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Everything posted by rynodigsmusic

  1. If it can be accomplished, it is not impossible, is it? What? I think thats pretty self explanatory. Sometimes it is only an idea that one begins with, belief in that idea is what inspires progression or at least perseverance. "We didn't start the fire"
  2. It's not a subjective discussion. Debate won't change the facts. Im sorry I cant seem to let this go, but how is it factual to say that to accomplish the impossible, faith is not required? The point is to say that evidence is not always required to make something possible, or to believe in something. Isnt that true? "We didn't start the fire"
  3. Let me clarify my Long winded point into my 2 cents. Being faithful to your spirituality has nothing to do with religion. Religion is man made, the spirit is about receiving revelations of enlightening wisdom. "It first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere." James 3:7 If these things are not present within a man of God, then he is not a man of God. "We didn't start the fire"
  4. I think you misunderstand the scientific method. Faith is not a requirement. No worries, we just disagree. Edited to add: I believe faith is a requirement to accomplish the "impossible" "We didn't start the fire"
  5. I just had an extremely caring conversation with a Muslim yesterday in which he shared what he knew and I shared what I knew. For the most part, we believe the same things about who/what God is. If two people are comfortable in their faith, even if there are attempts at apparent "conversion", the conversations go very smoothly, because both of us are learning to be examples of our faith, not competitors. I believe in order to learn tolerance with anothers' religion, the culture must be understood, but more importantly, you must be secure in what you believe. What I have noticed is that many feel "trapped" in some ways when they see holes in thier own faith, it is not what is told to them, but what is revealed through their own mind. For example, the Koran does call for Jihad against ALL pagans...those who are not in the brotherhood of islam; but modern Muslims dont believe that it is right to go around killing other people for nothing. They cant believe in the divintiy of Jesus (for the most part) because #1 its already prophesied, #2 they dont understand the Son of God/Spirit of God, #3 It is written in the Koran to not become freinds or to even listen to "pagans" (which means the ear for wisdom is muffled). Moderate Muslims are also beginning to realize that the leadership and clerical side of thier religion is as faulty as anyone, they are seeing the hypocracy themselves. Genuine Christians see the same things with Fundamentalist Preachers, who have too little Jesus coming out of their mouth and too much politics; who gladly spend money given to God on themselves; who do not confess their sins from the pulpit as they are commanded to do in truth...thats what submitting yourself to ones conscience is all about, but following Jesus requires humility and humbleness and these qualites are evasive for all humans, even for "leaders" in the church. The point is, Religious Tolerance is about knowledge of anothers culture but of ones own faith as well, knowing your faith is knowing others' and finding what you believe is truth. If Jesus didnt tell me that God reaps where he has not sown, and gathers where he has not scattered seed, it would be hard to accept the Gospel as the truth. If God had not prophesied in Genesis that the seed of Ishmael (Islam) would be against his brothers, and would be a wild donkey of a man, it would be hard to accept. If I hadnt seen a definite connection between all the books in the bible, both historically and spiritually, it would be hard to accept, if the prophets did not speak of the coming of Jesus all throughout the entire bible, it would be hard to accept, and if Jesus hadnt been as awsome as he was/is, it would be hard to accept he is the Messiah. But, I have put the Gospel up against everything I know and learn, and everything I hear and it has rang true to the very center of my inner being for years. This, amongst other things gives me confidence in being tolerant with others in regards to their faith. At the end of the day, it is how we treat one another that shows whether or not we follow and practice what we believe. Im sorry for the long wind. "We didn't start the fire"
  6. No. I disagree and I am curious as to how you came to that conclusion so rapidly. Many "marvles" have been done in this world under the premise of one idea...it was thought impossible at the time. Maybe, your definition of faith could use a little more tolerance? "We didn't start the fire"
  7. Your operating in faith here, which is progressing without evidence while at the same time saying you need evidence to have faith. As you gain evidence, your faith increases becoming more and more sure. This is no different than those who have faith in Gods love. God doesnt show us himself so that we can have faith, because it is faith that holds the power in the heart of Heaven. Without faith that you will find the answer you seek in cosmology, you wouldnt progress. No, my previous statement had no reliance on faith. If you think it does, then you clearly don't understand the definition of faith (which is further apparent in the rest of your post). Does progress require faith? "We didn't start the fire"
  8. You are hitting everything right on. A little less homeless..thats what my mother says, and she also likens mine to the taliban and I always keep it trimmed up.. Edited to add: But wait, I am homeless!! "We didn't start the fire"
  9. Dont think I could have said it better as far as the work enviornment is concerned. Would you wear yours to a friends wedding? Now of course if they asked you to shave, I have no doubt that you would, but do your thoughts go that way (into shaving it off) when asked to join a special occasion such as best man in a freinds wedding? For some reason, it feels as if even I (who wears a beard) put an emphasis on it possibly being percieved as offensive...I dont think I do, but why the weariness if I dont? Im trying to see if there is something inherint to our perspective of the beard and whether that perspective could be ingrained due to the times, the society, or perhaps to something deeper within us, like an intimidating factor of some sort. You dont consider it offensive it sounds like, but you may agree that some do right? And thats a bummer because it sounds like you and I wear the beard for some of the same reasons...that of course are not intended to be offensive. "We didn't start the fire"
  10. If ever there is any credible evidence of a supernatural creator, I'll revisit the issue. However, thus far there is none, zero, nada, zip. "Just because cosmologists don't know with any certainty about critical points in the universe's past or future does not imply evidence for a supernatural creator." Your operating in faith here, which is progressing without evidence while at the same time saying you need evidence to have faith. As you gain evidence, your faith increases becoming more and more sure. This is no different than those who have faith in Gods love. God doesnt show us himself so that we can have faith, because it is faith that holds the power in the heart of Heaven. Without faith that you will find the answer you seek in cosmology, you wouldnt progress. "We didn't start the fire"
  11. See, regulations at work. If they are safety regs then I understand, but regs that have to do with professionalism and customer/client interaction I dont. It is essentially "understood" that beards are not considered professional or even freindly. I dont agree with that. I wish a liking for the beard would come back. The kissing thing makes sense to me, and if shes worth it, I guess I could keep a shadow instead. "We didn't start the fire"
  12. I have a full beard. I dont like to shave, but it seems as if some people consider them offensive. Not liking shaving and enjoying your beard should not be considered as being offensive...anyway...do you think beards are offensive or "intimidating" in our western culture, and if it is cared for, would you have a problem with someone wearing one to your special occasions? I shave mine at family gatherings, but I dont like to, but Id rather shave it than be considered offensive. Just want to get some input... Thanks "We didn't start the fire"
  13. How could I be tempted to do something I didn't want to do? I've been tempted to do things that I did want to do, but decided not to. Sure I have. Point being? I guess the point is if I was tempted by adultery (something I did want to do, but really didnt want to do for reasons only known to myself) and I gave in, I would have to accept that I would never get full trust back from my wife, whom I love. And yet, it has happened and continues to happen to this day, ruining relationships that did not want to be ruined. So, If I do something I (want to do) dont want to do, then I should accept that I have no control over that and that I may be a slave to the origin of that temptaion (and its normally not lust contrary to popular belief, its much much stronger than that), making something greater than me. "We didn't start the fire"
  14. Can't say I have. what do you mean thoughts I didn't want? Like what? Temptation to do something you really dont want to do. Lets say adulteress thoughts. Or have you never met with the struggle for self control before? Both very humbling experiences to say the least. No amount of money in the world, no education good enough will get full trust back from the one who is betrayed. "We didn't start the fire"
  15. this is by far the funniest thing I have read on this site. Great skillz!!!! Come to think of it, why do you even need a parachute with skillz like these??...JUST KIDDING THERE "We didn't start the fire"
  16. Eh? Eh? Have you never struggled with an addiction before? Or had thoughts you didnt want? "We didn't start the fire"
  17. ...Upon further thought... It should say, "true things are true, therefore truth exists" Truth is greater than us. What do you believe is greater than man? What is 'greater'? Bigger? More powerful? More important? If I think certain causes or concepts, or living by certain standards of moral behaviour are more important than my own life, does that mean I think they actually have objective existence somewhere? no. Would I call them greater than myself? Maybe. When I say greater and you guys ask me how, I believe it answers my question. Nevertheless, there are things that bind a man and things that free a man, both are greater than man. "We didn't start the fire"
  18. Most religions think that they have "The Truth" and spend some time trying to convert non-believers. The non-believers don't really enjoy it.Quote I dont know where your getting this conversion thing. I dont even like that word. It does absolutely no good to "convert" anyone who doesnt truly desire to be "converted", so I dont spend my time trying to convert anyone. I bring you the truth of the Gospel and if anything, there is just as much "conversion" technique going on with non-believers. If my intent were to use deceptive persuasion to coax someone into "conversion" then it would be obvious considering the company here. But its not obvious, becasue my intent is not deceptive. This is what I truly believe and it comes from my heart. I try hard to practice the truth of the Gospel. I am not operating alone, I am, in the sight of God, relaying the message of the Gospel the way it was given to me. It doesnt change the fact that there is something inherintly true in the universe. Contrary to popular belief, I have done some research on other religions that claim truth. I think truth pretty much speaks for itself. "We didn't start the fire"
  19. cutaway: "Peace out" reserve: "wait 4 me" Im laughing, so it must be ridiculous "We didn't start the fire"
  20. ...Upon further thought... It should say, "true things are true, therefore truth exists" Do you know what begging the question means? No. But I suppose you will say it means something like Ive already given the answer inside the question. Thats not my intent. My intent is to sincerely ask what he believes to be greater than man. Is that not a fair question? "We didn't start the fire"
  21. True things are true, therefore God exists! ...Upon further thought... It should say, "true things are true, therefore truth exists" Truth is greater than us. What do you believe is greater than man? "We didn't start the fire"
  22. There is a great deception in our world today. Love yourself first, then others. The truth is that to truly recieve love it must be given. Love takes courage, and courage takes fear, therefore, love takes fear. Yet, most of us are afraid to love one another. Hypocrisy is the greatest enemy of God. People dont hate God, they hate hypocrisy. The spirit of God is endless love, it was given, therefore recieved (by those who believed it) and as it is recieved, it is given...so on and so on...."The Forceful advance of the Kingdom of Heaven" is in its simplest form, sharing. When we find a desire to share love in its purest form, then our communities will prosper. The problem. We think pleasure is the persuit, and are sorely convinced of that. The fear of losing pleasure keeps us from receiving the greatest of pleasures...a life full of love and righteousness. There are few teachers of righteousness because our society has made it uncool. It is a desire to be good, not against our will, but because of the pleasure it brings. We all struggle with this path, love is the greatest guide as its patience and perseverance never fail us. When someone desires righteousness but stumbles, it is different than when someone does not desire righteousness and does whatever he pleases. One is a slave, one is not. One finds pleasure through a desire that is not his own, the other finds pleasure through his own desire. The one who finds pleasure through his own desire finds the greatest pleasure. Its finding what we truly desire that challenges truth with us. "We didn't start the fire"
  23. Could you please start using words in the context of their traditional definitions and meanings? It would definitely promote intelligent dialog. Am I trying to promote intelligent dialogue? Perhaps we are all inspiring one another to think, which is never a bad thing. If you want wordly intelligence, talk to a professor. My perception is of the spirit. Why is it that man, who we have just proven was not here before the earth, claims to have all the definitions of life? Didnt we already agree that perceptions are different? Many people understand exactly what I am saying. It is ok for us to disagree on things. "We didn't start the fire"
  24. How do you not see that you're applying Argumentum ad Dictionary? You can't use the definition of the word truth to prove that truth exists as an entity that pervades the universe. Hell, as arguments go this one deserves to be added to The List; True things are true, therefore God exists! "We didn't start the fire"