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Everything posted by kaerodyne

  1. I had half a glass of the sweet nectar and it was enough for me those Dorindaritas are tasty Looking forward to next year and already started holding my thumbs for the weather.
  2. Damn, my head still hurts Thanks to all the KC Folkds for a great boogie Tom and Chris The Staff The Pilots The Jumpers The Bands The Packers and my weekend room mate Dorinda ... you rock girl. See you all next year.
  3. Was out for the SOB Boogie in MO. Did only one jump, but had a great time, a true hidden gem of amazing people, fun times, great parties and new friends.
  4. It's working, they seemed to have solved the problem.
  5. Well we are all here and the boogie is gonna get busy, we have had some rain last last night and this morning, but it's cleared up nicely. Aerodyne has some goodies for the raffle 35% Off a Aerodyne Manin Canopy 35% Off a Aerodyne Smart reserve 35% Off a Aerodyne Icon Conatainer System* (* excluding options) So if your sitting at home your gonna miss out.
  6. Cool so tech support for myspace got back to me. "Hello, That issue is currently being resolved. Please be patient. Thank you, MySpace.com" So it seems they are aware o the issue and are working on it.
  7. Peej, just to keep the communication clear, Sa does not offer TAF, unless things have changed in the past few months. Having the student delpy the canopy and waer their own alti does allow for some basic concept of time related to task. It will also help with AFF, but the TMI needs to give a good breifing for it to have any significant benifit. Bev, welcome to the sky girl ... enjoy and be safe
  8. Nikki, if your looking for a fellow girl skydiver out in Bloem let me know I have a realy close friend that jumps out there, in fact you might have met her already. send me a PM and I'll give you some contact info. BTW ..... congrats on your jump and welcome to the sky. Bloem is a fun, social and very safe dz. Blue Skies Karl (ex SA Boy working across the pond)
  9. Does this mean i have to wear my under pants on the out side now like all the other super heroes!!!!
  10. ROTFLMAO Ok, so I'm packing for you this boogie (on condition you jump Aerodyne Gear), your filming Jen and her girl crush, Chris has the beer arranged, there will be the famous Dorindaritas .... did I miss anything. NOPE
  11. Here is one of the Norway Team members in DeLand this past weekend, wearing the new Aerodyne Element "Fire" .... (sorry shameless self promotion )
  12. Darn i miss you guys, 2005 was a great season in NorCal ......
  13. Thanks so much! That was really nice of you.
  14. My old SO had great natural breasts and she looked amazing all the time (think it was good genes) my current SO has had an enhancement and she looks so beautiful, her doc did a great job, and she chose a size that was within proportion to her body. I never knew her before the enhancement, but in the end I would still be in love with her either way. It's just one part of the complete package of the person your with and should not be a deciding factor.
  15. I have e-mail the tech support and will get back to you with their response.
  16. Doesn't that mean that someone may have hijacked your account? I have the same issues, and asked my friends and so far no weird bulletins or spam has been sent from my account, and they are going to keep me updated if that does start happening.
  17. I'm only one woman, I can only look over one website of post whores at a time. Don't they have any people in charge over there to ask questions to? Now now you have been on dizzy.com for along time already, did you not yet figure out there are a whole bunch of "experts" on here that know "everything" there is to know about anything
  18. Yes I think i will But for now stop high jacking the post, and solve our myspace issues.
  19. I've tried both and even a software update on Safari and still the same issue. My password has also been changed and no login. The FAQ does not seem to be of much help either for this error, I have seen it once before on a website that was hosted on a Windows 95 based server. In general my Mac has not issues with any website. For now I have limited use via FireFox, but it's still not perfect as it locks up
  20. I have been getting the same error through Safari, I tried using Firefox but it keeps hanging. How am i to flirt with the world if my myspace is not active
  21. bump Only cause Jenny has a girl crush and we should keep tabs on it.
  22. Happy B-Day Beautiful Remember your only as old as the man you feel
  23. FXONE Come demo some Aerodyne gear during the boogie and I'll pack for you Blue Skies Karl
  24. Chris Good to hear things are working out, I have just completed my Norway Basic Camp Demo ay DeLand FL, and will be ehading to KC on Thursday. Aerodyne has some nice gift certificates for gear to raffle off and along with a few give aways and demo's we are looking forward to the boogie.
  25. You could always try Skydance in Davis, it's about 20min from Sac, real good DZ, great PAC some talented skydivers