yourself but others at the DZ.

    I remember when I flew a friends FX 96 into the ground .... so not my finest moment, and I should have known better. He chatted to me about what I thought I did wrong and how I could prevent that from happening again. While others stood around a spoke smack etc

    Humble and open ...

  11. I have to admit I was disappointed at the kids who came Trick or Treating, only half even said "Trick or Treat" they just shoved a bag into my face and wanted candy. Only one out of like 40 kids even knew the historic reasons the US even celebrates Halloween ... two points for the media and education system.

    What a farce of a celebration ... no more candy at my door next year.

  12. Quote

    After stowing his gear, he did the rounds and wished everybody a Happy New Year, that Cheshire cat grin on his face when he asked - ‘So how many jumps have you done this year?’ His love of life was infectious. I will miss him.

    ROTFLMFAO ..... ;)

    He did that again on a wingsuit dive, exit one year land the other. Classic Tonto

    Such a silly boy :P

  13. Quote

    Hired the dvd, pushed play.
    No subtitles, thought that was the point of the dvd. now i hit the web to find out about it and find it is meant to be watched with subtitles.
    did it have subtitles at the threatre?

    And you wonder why SA won the RWC :P

    It had subtitles in the theater, and would suggest watching it with them, movie makes far more sense

  14. t

    (always the little t) ;)

    You taught me, challenged me, inspired me, reprimanded me, thanked me, thought of me, smiled with me, skydived with me. And even though we only spend weekends out at the DZ skydiving and sharing the sport we both love so much, I consider you a close friend and mentor, not only in the sport but so to in life and spirit.

    There have been many memories flowing through my head the last few days, and they have brought a smile to my face each time, not quite like the big energetic smile you always had, but close enough. I now would like to share a few of these with you, so you to can smile again.

    Meeting you on a cold and cloudy day at JSC, when I returned to the sport after an injury to do my AFF, you took the time to get to know me and what makes me think, learn and laugh, this comfort with you followed me out the door the next weekend with you and Manny on level 1, and you were the one constant Inst on all my dives.

    The pep talk about where and what I could do in the sport once I had gotten of student status.

    The words of encouragement and pride you had for me and my 4-way team during our years of training.

    Being a support and guide for the canopy courses I ran at JSC and the valued feedback and info you had for me, on teaching and seeking knowledge.

    Believing in me and my dream when I choose to head across the pond and throw drogues for a season, giving me the heads up on the world I was about to become part of.

    Standing at boarding point when I returned to JSC, me with my first tandem back in SA and you with a Level 1 AFF, you walked over to me and placed you hand on my shoulder, smiled and told me you were proud of my path within the sport. We laughed that there we both stood, me an ex student of your, about to take a person on their first skydive, and you there with the same.

    The always familiar and friendly smile before I left the door.

    Being humble enough to forgive and support a friends return to the sport in SA, (we both know who I'm speaking of)

    The unconditional support and friendship you showed someone I loved when our time had come to an end, and the chat about life lessons and love lessons you had learned.

    I'm sure half these will be exaggerated into epic moments as time passes and other will be lost to the public but never forgotten in my heart.

    Funny thing is I'm not sad or angry at your passing, all I feel is humbled by your friendship, words and way of life. And I thank you for that.

    May light, love and happiness follow you into your new adventures.

    Blue Skies Forever

    "It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."