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Everything posted by rickanderson

  1. i never said anything about down sizing. what is going on? i tried to do everything right, safety day, then getting current jumping my canopy, so now i think it will be fine for a while. what happened to dropzone.com? nobody wants to help?
  2. ok,ok, i am going to stay with the sabre2 for a bunch of jumps before i try something else. thanks guys for being so conservative and for letting me know what you think. it has been a while since i jumped so maybe i should be conservatice too I have quite a few jumps but maybe that doesnt matter.
  3. I have been away from skydiving for a while and have a sabre2 with a wingloading about 1.5 I like it OK but is there any other canopy that might be a little more fun for me? I don't have money burning my pocket or anything but new is always fun
  4. wow, things have changed a lot in 5 years. I just started skydiving again... bad marriage-bad divorce... now Im free! i hope you will all keep me entertained while i catch up crazy stuff going one in skydiving... makes me want to get a wing suit right away, but no, better wait and get good again.
  5. thanks, i have been wondering where to find those old movies!
  6. yeah, the first time i saw that on a racer i freaked out!
  7. i'm glad to see you back. sometimes i wish i had started skydiving back then, it seems like it would have been more exciting and maybe more fun, well maybe except for the round parachute stuff
  8. thats just crazy! maybe i can do that someday, but for now i guess i just need to watch the video
  9. what about skydive america? i have never heard of that. what did they do?
  10. whats that about? why wouldnt KC jumpers want to jump a turbine? how often do they have a pac750 there, because I go to KC sometimes.
  11. why not? i know bonfire is pretty crazy but there can be a serious area too.
  12. no, not a requirement, but for safety day a CPR class would be really great
  13. yeh I haven't been hear for a while and it seems slower than before, could it be all the ads?
  14. the safety page is weird, what does 2 STAs have to do with safety?
  15. yes, somebody else had a good question. why is mr. needles resigning and how much does he make? what does the president do?
  16. I never saw Mike Perry I live in Jersey, do i need to know someting about getting a new regional guy? do you know why he quit?
  17. wait a minute, i dont think the guy making the original announcment said anything about an upgrade. are there bigger engines on it now or are they just new? super beach?
  18. what is that!? uspa has a code of conduct? what is that for? does sombody think they can do something about drop zones?
  19. so what happened to this guy? is he still doing tandems? did he ask uspa whats going on?
  20. heh man send their names to Jan, she will take care of it.
  21. whoa man, you say uspa and strong company knew and praised, like wow, and commended him? you are going to need to show us how that happened! proof? talented instructor, that is a good one, if danger to the student is a talent this is interesting seeing so many people thinking that uspa should do more to this guy. usually everybody screams uspa is the bad guy.
  22. jan what's going on with this guy? Did USPA do anything?
  23. taken down? why? are they not supposed to be doing that?
  24. cool man but whay all the different airplanes? I thought you were going to have a caravan there all the time, now you seem to be having all kinds. how are things going? good luck
  25. Cloudi, sorry, i know you need to sing the company song, but hear are suggestions, weed out "dealers" who offer nothing but a discount some people dont need anything but a discount skip the dealers and sell direct yes, yes, yes!!! cut off sponsorship yes, yes, i dont care what big name guys use PD, do you? not support progress in the sport huh? you give me 2 mph more with velocity and that is progress?