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Everything posted by BannanaGirl

  1. I did my CH1 only 13 jumps ago now and I had to do 3 jumps for it. First was extending the range using toggles, second was using flat turns and the third was a pre-declared landing within a 20m circumference of the intended landing point. Canopy control is observed throughout and I often had write ups in my log book about my handling and stuff. So yes there was a requirement for an accurate landing in the CH1. Either that or my CCI got it totally wrong. And like Vt1977 said earlier Cat8 (A licence) can be achieved in 18 jumps as some of the text book student skydivers at my DZ (show offs!) have proven all too often. As for Wayne, Keep smiling dude and being the happy soul I know you are.
  2. Hello everyone, First I would like to say thanks for the advice I recieved on this thread, it did help a lot in my hunt for a rig and canopy that is suitable for me. I finally bought myself second hand gear (funds required for a skydiving holiday in a couple of months!), so custom was aborted. Apart from being the 170 sized canopy I was looking for it was an amazing fit on the harness, as if it had been made for me! I ended up with a Sabre 170. So far so good. Infact I actually find the thing a lot easier to land than the big old student canopy, far more responsive and enjoyable to fly and play with. It has actually opened my eyes up to a whole new part of my skydiving and how much fun canopy flight can be.....I can sense a swooper maybe growing inside of me yet!!! As for those apparent "spanky" openings, again so far so good, really really sweet and I would say my body position is not the best at opening times. I am going to wring the guts out of this baby and then maybe downsize again when I am ready and then I can get custom at the 300+ mark or so, which hopefully will be in a year or so. This is it...I'm bitten, I'm in love. HELP! Thanks guys. Stay safe Di
  3. Hey Marcus, Glad to hear you finally saw the light and came back to what made you happy. I had to "cutaway" my husband too. So it looks like I am another memeber of the A.I.D.S club also. Jump shit loads, stay safe and be happy brother. Di x
  4. 1 (bingo!): 5 : 0 I am getting broker by the day!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hey Jill, I also like the one where you look like you are sitting on top of a mountain!!!!! Cool and congratulations girl! Di x
  6. 0:3:1 First jump on my own rig (totally rocked) and first 2 ways for my FS training. And the weather was pretty nice too....for a change.
  7. Yes I have seen it....the music is the funniest bit...."see that virgin skydiver spinnin around, c'mon fells help him out" or something like that. If it was'nt so scary it would actually be REALLY funny..oh wait, it was really funny. I used up a whole box of tissues wiping the tears away. As for your episode.... Holy cow dude! Scary. But well done for getting it sorted. I'll definately keep in touch ....I am testing a potential new rig this weekend ....can't wait. I will let you know how it goes. Lets hope I have no freaky dreams about that then.
  8. On my last but one jump I knew on the ride up I would have to cutaway and no it was not just me having a newbie headfuk moment it was a very real feeling just like I had on my level 5 when my instructor had a cutaway. I just knew something was going to happen, I felt so sick with fear at times on that plane, something that does'nt happen to me as usually I am pretty excited or relaxed with just a twinge of anxiousnous. I still went on both occasions. Was that wrong of me? Both outcomes were ok. But then again if I knew for SURE I would die on a particular jump then no I would not go, that is obvious. But this is a rather silly question in itself as we could all die on any one of our jumps regardless of any warning/feeling, so if you are not prepared to except it then why do it at all? To be honest with you, falling at 120mph + at mother earth is a pretty fucking freaky thing to want to do in the first place and a dangerous enviroment to be in...shit can happen. if I smoked 100 fags a day I MAY get away with not getting a smoking related illness on the other hand I may not. Who knows? It is a gamble, such is life on it's many levels. Not ready to play then don't deal the cards I say...and I am new to this particular game. I am also not a reckless person...I have a young child to think of also. Took me three weeks to get back in the plane after my cutaway...I had a lot of thinking to do. Now it is done.
  9. I guess it was and I have been told that by other people so i guess i need to watch it again. However at the time of viewing I had only ever done a tandem so I had no idea what was going on just that this guy was not having a good day at all. Did'nt Richard Branson do something a bit familiar...pull his cutaway as his instructor dumps him out? Edit:- Sorry for drifting off the subject by the way!
  10. I remember just before I departed for my AFF course in March I had this awful dream about learning to skydive. We all stood in regimental rows waiting to be sent up on a plane that looked like a rust bucket. When they got me into the plane they suddenly stuck this almighty long piece of static line to the back of my container and then litterally booted me out of the plane. It then kind of turned into this funky ass kinda bungee jump and I just stopped from inpacting right above a massive power station! No actual parachute pull or anything like that was involved. Just the worlds longest bungee jump I guess. It was just one of those strange bitty dreams that can be quiet disturbing. Imagine how I felt when I got up to make a drink and switched on the TV to stop myself from thinking about it that what should be on the TV but a scare mongering documentary and this guys is doing his AFF level one, his parachute detaches on opening and then he only just opens his reserve to only then fly into POWER LINES! I have to admit I did think this may have been some kind of omen telling me maybe skydiving was not for me. Fortunately I made it through this bit ok so far and I have not had that dream since or any other really horrific freefalling/parachuting dreams alike. Actually they have all been rather pleasant if I do.
  11. I guess I was just unlucky, I got spotted for my radar attributes and photographic memory. Reading material whilst on the loo that is equal to your IRS literature because that is the only time you can be arsed, says things are definately going down the pan. And working for scum does not help either. I used to get excited about tax and screwing people out of it but now it does'nt quiet hit the same spot anymore. I am a better person at last. Considering the list of occupations I have had I am surprised I work in an office at all. Mechanic, scaffolder, waitress, extreme holidays travel consultant, kennel hand, shop assistant and many others too risky to be honest I would love to know how the fuck I got the job I am in.?!
  12. I do not want to limit myself to a particular type of canopy but the Sabre2 just seems to be in all the rigs that I have shown an interest in mainly due to the harness fit , size of previous owner etc. I guess I could always sell the canopy and put in another one if I find the right container which is really important to me as well if I end up buying used. I suppose another factor is resale time esp on custom I have had made. I have been told that say a Javelin with a Sabre in it would be more re-saleable than with a Pilot in. Obviously this would be my first rig so I would like to hold as much of the value in as possible for when it comes to getting a second. However it is ONLY money at the end of the day and I want to have as much fun and safe canopy flight as possible so I won't forfeit my safety for cash. I have spent enough of it to be past caring now about balances I think! Anyway thanks for all the advice so far! I guess the right thing will pop out at the right time for me. I will just have to learn the ways of the Jedi I guess and be patient for now. Di
  13. I initially learnt on a Navigator 240 and I am currently on a HUGE bird of a thing a Pathfinder 280, so it takes me like an hour to decend to earth, god help me when I start hitting the thermals...I'll think I am a Buzzard or something! However I will say that the last thousand feet just seem to go "whoom" at me as it just seems so slow and then suddenly it is very quick my decent. My landing patterns are all cool and I flare pretty much bang on with stand up landings and the occasional fall over...usually to do with me looking directly at the ground and not more in front of me. I am getting that technique a bit better now. I would say the response is mixed being experienced jumpers and instructors alike saying mixed things about it. Thing is I respect all of their opinions. Hence why I am in a bit of a spin about it all. Canopy coaching is a good idea. I do know somewhere that offers it so maybe I should try and get out there soon to do it. The old brain is ticking now!
  14. I am in the process of looking for my own gear. I however have had VERY mixed opinions on what canopy I should buy and it is really starting to confuse me somewhat. I am seriously losing the will to live here! I weigh 145lbs and I am 5ft 5 but my comfort weight zone is 130lbs. This means even at my heaviest and with gear added on I would have an exit weight of 1:1 on a 170 canopy. I have been looking at Sabre2 to buy or more like this is what seems to be the one that keeps coming up in rigs that maybe suitable (Size issues on harness fit). Now some people say I would have no problems and others start hyperventilating and tutting uncontrollably when I mention it. I am even thinking of going down the custom route and again I would have to select a canopy to go in and again the Sabre2 seems the sensible option here. I would say I am not a bad canopy pilot, I land pretty much where I want to, I am pretty conservative under canopy. As for being a female and having height and spatial awarness issues I would say I don't, infact I know I don't, so that is not an issue for me. Thanks for any advice in advance.
  15. Talking to a few people this has been quiet a common reason to chop in people with lower jump numbers. I am aware that maybe a few hundred jumps down the line how I may react to a problem like this may be completely different, however like you I know it was 100% the right thing to do at the right time in my skydiving career. This makes me chuckle as I remember exactly what the end of my cutaway procedure was..... Holy (cut) Shit (away) I'malive!!!! (reserve!) That opening was so soft as it is sub terminal, for a second I thought it did'nt work it was that sweet. Thanks for all the congratulations guys and that. It means a lot to me and I am so looking forward to getting back in the sky this weekend even if the weather is trying to put a stop to that.
  16. Up until that ride up I had in my head I would have 150 jumps before my first cutaway but I think that can be just wishful thinking and not wanting to face the truth that it can happen any jump so be ready for it. I always check my handles and do my EP's before every jump and ironically I did it lots of times before that jump. And yes it will be cool to see you in the sky sometime. Make a point of making a visit soon!
  17. Ha! This is classic as yesterday I witnessed my first ill tandem. She hurled at 3 thousand feet on the plane just as they were getting ready to dispatch SL students. Hand over the mouth spray by all accounts and not any real warning. JM got out with the SL and the tandems left on the plane had to ride down so they could clear up and get her some air (that is not of the 120mph kind). What is classic is she had to use her TM's helmet as a chunder bowl. Nice. Anyway she would not give up and she went up later in the day. Did the jump and when she landed proceeded to blow chunks on the landing area. As her TM walked in we all notice a bit of pukey on his face. Hmmmm nice. Thing is I think both of them deserve a medal. Her for going through with it even after all of that and her TM for taking her up again. Warriors! or just plain stoopid? I will admit I felt like hurling under canopy on mine but I managed to leave it until I was about 5 miles away from the DZ before I checked out yesterdays dinner.
  18. Ok...I will say what happened. In a nutshell I had a weird feeling on the way up (I thought I would have a cutaway basically), got out had an awesome skydive like I said. When I opened it was a weird opening that seemed to take ages and when I looked up the slider was up and my right toggle had fired and wrapped itself around the lines well out of my reach. It was well and truly stuck. At this point I said a few swear words and stuff as I was slowly turning, so I tried to pull down on the rear riser to counter the turn and see if I had any kind of control over it at which point the slider came slamming down and the toggle wrapped up in the lines went through the grommet and was gone forever. Again I tried to see what control I had using the rear risers. We had a deep spot as well and I could not see the DZ and turning you can lose you orientation. I felt the canopy was not controllable enough for landing let alone try and steer the thing away from a road, tree, powerlines blah blah blah. I knew by this point I was at 2k, checked my alti to confirm and I made the decision to get rid of it. I had twists on my reserve opening but as soon as I got out of them I saw the DZ and I just motored it over there and actually was one of the only people to get back to the DZ from my lift! Yes, at first I wondered if I had done the right thing as I did have a big fully inflated canopy above my head and I was now getting onto my last chance but I made a decision based on my training and everyone says I did 100% the right thing and I handled the situation correctly and calmly. I am glad it has happened in a way as it has made me look at my reasons for doing this and if I am prepared to really except the results of an error in my judgement or a malfunction or as you guys say an act of god. I also trust myself more and I would never second guess myself in a similar situation. And yes! I LOVE skydiving even if I spent the whole weekend on a social drinking beer instead of jumping!!!!! More money for next weekend!!!!!!!!!
  19. As if I have not gone about it enough already. But yeh...I will be is stacked up in the back of my car as I speak!
  20. That is classified information sir, if I tell you I will have to kill you.
  21. Absolutely spot on how that skydive went!!!!! Put it this way I am going back to stable exits again so I don't bone-fuck half my skydive just because I think it is fun! The "hop N pop" was a "hop N poop" in my case totally kicked me up the arse and let me know how lazy I have got......already! This is exactly why I am so looking forward to having some company in the air again...keep me on my toes and start trying new things like RW. Hopefully this weekend coming I will start getting a few coaching jumps.
  22. Thanks! I have'nt actually sent of my docs yet so I guess checking the mail in anticipation is'nt going to work but I went and got my pictures donw straight away monday morning for it! And I am in the process of buying gear. I have spent money like water on skydiving stuff since I started. Hopefully I will have my own rig by the end of the month. Hopefully!
  23. I have had one strange weekends adventures in the sky. First jump I did was my Cat 8. Shame it was a rubbish skydive, I was all over the show so I sealed the occasion with a muppet skydive. Oh well. Next jump was my first real Hop N Pop which was just as strange and funky but I have to admit REALLY good fun.
  24. Absolutely without a doubt the exit for me is one of the best bits of the skydive and I tend to have a real penchant for any kind of funky ass exit that either leaves me upside down watching the plane fly away or anything that is unstable. Rolling out the door in a tight ball is really fun. I am yet to try going out backwards but hopefully I can resolve that this weekend and have a go at that too.
  25. My brother refuses to sign for a tandem for my nephew, who I've lived with all his life. He's disgusted I encourage my nephew's interest, because of the number of funerals I've attended in the past 17 years (two of which he also attended, having known the victims). I've stopped bringing it up, but nephew turns 18 next year and so far is still keen.*** My brother is fine with me doing it now...and his son who is 13 wants to do one for his 16th which he will let him do as a present. But ironically it is another family member who is flipping out about this...saying how sad it is that a 16 year old does'nt have enough joy in their lives so they feel the need to throw themselves out of an aeroplane. They have called me irresponsible and much worse at times because I have a young child. It does make me feel quite confussed at times if it is the right thing to be doing....becasue when someone who has no idea what they are talking about starts ranting on at you it can trigger all those little doubts you push back into the back of your mind, the place it has to go in order to do anything worthwhile in this life. I have had several occasions I have felt quite twisted up by anothers words. Now I have selective hearing....and I tend not to talk about it with people who do not skydive anymore (family included), unless they ask me and are genuinely interested. So have my opinions changed...yes and I guess theirs have of me also.