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Posts posted by kaerodyne

  1. Quote


    I just put another order in for some Biltong and some Ouma's Rusks ;-)

    Is there anything better than ....(Omi's) Rusks?? Rusks, some bottles of cold water and again ... rusks!! I just love them. It was my elixir in the Kalahari. Nothing else was needed, no Biltong, just rusks and few drops of Amarula from time to time. (A bottle would've done same job, for sure :D:D - and did!)

    Thanks God I found an African shop here: The owner is our best friend now! Rusks are a must!! God bless Amarula. And rusks. (And the endless silence of Kalahari, sigh...)

    Us pesky South Africans turn up everywhere :P

    But here is FL it's like being in Durbs with all the SA folks .... we even have a guy in DeLand that makes his own boererwors

  2. Quote


    Do not forget to mention: "I love Biltong"!. They offer that dead dry meat in planes .... just everywhere.

    As a vegetarian, I just was the underdog and lost many friends before I was just able to make friends. :S



    Now look what my GF found for me .... she sent me some biltong (much to my bosses delight) and we shared it over a few cold beverages.

    I just put another order in for some Biltong and some Ouma's Rusks ;-)

  3. Quote

    I have one tempo Reserve Ride, under a 1.3 lbs/ft^2 loaded Tempo 150. It opened wonderfully, landed softly, and it packs up easily.

    IMHO, a tempo is Not unlike the New Smart Reserve. The have a common ancestor, and the trim, design, and overall characteristics are about exact. I wouldn't buy one (there are better choices on the Market) but I feel safe with one on my back.


    Just to clarify, the Tempo was made by PISA and even though Aerodyne and PISA have a common link, the Smart Reserve is not just a Tempo with some redesign.

    The Smart was build from the ground up, and there was extensive R&D and research put into the Smart, this was done do address the growing trend for a reliable, soft opening, easy to land reserve.

    Having flown both a few times ;), I can say that without a doubt the Smart is one of the best reserve on the market. ;)

  4. Quote

    GREAT rec on the Columbia! Phenomenal food, nice old world atmosphere, flamenco dancers, and the discovery of a new kind of rum that I am in love with!

    Thanks for the recommendation - it was well worth it. B|

    Been reading this thread, and I have my girlfriend coming into town on Friday, so will add this to the list of maybe we should get outta bed and go get a bite to eat suggestions ;)

    It's a shame I've lived in Tampa for over 18 months and have hardly explored the area ..

  5. Quote

    Boogie was great! Thanks Rick, Lisa, and the rest of the hard working staff.


    p.s.- zero-p slick suits are not condusive to big ways. sorry derek and karl.:ph34r::D

    You have much to learn young grasshopper .... B|

  6. WOW .... what a fun and well run boogie, Lisa and Rick did a great job, and the staff and volunteers were a bunch of busy bees ;)

    I look forward to next year, or maybe a mid year boogie.

    If you missed the boogie ... sorry for you :P

  7. Aaron,

    I'd recommend you just neatly fold the main and place it very gently into a box, and ship it first class freight, to your rigger ;)

    Your rigger will handle the connection etc. But I have included a PDf of the soft links instruction manual for you to look over.

    If you have any questions or need more assistance please feel free to contact us.

    Karl Meyer
    Sales & Marketing Representative
    Aerodyne Research
    Office: 1 813 891 6300

  8. Quote

    I had to watch the video a few times but I think I got it down. It took me a few hours to make but I got it done. Mine doesn't look like the the one in the posted video but when I tested it out on the little old lady down the hall it seemed to be pretty effective. J/K:D;)

    I heard that thing will my you a believer :)

    Amen brother, Amen

  9. Quote



    I'm glad this wasn't around when I was little, my brothers would have used it on me.

    Thats cause we know you freaky like that :P

    Is that not the pot calling the kettle black? :)

    Hello KEttle this is Pot, how you doing girl :P

  10. Quote


    As any soutpeel worth his SA heritage can attest to the wonder of the Klipdrift (or vroumoer as it is sometimes called) and Coke mix on a Saturday afternoon while the choms braai vleis, wors & chops

    Nou dit is lekker


    No man Karl!!!!!!

    Jack & Coke is already evil. Klippies & Coke!!! Now I know you're from the 'Vaal ;)

    For sure I'm a proud Vallie ...


  11. Quote

    not nice to post pics of your ex-girlfriend.:P

    It might have been the wrong place, I know there is a guy looking for a DZ girlfriend so maybe I should have posted it there ... lol



  12. As any soutpeel worth his SA heritage can attest to the wonder of the Klipdrift (or vroumoer as it is sometimes called) and Coke mix on a Saturday afternoon while the choms braai vleis, wors & chops

    Nou dit is lekker
