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Everything posted by DSE

  1. Well, I can't say anything for sure, because many of us were not privy to the details of the lawsuit, even if we should have been. I don't believe that USPA was in any kind of distress, financial or otherwise. If they had USPA "over the barrel" to that degree, USPA could never have gotten the concessions from them that we did related to requiring that they discontinue some of their questionable practices. Numerous people like to portray USPA as being fragile. I think that is insulting to its members, most of who proudly support their organization and who go out of their way to work within its guidelines so that it remains strong. I don't see USPA as being fragile at all. I do see them as any other representative entity that likely cannot survive a large $$ lawsuit. Insurance or not, the resources are likely not there. That fact should not be insulting, but rather a positive recognition of an organization that offers a great benefit and value to its membership at a very low cost. Were it that the organization had deeper pockets and provided similar services, it would be an insult to the membership that we were paying so much for what we get at a value now. I believe the administration of USPA does a reasonable job of keeping cost for value quite low, don't you?
  2. The Ursa Mini is jumpable. I was part of the press announcement/training at NAB for this camera and it's bigger brother, the Ursa (I still think they should have called the mini the "Ursa Minor"). it's a great camera for price. For the casual user, the BMD workflow doesn't make sense but for the pro that wants fine images, it's an incredible workflow, and exceptionally sweet images when put into Resolve or other editing tool. But...if you're a person that shoots, does a few minor edits, and posts to Facebook...NONE of the BMD tools are right for you.
  3. It's very, very easy to measure resolution; I have both charts and lasers. I'd be stunned if it could accurately resolve 4K. Gus?
  4. BASELINE, found on Google Play
  5. Douglas, I was following you pretty well until this point. What lawsuit do you think almost destroyed USPA? Who told you that? I was told by multiple people that the Skyride lawsuit could have bankrupted USPA had it continued. I suspect this is but one of the reasons USPA is gunshy and overly conservative compared to other organizations. That said; Having just spent the last year working with two other national bodies, I have somewhat shifted my opinion of what USPA actually does, and how they do it. There are some aspects of USPA administration that are very broken, there are aspects that work really, really well. But no matter what, life with them is significantly better than life with out them.
  6. If you're truly serious (i don't think you are), it would be unbelievable that you'd have a lens that can resolve 8K. Canon just announced their new 8K lenses. Primes start at $44,000.00
  7. I don't know they've announced it; Global shutter to 30fps
  8. In an elected board organization, consistency will never exist. These same conversations occur in a non-sporting environment where I work, about "selective enforcement" and "good ole' boys get away with this/that." Skydivers aren't all that special. Since the BOD doesn't publicly announce what/who/where... we as an organization avoid legal repercussions. We've already once seen the near-death of USPA due to a lawsuit; I'm grateful they recovered. They don't need a consistent track record of who they have disciplined or not; because it's diligence or word of mouth, it would be difficult for anyone to prove an inconsistent (or consistent) track record. Moreover, if it's a tandem conversation, it falls on the manufacturer moreso than the USPA.
  9. If you're looking for the ultimate in POV; This is it. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicmicrocinemacamera The MFT lenses are a pain with the super 16 imager and the 2X crop factor, but unless one needs to shoot stupid-wide, this is is the cream of the crop for most pros looking for something several steps closer to a RED vs shooting a GoPro.
  10. Now THAT, would be something.
  11. Given that there are no wide angle converters designed to resolve 4K, there will be a significant loss of resolution, so beware...
  12. My method is to teach dropping a knee and elbow on the same side. By putting someone on a raised creeper/padded tuffet, it's easy to help them understand what the wind will do to their body, particularly if the raised creeper has wheels. The technique is similar for wingsuiting.
  13. Thank you for a different perspective, Jan. Like John, I'd not considered a potential of not being aware of another canopy out/behind. Bud had a two out once before; I was there to witness it. He safely landed over near Gary Douris' old place. Having a second one causes me to wonder about his gear.
  14. IIRC, the HypEye won't work with this model. Trunk may have certified it, but I believe it uses a different protocol. The camera itself is great ('ve used the American model). Not a fan of the built-in projector, but it's a nice novelty (useless in any but a pitch-black room).
  15. you'll lose half your image quality by doing so, but if cost is your obstacle, it's certainly understandable, if not ideal.
  16. While I agree with you entirely in principle, police reports are crime-general society-related. USPA reports do not come from a government body; there are liabilities that could affect USPA insurance, and potentially affect how the USPA does business. Transparency is a good thing, and it frustrates me to see (for example) "instructors" who have no concern for who nor how they teach, kill or maim someone with no repercussion, particularly after they've been warned. A first offense is one thing. Seconds/thirds? Something else. However...were USPA to "out" these people, they might find themselves on the wrong end of a lawsuit for damaging someone's reputation so they can no longer work. It's quite rare that a governing body speaks out/reveals names in virtually any activity, unless there is an accompanying legal action. For example, when was the last time AOPA released names of pilots known to have been flying while intoxicated, unless there was an arrest involved?
  17. you'll have a vignette when you're stepping down, yes. Why do you want to step-down? That's rather unusual.
  18. any photography store of merit would have one of these. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xstep+up+ring%2C+30mm+to+37mm.TRS0&_nkw=step+up+ring%2C+30mm+to+37mm&_sacat=0
  19. I've found this as well. I like the magnets, but prefer the bulk to Jerry Baumchen or the UPT bags. However, no matter which stowless you end up wth, you'll be happy (or at least, I was).
  20. are you coming over with an Expedition? Coming through on your own? If you're not with an exped, I'd suggest grabbing Barry and asking him for his ideas. He's there on site, you're there on-site, get information from someone you can talk to, who can evaluate your logbook and you, your flying, and give you feedback based on his thousands of jumps vs gathering info from unknowns on the internet. He's a great guy, and he very much likes dark beers.
  21. No one is "bulletproof". We just seem to have a very different view on how likely this scenario is. There are many things that add risk to a tandem skydive. One example is hand cam. It definetly does add some risk, but most of us nowadays see the level of risk being acceptable. Now where things get interesting is when someone would give the handcam to the customer. There are many of us that think this would actually be the safer way to operate opposed to the TM using the hand cam. Then again, there are those conservative TM´s that refuse to accept this idea. They think the student has no bisnes operating a hand cam. This is a perfect example in demonstrating how differently people asses different risks involved in the sport. There are many things that get overlooked in our sport, and there are things that get make people paranoid. Often the logic behind it is not based on a rational risk assesment analysis. https://youtu.be/vi24pWw-iH8 Assess (or asses) the risk anyway you want, shit happens. Mitigating that risk by not generating unneccesary risk is a valid, cogent, and intelligent action.
  22. User-friendly...Blackmagic Pocket Cam. For small format profile and quality, ease of use, it cannot be beaten. However...it does require good flying skill, as it's not an autofocus camera. Are you up for that?
  23. I have not flown the Colugo 2 yet, but having flown the Colugo and Scorpion, I'd have to agree; the Scorpion is one fast wing.
  24. As a point of order, Tom doesn't need to be on the BOD, nor an employee of a company in the tandem skydiving industry to present/request a BSR. I wasn't (and am not) an employee of any skydiving-affiliated company, yet I requested, presented, and succeeded with the BOD enacting a BSR for 200 jumps prior to flying a wingsuit. As an S&TA at Large, I'm not paid by, affiliated with, sponsored by anyone who benefits from my position as an examiner, S&TA, AFFI, etc. I've given bowling speeches, grounded, banned, and disciplined people for doing stupid things. I guess I fail to see the evil of the manufacturers behind what the BSR's are for. Who disagrees with no hook turns for tandems? Who disagrees with handle checks in freefall and under canopy? Who disagrees with the unfortunate need to REQUIRE basic accountabilities that are beneficial to safety? At the end of the day, does it matter who proposes, as long as it's sensible and the BOD disposes?
  25. Sorta in business. it's an OEM vs their own plant from before, or so I'm told. I'll know better after tomorrow (NAB show in Las Vegas starts tomorrow night).